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Showing posts from June, 2024

My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

  Chapter 102: I will not give my daughter to someone like you!! {TL: By Creed} After a fierce family quarrel... We were guided to the guest room of the Ascart family by Axel and Lina. The lord's mansion was very spacious, but its chic design made it feel quite cozy. We sat on the sofa, enjoying some tea while waiting for Edward. The match ended with Sofia's overwhelming victory, but it seemed she had been holding back. Edward didn't suffer any serious injuries and only had some minor bruises. He wasn't with us because he needed to get treated. "Mom, are you okay? You're not hurt?" "Hehe, I'm fine. Aisha, your mother is very strong." "Yeah... Mom, you were so cool." "Aww, Aisha, you're too cute! My daughter is the best!" "Mmmgh!" Sofia, thrilled by Aisha's concern, beamed and hugged Aisha tightly. Aisha seemed a bit uncomfortable but also very happy to be hugged by Sofia, smiling brightly. I felt a bit en

My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

  Chapter 101: A fierce parent-child quarrel {TL: By Creed} **Bang!!!** With that sound, Sofia vanished. No, she didn't vanish. She dashed forward at a speed so fast she was almost invisible. Her destination was... "Haa!!!" "Hmph!" Sofia swung her sword at Edward with all her might. A naked blade. And not just any blade—a holy sword. Even a graze would cause a serious injury. Edward, however, effortlessly blocked the sword saint's strike. Though one of his feet sank slightly into the dojo floor, that was all. He neither broke nor severed the sword, successfully defending himself. "Haaaaah!!!" Sofia launched a series of continuous strikes, swinging her sword at the speed of sound. But that wasn't all. Right, down, up, left, diagonal down, diagonal up... she varied her sword strokes with each strike, delivering blows from every conceivable angle. Anyone else would have been shredded to pieces before realizing what happened. But Edward was not jus

My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

  Chapter  100: Edward Ascart {TL: By Creed} Edward Ascart. The lord of Leafland. Also, the head instructor of the Divine King Dragon Swordsmanship Leafland Dojo. And... Sofia's father. "I'm surprised. So, Sofia's father is the lord..." "Didn't I tell you?" "No, you didn't." "Same here." Licorice and I shook our heads simultaneously. "Lord?" Aisha tilted her head in confusion, not understanding the term. While patting her head, I explained. "Um... simply put, he's the most important person in the town." "Like a king?" "Not as important as a king. It's more like he's entrusted with the town by the king, so he's the next most important person." "Hmm?" Aisha still looked puzzled. This is tough. Teaching young children is really challenging. "In other words, it's like the relationship between Fate and me." "Like a dad and mom?" "Fate is

My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

  Chapter 99: Disciple {TL: By Creed} Axel and Lina were surprised to see Sofia. Sofia was also surprised to see them. "Do you know each other?" "Yes, we do... but let's prioritize cleaning up first." "Oh, right." Sofia reminded them of the monster corpses they had left lying around. If they didn't dispose of them properly, they would attract other monsters... or worse, they might come back to life as undead. They needed to make sure to dispose of them thoroughly. "I'll help too." "Thank you, Licorice." They gathered the monster corpses in one place, and then Licorice used magic to burn them. The firepower was impressive, raising the surrounding temperature considerably. With this, there was no chance of the corpses coming back as undead. After that, they treated the injured and explored the area just to be safe. Once all that was done, they moved to a rest area set up midway through the tunnel. There, they reintroduced them

My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

  Chapter 98: Beyond the Tunnel {TL: By Creed} To get to Leafland, we have to cross the southern mountain range. But, crossing the mountains is reckless. It's spring now, so it's not as harsh as winter, but still, it will take a considerable toll on our stamina. Moreover, if you're not used to the mountains, it's easy to get lost. In the worst case, you could lose your life from a fall. However, there's no problem if you're heading to Leafland. Over ten years ago, a tunnel construction plan was initiated, and it opened about a year ago. It's no exaggeration to say that thanks to this tunnel, I was able to reunite with Sofia. I am grateful. And today, we will use that tunnel to cross the mountains. "Wow." "What's wrong, Fate?" "It's my first time in a tunnel, so it's amazing." The tunnel is wide enough for two carriages to run side by side. The height is about five meters. Magical lights are installed at regular inter

My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

  Chapter 97: FiancĂ© {TL: By Creed} "Engaged..." "To... whom...?" Licorice and I were left dumbfounded. "Engaged?" Aisha tilted her head in confusion, not understanding the meaning. "..." Sofia having a fiancĂ©? That made sense. Sofia is a sword saint. Not only that, she's incredibly beautiful with a goddess-like personality. Men wouldn't leave her alone. But... engaged? "Wh-what?!" Finally, I managed to grasp the reality and couldn't help but exclaim in surprise. Aisha flinched, but I couldn't do anything about it. "Wait, no, what? Sofia, you're getting married?" "N-no! No, that's not it at all! Fate, stop jumping to conclusions!" "But, the letter says..." "This is something my father decided on his own. I haven't agreed to this ridiculous proposal, and in fact, I just found out about it myself!!!" Sofia said, flustered. Judging by how frantic she was, her words must ha

My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

  Chapter 96: Letter {TL: By Creed} "Ahm!" Aisha opens her small mouth wide to eat the hamburger. Each time she takes a bite, she smiles happily. "Ahhh... my daughter is so, so cute..." Sofia was basking in the joy of parenthood, feeling like she was melting with happiness. It's been a month since we adopted Aisha. We have been steadily fostering our family bonds. Aisha has become very attached to us... And we have grown to love Aisha even more than before. Sofia, especially, is incredible. I hate to say it, but she is a complete doting parent. Every day, she spoils Aisha and has a very happy smile on her face. But I understand how she feels. I understand very well. I understand perfectly. Because Aisha is adorable. She's also earnest, always giving her best, serious, and kind... Yeah, maybe I'm a doting parent too. We are not related by blood. Some might say she's not our real daughter. But Sofia and I don't care about that. Aisha is our daughte

My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

Chapter 95: Warm and Cozy {TL: By Creed} I am a beastman from a certain village. A species with dog ears and a tail. Different from ordinary humans. Perhaps because of that, we lived in a village deep in the mountains, far from the town. It was quite inconvenient. We had to make fire by ourselves. We had to fetch water from the river every day. Every day was tough. But, I never thought it was unfortunate. I had a strong father. I had a kind mother. Not just them, I had a grandfather, a grandmother, and comrades... Everyone was there. So, I could spend every day with a smile. Everything was fulfilled. But... one day, everything ended. Humans attacked. What happened to the village... I don't know. My father and mother helped me escape. They told me never to get caught. I cried as I ran. I ran, and ran, and ran... But, I was caught. The human who captured me... No, was that really a human? Certainly, they looked human. But, their insides were like something else... I thought they were

My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

  Chapter 94: Dad and Mom {TL: By Creed} "......So, starting today, Aisha-chan is our daughter!" Sofia and the others suddenly came into my room... and said this. Seeing me in a daze, Sofia looked worried. "Could it be that you are against this, Fate?" "No, it's not that..." It was just so sudden that I was a bit surprised. After organizing the information for a moment, I looked at Aisha. I crouched down to meet her eyes. "Aisha, do you want to be our child?" "...Yes." Without hesitation, Aisha nodded firmly, looking at me as if clinging to hope. "...I want to be together..." I felt a strong urge to protect her. I also wanted to be together with her. This is bad. I might end up agreeing unconditionally to whatever Aisha says. But before that, I needed to confirm something. "I'm going to ask you something difficult. What about your... real parents, Aisha?" "......" Aisha silently shook her head. &quo