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My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman


Chapter 36 Bottom layer

{TL: By Creed}

When I listened to her story, it seemed like Sofia was trapped in darkness.

According to her speculation, could she have been sent to a subspace by a trap?

There was no way out.

She didn't know how to escape.

In that case, why not try tearing through dimensions?

That's when she started thinking about something quite dangerous...

Suddenly, the trap was released, and she returned here.

I explained to Sofia what had happened here.

"My impostor... What a troublesome trap. If I had fallen into that trap, it could have been dangerous, you know?"

"Huh? Really? I can't imagine Sofia having a hard time."

"It was a huge struggle. Having two Fates... it's like heaven!"

Sofia said firmly, clenching her fist. Her eyes looked a bit strange.

"Look right, and there's Fate. Look left, and there's Fate. It's wonderful. I'm sure I'll take them both home. And... huh!?"


"Um... that, what was that just now..."



"For now, can we pretend we didn't see anything?"


Blushing with embarrassment, Sofia nodded slightly. Occasionally going off the rails was also typical of her.

"As for the trap... I might have deactivated it on my end, so maybe Sofia's trap was also released."

"That might be the case. Thank you, Fate."

"No problem."

"By the way, what kind of trap did Sofia face?"

"It wasn't a big deal. A swarm of magic beasts equivalent to A-rank, maybe more than a hundred? They just attacked me all at once."

"Just attacked, you say... I don't think you can say something like that casually."

"It's not that big of a deal."

I was really lucky not to have fallen into the trap earlier. I genuinely thought that from the bottom of my heart.



Anyway, Sofia being safe was the most important thing.

"Who do you think set up such a trap?"

According to rumors, it seems to be fairies.


"The sword in the deepest part is said to have been forged by fairies. They don't want to give it to anyone, so they protect it themselves and set up traps for that purpose... that's what some people say."

"I see, that makes sense. But if that's the case, in the deepest part, there might not only be a sword but also fairies, right?"

"It's possible."

"Hmm, fairies..."

When I was a slave, I traveled to various places, but I never saw fairies.

I wonder what they look like. Are they as small as in stories? Do they have beautiful wings?

"Do you want to see them?"

"Huh, why did you know what I was thinking..."

"I know everything about Fate."

She said with a "just kidding" tone, sticking her tongue out.

"That's a lie. Fate is very easy to understand. What you're thinking immediately shows on your face."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah. Be careful when playing card games, for example."

"Well... I don't know if I'll have such an opportunity, but I understand. I'll be careful."

"Then, let's head to the next floor."

There might be a similar trap again. Or perhaps, there might be even more formidable and troublesome traps than before.

With great care, Sofia and I set out to conquer the ninth floor.

What awaits us?

It was quite exciting, but...

We didn't encounter any major obstacles, and we successfully cleared it. We reached the bottom of the tenth floor.

"According to the information, it seems like this is the bottom floor, huh."

A door is visible at the end of the straight corridor. Probably, beyond that door is the deepest part. There was an atmosphere that gave off that impression.

Moving to the front of the door, I press my ear against it to eavesdrop and figure out what's on the other side.

"Do you hear anything?"

"Hmm... At least there don't seem to be any monsters, but I'm not sure about the details. We might have to open it to find out."

"Well, then let's open it."

"Sofia, you're quite bold, aren't you?"

"Hehe. I don't call myself the Sword Saint for nothing, you know?"

Sofia goes in front, and I follow behind. It's a bit embarrassing, but since she's overwhelmingly stronger, it's the right way to do it.

We set up our formation and enter beyond the door.


"It's empty... huh."

A small room where everything is visible at a glance. There's only a spring in the center, and nothing else.

"Could there be another floor at the bottom of this spring?"

"I can see the bottom, so probably not. There might be some other mechanism. Let's look for it."


The two of us split up and thoroughly investigate the room. To make sure nothing is overlooked, we conduct a thorough search.

However, we can't find anything, and only time passes.

"Hmm... I don't want to imagine it, but maybe the sword forged by the fairies has been taken by someone. If we've searched this much and found nothing, it's the only other possibility..."

"Unfortunately, that might be a natural conclusion... huh?"

Suddenly, I felt a sense of discomfort.

How should I put it...

It's hard to articulate, but something is off; my instincts are telling me.

"This is..."

"Fate, what's wrong?"

"Just a moment, something is..."

At that moment, I sensed the presence of a third party. They had been cleverly hiding it until now, but for a moment, their presence leaked.



I reach out to an apparently empty space. Then, I manage to grab something, and a scream-like voice is heard.

"Huh, was that voice just now... or rather, Fate, you seem to be grabbing something... what is it?"

"I don't really know, but there's something here."

From the sensation in my hand, it's probably a little larger than the palm of my hand. There's something transparent.

"Ugyaaaa, let me gooo!"


With that voice, the scenery distorts slightly, and a tiny, tiny girl appears.

TL Note: Enter the fairy , How was Christmas for you?


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