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My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

Chapter 40: Sofia got angry

{TL: By Creed}


Sofia rushes towards me with an intense expression as soon as I am freed.

Wait, is she angry?

"Show me your hands, quickly!"

"Huh? Oh, sure." 

I turn my hands, showing my palms.

Due to holding the scythe, they are cut open quite deeply, bleeding profusely without the wounds closing.

"Oh no, such a serious injury...!"

"Huh? It's not that bad, right?"

"It's a significant injury!"

Is it... really?

Although Sofia is frantic, I, in truth, don't quite understand.

During my time as a slave, injuries like these were common...

So, I don't recognize this as a major injury. Is it just a bit painful?

As I ponder this...

"You idiot!"

Sofia, with teary eyes, genuinely scolds me.

"Are you stupid, Fate?! Seriously... you fool, fool, fool!!!"

"Uh, um...?"

"You've worried me so much..."


I feel deeply sorry for making her sad.

However, even at such a moment, I can't help but feel happy.

Someone cares enough to shed tears for me.

That, in itself, is a profound source of happiness.

Sofia's kindness warms my heart and heals not only my wounds but also my soul.

Back when I was alone, I could never have experienced something like this.

Yet, I can't help but feel apologetic for causing her so much worry to the point of making her cry.

"Sorry, Sofia. I'll try not to do anything reckless."

"Not just try, promise me you won't."

"Sorry, I might not be able to promise that. If you were in danger, I might do something reckless to save you."

"Is Fate... overprotective, perhaps?"

"Would you say that, Sofia?"


Sofia laughs softly.


Her smiling face is what I prefer.

It's not just because she's cute or beautiful, although those are reasons too. Watching her, I can't help but feel at ease. There's a mysterious power in Sofia's smile that can bring comfort to others.

"Have you all forgotten about me?"

For genuinely forgetting, Licorice's annoyed gaze hurts.

For now, I awkwardly laugh to divert the attention.

"Jeez... Anyway, show me your hands."

"Like this?"

"Whoa. It's quite a clean cut... but well, I can fix this."

As Licorice waves her hand, a warm light envelops us. The wound seems to reverse in time, healing itself.

"Wow, amazing."

"Is this, by any chance, the power of fairies?"

"Well, something like that! It's a piece of cake for someone like me, hehe!"

"Thank you, Licorice."

The spilled blood doesn't return, but it's more than enough.

Just having the wound close is immensely grateful.

"Alright, can I continue exploring now? With this, the monster that was lurking here is finished, right? There won't be any other unexpected developments, right?"

"Don't worry, Fate. It's just that one reaper."

"That's a relief."

"By the way... We had quite a flashy battle, but is Licorice's precious stuff okay? Or is there a possibility it got ransacked by the reaper?"

"Well... I think it should be fine. But now that you mention it, I'm starting to get anxious. Let's check right away."

Licorice floats towards the door at the back of the room.

That must be the treasure trove.

Her precious things should be inside.

The key didn't seem to be used as the door was locked, but our opponent is a reaper. They might have slipped through the door and caused trouble.

"Open up."

Licorice's incantation seems to serve as the key, and the door responds to her voice, opening. Before the door is fully open, Licorice slips through the gap and enters the treasure trove.

We follow her and move into the treasure trove.


I involuntarily utter such a voice; the room is filled with numerous treasures. Piles of gold coins, accessories adorned with many gemstones, small bottles with floating light orbs, aurora-like feathered garments... there are also items I've never seen before.

"This is amazing... to think there would be such treasures left."

Other adventurers, except for us, mistakenly considered the tenth floor as the bottom and turned back. The treasure trove was left untouched, and the treasures kept accumulating. That's how it ended up in this state.

Fairies love treasures, much like crows collecting shiny objects. They have a habit of gathering and storing things they like. All the treasures here are probably collected by Licorice.

"What are Licorice's precious belongings?"


No response.

Without answering, Licorice flies deeper into the treasure trove, seemingly indicating the answer.

Following her, we find ourselves surrounded by many treasures, and there's a simple grave.

It's a very small size.

Flowers are offered.

They seem to be special flowers, never withering or wilting, gently shining.

"That is..."

"It's my friend's grave."

"Is that so... that's what Licorice treasures."


Licorice takes out flowers from somewhere and offers them to the grave. Then, she clasps her hands together and prays.

Sofia and I follow suit and offer our prayers.

Licorice's friend, whose name we don't know...

Please rest in peace.

"The majority of the treasures here were gathered by that kid."

"I see... I thought Licorice had collected them."

"I don't dislike treasures, but I don't like them that much. That kid collected them... but on the way, she failed, came back here covered in blood, and stayed like this."


"It's okay. I've already sorted out my feelings."

Licorice, saying so, indeed had a clear expression.

It's not a facade; there doesn't seem to be any particular issue.

"I was worried that the grave might have been desecrated... but it wasn't. And we managed to drive away the monsters safely. This is also thanks to you... no, Fate and Sofia. Thank you."

Licorice smiles brightly.

That smile shines like the sun.

TL Note: The author changed back to reaper but it's all the same and R.I.P for Licorice-chan's friend.


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