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My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman.

Chapter 27: At the scene of the incident

{TL: By Creed}

I came up with a certain strategy and put it into action.

However, that strategy unavoidably took some time.

In the meantime, wouldn't the fourth incident occur?

It was a gamble, but I won the bet.

Three days passed without the fourth incident occurring, and preparations to identify the culprit were complete.

To put on the finishing touches, Sofia and I visited the lord's mansion.

Since it was a sudden visit, they wouldn't normally meet us.

However, Sofia's title of Sword Saint proved useful, and they agreed to meet us.

It felt uncomfortable to use her like this, but she said, "It's okay. I want to be of help to Fate. If you need the title of Sword Saint, feel free to use it."

She said such things. Truly, she's a wonderful childhood friend for me.

"Please, this way."

After being kept waiting in the guest room, we were further escorted by a maid.

Then, we moved to the lord's office.

"Hello, welcome. I am Light Rosreis, the lord of this town."

"Nice to meet you. I am the Sword Saint, Sofia Ascart."

"Her friend, Fate Stuart."

Sofia curtsied gracefully.

"I appreciate you responding to our sudden visit."

"No problem. It's a request from none other than the Sword Saint. I'll hear you out even if it's a bit of a stretch."

"Thank you."

I also bowed. It's good to meet someone understanding.

"So, what brings you here today?"


Sofia looked at me, silently asking, "What's next?"

I signaled with my eyes that she should leave it to me and stepped forward.

"Recently, I have something to discuss about the series of murders causing a disturbance in the town."

"What is it?"

"We've identified the identity of the culprit."

"Is that true!? Who is it?"

"I'll reveal it shortly."

"What do you mean?"

"The culprit is... here."


The lord was surprised, and Sofia too. Since I hadn't explained the details, their reactions were expected.

I might get scolded later. It's scary.

"Here? There are only you, me, and the Sword Saint here."

"Exactly. This is what I mean."

I drew my sword and charged towards the lord.


Sofia panicked, but now was not the time to explain.

I rushed past the lord...

Ignoring him, I moved to his side.

Then, I swung my sword horizontally.


The sword struck an empty space, and a scream came from nowhere.

After a moment, there was a thud, as if something fell from an empty space.


"What... happened?"

The two were dumbfounded. As if explaining to them, I reached out to where the sound had come from.

Probably around here...

I found it.

"I found it."

Although there should be nothing, the sensation conveyed through my pointing finger.

I grabbed it and pulled it away.

"Eh... someone from nowhere...?"

"What does this mean?"

"This one is the culprit."

The one I referred to was... Mira.

"Why... why me?"

"Even if you hide, you're quite noticeable."

"Why would I,  caught by such a useless person..."

"It's because of that contempt of uselessness that you're being treated like this."

"Ugh... it's frustrating."

At that point, reaching her limit, Mira fainted.

"Hey, Fate. Can you please explain what's going on? I have no idea about the situation."

"Yeah, sure. First, about this magical tool. You might not see it, but right now, I'm holding a magical tool in my right hand. Judging by its shape, it's probably a robe? When you wear it, it integrates with the surrounding scenery and becomes transparent. Its weakness is that it can only be used during the day. Uh, the deactivation method is... Oh, there it is."

After fiddling with it, I successfully materialized the robe.

"Such a thing..."

"Mira wearing this... or perhaps, Sigurd or Lecter repeating the crimes. The fact that Mira is here is evidence of that."

"Did Fate know about the existence of this magical tool?"

"Yeah. I used to be in charge of managing their belongings, so I knew Sigurd and the others had this. That's how I could pinpoint the culprit. Maybe it was Sigurd and the others."

"I see... but how did you manage to find it so well? It not only deceived vision but also seemed to completely block any presence."

"When I aimed at the lord, killing intent leaked."

"Even if killing intent leaked, it should have been just for a moment... to notice that, you truly are something."

Perhaps Sofia had also noticed...

Because I had prior information, I was able to act first. If she had the same information, I think Sofia would have acted first.

"But why did you know that the lord would be targeted? And the timing..."

"I spread various information in these three days. Stuff like the lord's personal guards being lax. Manipulating information to induce a bigger crime and directing them to do so. Mira fell for that information hook, it seems."

"Oh! you used me as bait."

"Ah, sorry about that."

"Well, since we caught the culprit, let's leave it at that. But why did you know they would attack now?"

"Maybe to frame me for the crime."

The motive is still unclear...

Sigurd and the others disliked me and tried to socially erase me. That's why they caused this incident.

Causing a series of murders...

Placing the murder weapon secretly in my room at an opportune time.

After that, bringing military police with them for a caught-in-the-act arrest.

Since we had been together for a long time, I understand her possible actions.

...And that's what I explained.

"I see... Originally, you were the one being targeted."

"I thought if I moved, they would too. I expected that if I directly asked the lord, they would move at that time. Kill the lord, make someone witness it, then escape... Perhaps Mira had such a plan?"

"So, you made yourself bait too?"

"Geez, Fate, thinking of such dangerous things. If you made one wrong move, you might have really been arrested as a murderer, you know? Do you understand? Fate, you're too reckless!"

"Um... I'm sorry."

Sofia was genuinely angry, and I could tell she was genuinely worried, so I sincerely bowed my head.

"For this incident, I don't think Mira acted alone. Sigurd and the others were involved, and now that evidence hasn't been completely eradicated, various things might come to light."

"Indeed, let us proceed as you say. I'll contact the military police immediately."

And thus, the A-rank party "Flarebird," led by Sigurd and the others, was annihilated, and they were branded as criminals.

TL Note: Reader Alucard was right and now the trio finally met their end.....they give me Team Rocket vibes though....


  1. Thanks for the chapter. Jesse and James are far smarter than these idiots. They just had bad luck.


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