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My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

Chapter 33: Let's prepare the equipment

{TL: By Creed}

"Something really serious happened, huh?"

While having breakfast in the cafeteria, Fate expressed his thoughts.

Sofia, sitting across from him, tilted her head while neatly eating scrambled eggs.

"What are you talking about?"

"Not just Sigurd and the others, but also Aizen."

Sigurd and the others were recently tried and found guilty. Sigurd, the mastermind of the whole series of events, received the death penalty. Mira and Lector, although granted leniency for acting under Sigurd's orders, still ended up as labor slaves.

We won't meet again.

Meanwhile, Aizen was also arrested by the military police. About a week ago, he suddenly announced his retirement due to a serious injury, but...

Afterward, the military police launched an investigation, and his committed crimes were gradually revealed. He was arrested on the spot. It seems he had done quite a lot, and investigations are still ongoing. The trial is likely to be prolonged.

"Isn't it something we shouldn't care about?"

"Wh-why not?"

"It's clear that they are criminals. Getting arrested is their own fault. Even if the Adventurers Guild is damaged by this incident, that, too, is their own fault. It's not something we should be concerned about."

"Yeah, I know. It's just that things are going to be tough from now on..."

After all, the guild master has been arrested. In national terms, it's like a minister being arrested. The adventurer industry will be in turmoil for a while.

"It seems the guild will be closed for a while... sigh. I became an adventurer and completed only two requests. It's a bit sad..."

"I expected this to happen, but to disappoint Fate like this... Ugh, what a failure on my part."


"No, it's nothing."

She had a face that seemed like something happened, but maybe it's just my imagination?

"Still, having a blank period is not a bad thing, right? Fate, even though you've become an adventurer, there are still things you lack, right?"

"Yeah. I think I lack the abilities to be a proper adventurer, and knowledge too."

"No, no, you have more than enough of those."

"Do you think so?"

"Yes, I do."

"Well... It's nice that Sofia says that, but I don't want to become complacent. Being a novice adventurer is a reality, so I want to steadily move forward from scratch."

"You're very serious... But, even so, Fate is wonderful!"

The conversation deviated.

"If it's not strength or knowledge, then what is it?"

"Well, things like connections and tips for successfully completing requests. Resourcefulness and application, various things. But first, it's definitely equipment."

When she mentioned equipment, I looked at myself. The clothes are sturdy, so there shouldn't be any problems... or so it seems, but there are frayed and torn parts here and there. It's been five years since I started wearing them... It might be reaching its limit.

Also, the sword is borrowed from Sofia. No backpack. No other armor.

"I decided to take on the two requests because Fate seemed to be having so much fun... But, yeah, it seems like it would be better to prepare equipment first. In case of emergency, I was planning to manage somehow, but Fate tends to step forward..."


Unable to argue with Sofia's words, I lowered my head sincerely.

When we defeated Fenrir.

When we captured Sigurd and the others.

I chose not to rely on Sofia and instead opted for a solution to resolve things on my own.

Even though I felt that I couldn't continue as an adventurer relying solely on her...

But since I'm still a beginner, maybe it's okay to depend on her.

I should do various things once I become more experienced.

"Sorry for making you worry."

"Absolutely. Every time Fate does something outrageous, my stomach gets all knotted up, you know? Reflect on it, please. Also, next time, express your gratitude. Like patting my head or giving me a hug, do something like that."

"If that's all right, anytime."

"Did you hear me?! It's a promise, okay?!"


I was caught off guard by her intense response.

"Um... So, was the discussion about getting equipment first?"

"Yes, that's right. The rewards from the previous requests were decent, and I have plenty of funds as well, so let's purchase some good equipment."

"Yeah, understood."

First, we went to the clothing store and updated everything from shoes to gloves.

Sturdy, easy to move in, and high-quality items.

At this point, I didn't mind the price and bought several sets, including spares.

Then, we bought armor at the weapon shop.

There were various options, from light armor to full plate armor, and it was quite difficult to decide...

Following Sofia's advice, I purchased armor to protect my arms, chest, and legs, prioritizing ease of movement.

Finally, the sword.

We visited the most reputable weapon shop in town and browsed the selection.


"How about this?"

"What should I say... there's just nothing that feels right."

Despite trying various swords, none of them felt comfortable.

I couldn't decide.

"How does Sofia choose her swords? Based on what criteria?"

"Well, that's difficult to put into words; it's more of an intuition. It's a sense of trust in the sword. Like, 'this sword can...'—it's a trust that springs up."


"The sword responds to that expectation, and my first beloved sword became a long-time companion. Even now, I use this one... but still, I carefully store the first one."

"I see."

In the end, it seemed better to trust my own feelings.

However, that led to a problem.

Every sword I looked at gave me a feeling of something different...

There was nothing that felt right.

"It might be because Fate's physical abilities, talents, and potential are too high for the swords available here."

"Is that so?"

"For now, let's buy the three best swords as temporary substitutes. Can we use them until you find your ideal sword?"


So, I purchased the three swords and left the store.

"These three swords are just temporary substitutes. Use them for a while... in the meantime, let's find the sword you truly desire."

"But where can I find a good sword? If the best weapon store in this town doesn't have one, should I go to another town?"

"No, it's fine. I have an idea without moving to another town."

"Oh, really? What is it?"

"There's a dungeon nearby... and inside, there's said to be a sword forged by fairies."

TL Note: Now it's time for dungeon Exploration.


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