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My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

Chapter 103: You idiot!

{TL: By Creed}

"How could I possibly give my daughter to some nobody whose background is unclear!?"

A second shout of anger.

The air trembled so intensely that if I were any closer, my eardrums might have burst.

Such was the volume of his voice, enough to make anyone worry.

That's how furious Edward must be.

"Father, why are you against it?"

Sofia asked, a bit miffed. She probably didn't expect such immediate opposition.

But, from my perspective, I figured he would be against it.

Even though I was Sofia's childhood friend, we hadn't seen each other in nearly ten years.

To Edward, I must have seemed like a stranger who appeared out of nowhere.

"Fate is not some nobody. We played together often when we were little, and he even attended the dojo, didn't he?"

"Oh, is that so?"

"Did you forget? Although he didn't learn swordsmanship, we exercised together for physical training, didn't we?"

"Oh, now that you mention it..."

When we were little, just being with Sofia was the most fun, and I always wanted to be with her.

Because of that, we even exercised together at the dojo.

I had forgotten since it wasn't a regular occurrence, but...

"Oh, right, that did happen. What a nostalgic memory."

"Fufu. Back then, Fate always followed me around; he was very cute."

"That's because Sofia was so adorable."

"Oh, stop it..."

"What are you two flirting about in front of me!!!"


We had completely forgotten about Edward.

Apparently, Sofia had too, judging by her "oh no" expression.

Edward's anger boiled over from being ignored.

He shouted with a force that seemed like it could send spittle flying.

"It doesn't matter if you're childhood friends or what, I will never give my daughter to someone like you! Absolutely not! Leave immediately!"

"Father. I understand I might be at fault here, but chasing him away without listening is just..."

"Get out now!"

"Fate is a very strong adventurer. Not only that, he has talent in swordsmanship. He has learned the Divine King Dragon Sword Technique and as a successor..."

"If you won't leave, I'll cut you down!"


Oh, Sofia's expression turned irritated.

I understand Edward's anger, but...

But it seems Sofia is thinking, "Who cares about that?"

He won't listen to others and only imposes his demands.

Is that what an adult should do... she seems to be getting more and more frustrated.

Sofia's irritation reached its peak.

She smiled brightly... and then reached for her sword hilt again.


The maids waiting at the edge of the room sensed the dangerous atmosphere and trembled.

"So, you draw your sword when things don't go your way?"

"Father, it's because you won't listen to anything I say."

"Interesting. Shall we have another go? I’ll warn you, this time I’ll fight seriously. I was only using half my strength in the previous fight."

"Then I shall use only half my strength too."


"In the previous fight, I was using about a tenth of my strength."


"I would never seriously point a sword at my parent. However,"

Sofia's face sharpened like a blade as she grasped the hilt.

"I cannot forgive you for insulting Fate. Shall I take you on seriously?"


Sofia's full intimidation was directed at Edward.

He realized his daughter's growth in an unexpected way and faltered.

But retreating wasn't an option for him.

He quickly regained his composure and glared back at Sofia, as if to say, "If you want to fight, bring it on."


Both of them were being childish.

It was a parent-child quarrel, like children.

However, one was a Sword Saint.

The other was the master of the dojo.

If those two clashed seriously, things might truly get out of hand.

"Sofia, stop. Edward, please calm down."

"Why are you stopping me?"

"Boy, are you giving me orders?!"

The two of them speak in perfect unison.

Watching moments like these, it’s clear they are parent and child.

Their timing is spot on, and they get angry when interrupted, both traits they share.

"Sofia, we came here to talk. Fighting isn’t going to help."

"But... Father won't listen to anything I say..."

"And if you keep making scary faces, you'll frighten Aisha."


Sofia flinched, as if hit in a sore spot.

"Edward, please calm down too. I understand you don’t like me, but is this really how a lord should behave? You've lived more than twice as long as we have, so please act accordingly."


Edward couldn't argue against such a straightforward truth and made a bitter face.

"Now, both of you, put away your swords. Let's have a proper conversation first. Resorting to force comes after that."


"We are human, aren't we? If all we can do is use force, we're no better than monsters. Is that what you want?"

"No, it's not."

"Then let's talk."


Thank goodness, it seems they both understood.

They each sat back down on the sofa.

"Well done."

Suddenly, a third voice interjected.

The door to the parlor opened, and a woman appeared.

Her long hair shone like silver.

Her clothing seemed designed to accentuate that silver hair.

She was so attractive that I couldn't help but stare.

...Of course.

Even though Sofia was right there, I couldn't help but be captivated by this woman, and there was a reason for that.

That reason was...


That's right... this woman was Sofia’s mother.

Her name was, if I remember correctly, Emilia Ascart.

"Mediating between my husband and Sofia like that is no small feat. Your strength and mental fortitude, I have witnessed them clearly."

Saying this, Emilia smiled warmly.

TL Note: Emilia is soon going to get some new fans.


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