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My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

Chapter 41: Won't you come with me?

{TL: By Creed}

"Yes, this is the sword that Fate and Sofia were looking for. The fairies forged it," Licorice guided us to a place where there was a single sword.

The blade was transparent like crystal and beautiful like a gem. However, it didn't give the impression of being fragile; instead, it felt quite sturdy.

The handle had a simple design, perhaps emphasizing usability. A gem was set in it.

"Oh, it's a very beautiful sword."

"Hehe, right? It's a sword forged by us fairies, after all."

"What's its name?"

"Snow Crystal Sword. As the name suggests, it's made from a mineral called snow crystal."

"Quite literal."

"It has a sharp edge, and it's quite robust. It won't break or dull unless something significant happens. Even if it does break, it seems to repair itself automatically."

"Self-repair function? That's amazing... Fate, could you show me as well?"


Fate handed the Snow Crystal Sword to Sofia.

"This is... What a beautiful blade. The sharpness is quite...," murmured Sofia to herself. Her eyes sparkled like a child's.

Perhaps, being the Sword Saint, she simply loved swords. Come to think of it, aside from Excalibur, her main sword, she had various other swords.

"Um, Fate, I have a request..."

"Hmm? What is it?"

"It's okay if it's only occasionally, but could you lend me this sword? I want to examine it closely... and later, I'd be happy to take care of it!"

"Well... yeah, that's fine."

"Thank you!"

It turned out to be an unexpected side of her childhood friend.

"Thanks, Licorice. I'll take good care of the Snow Crystal Sword."

"Yeah, please do. It's rare for us fairies to give gifts to humans, so be grateful."

"Yeah, thanks."

"Huh? Well, don't say things like 'thank you.' Originally, I'm the one who should be saying that. Honestly, humans are so clueless."

"Um... why am I being scolded?"


Licorice puffed out her cheeks and turned her face away. However, her cheeks were red.

Is she just shy?

"Oh, right. Since you're here, feel free to take other treasures too."


"Leaving them here will just gather dust. It's better if you use them meaningfully."


Sofia looked at me as if saying, 'It's up to you.' 



"It's a kind offer, but we'll pass."

"Huh? Why? There are quite a few rare items here. If you sell them all, you can live a carefree life, right? And you two are adventurers, aren't you? There are many things that could be useful for your adventures."

"But these are treasures that Licorice and her friends collected together."


"Taking out the memories of the two of them together, I can't do that."

"You're... such an idiot."

Even though she said that, Licorice seemed somewhat happy. I'm often told I'm dull...

I somehow managed to grasp her personality.

Not straightforward, but she's probably a very kind fairy.

I want to be with Licorice, who is like that. With that thought in mind, I found myself speaking without realizing it.

"Hey, Licorice, what are your plans from now on?"

"Hmm, I wonder? I thought about using the treasures here to deploy an invincible barrier to protect the grave... After that, maybe I'll casually go on a journey? I've been in this dungeon for a long time, so I'm starting to miss the outside world."

"Then, why not come with us?"


Licorice's eyes widened. Then she tilted her entire body, appealing her skepticism with her whole being.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean exactly that."

"That I become Fate and Sofia's companion?"

"Yeah, that's right."


She looked extremely bewildered. Without saying it explicitly, she seemed to be asking, "Are you an idiot?"

"Are you an idiot?"

Oh, I've been called out.

"Faries becoming friends with humans? I've never heard of such a thing. It's impossible. Besides, it's because of humans that the number of us fairies has decreased, you know? Do you think we'd become friends with humans?"

"Hmm... now that you mention it, maybe not."

"You hadn't thought about it...?"

"It was more of a spontaneous idea. I thought that if I'm with Licorice, it will surely be a fun journey, and also..."

"And also?"

"One is lonelier than two. Two is lonelier than three. I think a journey is more enjoyable with many people. Being alone... it's lonely."


Licorice widened her eyes again...


She burst into laughter.

"Okay, okay! Yeah, sure. Fate, you're the best. I've never met such an interesting human before."

"It's because it's Fate."

For some reason, Sofia became proud.

Licorice's gaze then shifted to Sofia.

"Sofia, is it okay if I'm with you?"

"Yes. I think it will be very enjoyable with Licorice."

"Hmm... Is it okay if it's not just the two of you, alone in adventure with Fate?"

"That's honestly a difficult question... but with Licorice, she's more than welcome."


After showing a contemplative gesture...

Then Licorice grinned mischievously.

"So, you're relieved because I'm a fairy?  Aren't you worried that I might take Fate away from you?"

"...There's no such thing."

"Is there something new going on now? Well, anyway we should..."

Licorice floated gently and came next to me.

Then, she gently leaned in and...


She kissed my cheek.




Licorice had a villainous smile, and Sofia looked stunned.

"I can do things like this too, you know?"

"...Fate. I'm going to get rid of that pest over there, so please step back a bit."

"Hahaha, you're not calm at all. With that, is it really okay for me to be here?"

"No, Licorice should not come with us. I object!"

"Nope. It's too late now. It looks like it'll be a lot of fun, so I'll join you."

"Fate! Let's seal Licorice here and leave!"

"Hehehe. From now on, rely on me, Fate. Sofia♪"

Licorice smiled pleasantly.

For now...

It seemed like I was about to enter a noisy daily life, and I smiled wryly.

TL Note: Licorice-chan joins the party.


  1. As long it doesn't turn into harem, I'm on board with this.
    Fairy X Humans would be a bit weird anyway.


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