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My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman.


Chapter 3 Escape from the current situation and reunion

{TL By: Creed}

"What's going on, you incompetent fool!!!"


Sigurd's angry voice was hurled at me, and then I was struck again. I was thrown to the floor.

This place was an inn and dining hall, so there were other customers present. However, Sigurd had a notorious reputation as a rough adventurer, and nobody wanted to get involved. Naturally, they pretended not to notice me.


Being a slave, even if someone with good intentions were to stand up for me, they couldn't help me. How slaves were treated was entirely up to their master. There were no human rights.

"You dropped the loot we worked so hard to get, didn't you? Hey, hey, hey! What the hell are you doing? How much do you think today's earnings have decreased because of you?"

"I'm sorry... Ugh!?"

I was kicked hard in the abdomen. It was a powerful blow that lifted me off the ground.

It hurt.

I curled up and coughed violently.

And as I did, Mira stepped on my head.

"Wow, I'm surprised. I thought you were useless, but I never imagined you could be this utterly useless. No, even worse? Because all you bring is negative effects."


"Hey, are you listening? Are you? Do you think a useless person like you can ignore what I'm saying?"

"I'm listening... properly..."

"Then why did you drop the loot? You useless piece of garbage!"


My head was repeatedly stomped on. Probably with all of her strength.

There was no way I could fight back...

And if I tried to avoid it, that would only earn me more anger.

All I could do was curl up like a turtle and endure it.

"Why did you drop the loot?" 

This time, Lecter grabbed me by the collar.

"The bag... had a hole in it... and by the time I noticed... it was already..."

"Why didn't you notice that the bag had a hole?"

"I did notice... I even reported... that it needed to be replaced... but everyone said they didn't need it..."

"No need for excuses."


I was slammed to the floor. Then, my abdomen was stomped on once again.

"Seriously... I didn't think you could be this useless. You're betraying my calculations, but in a bad way."

"Let's think of a punishment. We can't let him fail again without consequences, it has to be a tough punishment."

"Yeah. We need to make him understand his position."

Mira and Sigurd continued to stomp on my body without any hesitation or mercy, just like any other piece of trash lying around.

It hurt.

It was painful.

It was agonizing.

But even so...

I didn't want to yield to these people.

Even if I couldn't do anything physically, I didn't want to sell my soul or surrender my spirit.

With all the resistance I could muster, I glared at the three of them.

"That look... it's irritating, isn't it? Hey, you still don't seem to understand your position. Listen up, you're a slave, and you're a useless one at that. Nobody needs you!!!"

"...Then, can I have him?"

Suddenly, a firm voice echoed.

The door to the inn and dining hall opened, and a young girl appeared.

She looked to be about my age... around eighteen, perhaps?

Her face had a hint of youthfulness, which only added to her cuteness, giving her an angelic charm.

Her hair was silver, silky and shining as if it had collected the morning sun. It reached down to her waist, adorned with a large ribbon. It might have seemed childlike, but it complemented her charm perfectly.

Slender limbs and a well-defined figure. Her presence not only captured the attention of men but would likely evoke envy and jealousy from other women.

"No way..." I muttered.

Despite being trampled by Sigurd and the others...

I had forgotten about my current situation, captivated by her presence. My heart and soul were taken.

Her appearance...

Her voice...

Her confident smile...

Everything about her seemed familiar. There was no way I could forget.

She was...


My childhood friend, Sofia Ascarth.

"Who are you?" Sigurd asked Sofia in a puzzled tone. Then, he grinned lasciviously.

"I don't know who you are, but... you want this guy?" he said, pointing at me.


With that word, he stomped on my face forcefully, and a cry of agony escaped my lips.

Sofia's eyebrows twitched slightly.

"If I heard correctly, you said you wanted this useless piece of garbage, right? You actually want this worthless trash?"

"Yes, that's right. I don't see any mistake," Sofia replied.

"Some people have strange tastes if they want someone like this. Don't you think so, Mira, Lecter?"

"Yeah, it's really strange. This guy is useless beyond belief. You must have some really peculiar preferences."

"Let me explain, at least... He's not only uncooperative but also lacks any useful skills. This guy is utterly useless."

Once again, Sofia's eyebrows twitched.

Unaware of this, Sigurd continued his conversation.

"Well, if this guy were a regular party member, he could do as he pleases, but he's our slave."

"A slave? Is that true?"

"It's true. Look at this guy's neck."

I was forced to stand up.

Sofia looked at the slave mark, the contract collar around my neck, and her eyebrows twitched even more.

"So, we own this guy," Sigurd explained.

"I see... I understand now. Yes, I understand."

"Well, he's completely useless. If you want him, we can let you have him, but..."

Sigurd looked at Sofia with lustful eyes.

"Could you show us some sincerity in return? Just spending one night together should suffice. Although, you might be so captivated by my skills that you'll want to stay with me."

"You're such a beast, Sigurd!"

"Good grief, you have such bad habits."

Mira and Lecter seemed to let Sigurd do as he pleased. They didn't seem to care about what would happen to me anymore.

"How about it? It's not a bad deal, right?"

"Well... What should I do?"

"You don't have any other choice, do you? As long as this collar is here, he'll remain a slave. He belongs to us."

"That's true. So... let's find a way to get rid of that collar."

Sofia smiled warmly.

And then...


Without warning, she drew the sword hanging from her waist.


Sigurd and the others were left in shock, not understanding what was happening.

In the midst of it all, a crack appeared on my collar...

The collar split cleanly into two, falling with a thud to the floor.

Sigurd, seeing this, panicked.

"What!? The contract collar... W-what the hell just happened!?"

"Please don't panic. I simply cut it. That's all."

"You... cut the contract collar with a sword?"

"Huh, no way... That's impossible. Cutting only the collar without harming him? Even an S-rank adventurer couldn't do something like that."

"Well, to begin with, contract collars aren't the type of thing you can just cut with a sword. Even a sword worth over a million wouldn't easily leave a mark... unless it's a legendary holy sword or divine weapon..."

While Sigurd and the others were in a state of panic, Sofia smiled and said, "Now, he's no longer a slave. He's free. So, it's alright if I take him, right?"

Her smile had a mischievous touch to it.

In response, Sigurd shouted angrily, "Don't joke around! Don't think we'll just stay quiet after all this! You piece of crap!!"

Sigurd, furious, lunged at Sofia.

Seeing this, Sofia's smile faded...

"Oh my, you're angry, aren't you? But don't think it's just you who's angry. I won't forgive anyone who does something like this to my Fate."


Instantly, an overwhelming sense of absolute zero hostility swept over them. It was a chilling, crushing force.

Under the weight of Sofia's intense killing intent, Sigurd and the others couldn't move, their bodies covered in sweat.

"Also... I despise vulgar people like you. I absolutely refuse to associate with someone like you. Please, come back to life in your next incarnation and try again."


Sofia's fist erupted, and despite being an A-rank powerhouse, Sigurd's eyes rolled back as he collapsed unconscious from a single blow.

TL Note: Well this reunion was impactful and Sigurd needs a beating.




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