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My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman.

Chapter 16 Adventurer Fate is born

{TL: By Creed}

"Fate Stuart-san. Thanks to the recommendations from the Guild Master and Sofia Ascart-san, we are now accepting your adventurer registrations. Congratulations."

"Congratulations, Fate. I always believed you would pass."

Sofia congratulated me with a smile.

The receptionist also joined in the celebration.

In my hand, I held an adventurer's license card.

With this, I could officially become an adventurer.

I could hunt monsters, gather materials, and explore uncharted territories... The thought of going on adventures filled me with excitement.

I had never felt this way when I was a slave. My body felt light, like it could fly away.

My heart was dancing with joy.

By the way, Aizen also congratulated me...

But it seemed the Guild Master was busy and quickly went somewhere else.

After that, it appeared that Sigurd and the others had disappeared...

I wanted to follow those adventures who acted as witnesses, but things became quite busy.

I wanted to thank the people who stood for  me, but it was a shame.

"Excuse me. I have a question. Fate, is your rank F?"

Sofia, who had been looking at my license card from the side, asked this.

Actually, her face was quite close.

"Um... yes, that's correct."

"Even though you had a mock battle with the A-rank Sigurd and won against all of them?"


"You also defeated a Wyvern, right?"


The receptionist looked extremely troubled.

"I'm sorry... I also suggested to the Guild Master that Stuart-san should be at least C-rank, but..."

"Was it rejected because of the rules?"


"Really, that Guild Master is so inflexible. It seems like he's not very cooperative when it comes to matters related to Fate becoming an adventurer, doesn't it?"

"Well, I..."

While denying it, the receptionist couldn't continue speaking until the end, perhaps having some idea of the truth.

Could that really be the case?


Aizen, while certainly inflexible in some ways...

But he was kind, too.

Even if I said it as someone who had been fooled by Sigurd and the others, it didn't sound very convincing.

"Sofia, as for the rank, I don't mind."

"You should care! With a low rank, you'll receive fewer benefits from the guild, you know? If you reach C-rank or higher, you'll not only get a monthly operating budget but also subsidies for lodgings and equipment."

"That sounds like a good deal, but... I think there are things that only F-rank adventurers can do. What should I say... Starting from the very bottom, you can learn various things and have more opportunities. It's about gaining experience. I want to start from F-rank to experience a variety of things."

"Well... alright. If that's what Fate says, I won't stop you."

"Thank you, Sofia."

Starting from scratch as an adventurer may be tough, but I believed it would also be more enjoyable. Exciting things would happen.

Especially with Sofia by my side.

"But... I might cause trouble for Sofia. Thinking about that, I'm a bit hesitant."

"No, Fate. You will never be a bother. I have been looking forward to going on adventures with you since I was a child. If Fate doesn't care about rank, that's fine. Even if something happens, I... No, let's overcome it together. We can do it."

"Sofia... Yeah, you're right. Let's work hard together."


Sofia and I held hands, both of us smiling at each other.

"Um... since this is the guild, I think we should refrain from being too lovey-dovey..."

Embarrassed by the receptionist's remark, we both blushed.

"Cough... Well, then, lastly, Stuart-san, would you like us to assess your aptitude?"

"What does that mean?"

"It's a simple procedure to determine what someone is best suited for. For example, magic. For Ascart-san, it's the sword... it helps to figure out one's aptitude. Many new adventurers often find themselves unsure about which path to take, so the guild developed this technique to assist them."

"By the way, I was suited for the sword."

"I see."

I understood their explanation.

They were talking about my talents and what I might be good at. If it was something I could find out, I wanted to know.

"Alright, please go ahead."

"Yes, certainly. Please wait a moment."

A few minutes later, the receptionist brought out a transparent board, much like a crystal.

"Please place your hand here. It will display your aptitude on the upper part."

"Like this?"

As instructed, I placed my hand on the transparent board.

And... one minute passed without any changes.

"Does this take a long time?"

"W-well, no. It shouldn't take more than about thirty seconds..."

While they were talking, about three minutes had passed, but there was still no change. The part where aptitude was supposed to be displayed remained blank.

An unpleasant thought crossed my mind.

"Could it be... I have no talents at all?"

"T-that's not necessarily... but there might be other possibilities..."

"...No, there's one more possibility."

Sofia was slightly tensed, as if she had seen something unbelievable and was very surprised.

"Once, I heard on my travels that when nothing is displayed for aptitude, it's not because you have no talent, but rather the opposite."

"The opposite?"

"You can do everything."

The receptionist swallowed hard.

"Whether it's with a sword, magic, support roles, you can do everything. That's why no aptitude is displayed... I've heard stories like that. So, perhaps Fate is..."

"Jack of all trades?"

"It's like saying it casually... yes. But that's what it means. You might have a natural talent for doing anything."


Even with that explanation, it didn't quite sink in. I had been a former slave, so it was easier to accept the idea that I had no talent.

"Deciding whether you have talent or not is difficult... This is the first time we've encountered a situation like this, so we're not sure how to proceed."

"Don't worry about it."

"Huh? But..."

"It's just a reference, right? Getting too obsessed with the results wouldn't be good. I'll keep it in mind, but that's about it. Adventurers are like that, right? "

"Fufu, that's a typical Fate-like answer. You really haven't changed since you were little."

"Is that so?"

"Yes. You're the Fate I love."

I blushed a bit.

"Anyway... Stuart-san, from today, you will officially become an adventurer. It's a challenging profession, but I hope that your adventures will be filled with happiness."

The receptionist smiled warmly...

On this day, my long-held dream came true, and I became an adventurer.

TL Note: Finally Fate is now a adventurer but what's your take on the Guild Master Aizen? Comment your answers down in the comments.


  1. Get's probably his balls kicked by Sofia before they leave, just for good measure.


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