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My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

Chapter 39 VS Shinigami( Grim Reaper)

{TL: By Creed}

"Gyaaaaaa!? What is this, what is this, what is this!? I-I feel like I'm being grabbed by something slimy!"

Amidst Licorice's loud screams, the shinigami revealed themselves from the ceiling.

"Noooo!? This thing is gross, incredibly gross! Is it after my body!? Is it!? No, that's not okay. Go after someone else!"

"Could you not casually consider selling people...?"

Even with Licorice caught, her energetic demeanor slightly eased the tension.

Nevertheless, Licorice being captured by the shinigami was troublesome. Unable to act recklessly, Sofia and I stared down the shinigami with our hands reaching for the sword hilts.

"Don't move."


"Drop your weapons."


Alright, I understand. I can't just obediently comply. If I do that, she might just be killed on the spot.

"Do we kill this one?"


The scythe was at Licorice's throat. With a little more pressure, her throat would be cut.

It's over if we let go of our weapons. But abandoning Licorice is not an option.

What should we do...


Wait a minute.

While Licorice is being held hostage, the shinigami conveniently appeared, and in a sense, isn't this an opportunity?

"Okay, I'll drop my weapon."



Leave it to me, I conveyed through eye contact.

"...Alright. Let's drop our weapons."

As expected of childhood friends. Not only does she quickly understand my intentions, but she also trusts me. She's reliable after all.

"Is this okay?"

Sofia and I each placed our swords on the floor. Then, we kicked them away to a distance.

"Are you honestly complying?"

"Because Licorice is being held hostage. If it's to save her, there's no other choice."

"Hehe... Fate, you're an incredibly good guy!"

"Now, we've met your demand. It's our turn. Please release Licorice."

"Kukuku... Would I listen to such a request?"

As expected, it seems the shinigami has no intention of keeping promises. It looks like she intends to finish us off.

"Well, could you at least consider exchanging hostages?"


"I want Licorice to be released. In exchange, I'll be the hostage."

"Is that so?"

"Sofia is strong, you know? Even unarmed, I think she can defeat you."


"Facing someone like Sofia, I'll become the ultimate hostage. I don't think it's a bad deal, right?"


A moment of hesitation.

After a short while,


The shinigami nodded slightly.

"Raise your hands and come here."


As instructed, I raised my hands and walked toward the shinigami.


Sofia called my name with worry from behind. I smiled over my shoulder to reassure her.

"Haaa... Th-thank goodness."

I became the hostage, and in return, Licorice was released. Rather than strictly keeping their promise, it seemed more like a decision to avoid complications with two hostages—choosing to release one.

"Now, about that fairy over there."

"Huh? Me!? What is it? Do you still intend to do something!?"

"Kill her here."


The shinigami, seemingly from nowhere, took out a dagger and handed it to Licorice.

"W-why me..."

"If you fail, he dies."


Licorice glared at the shinigami, and Sofia emitted an intense killing intent.

I didn't want to cause any more worry for the two, so I decided to end it quickly.

"Sorry, but... I won't let Licorice kill Sofia, and I don't intend to die either."


I grabbed the scythe pressed against my throat with my hand and pushed it back. Of course, my hand was cut, but since I was holding it with my own will, it didn't cut through to the bone.

Endure the pain. I'm used to enduring, so I can move normally.

"Take this!"


Jumping up, I delivered a headbutt to the shinigami's chin. It felt like stars were scattering from the pain, but in a contest of head hardness, I won. The shinigami staggered and tried to escape to the floor.

But that wouldn't do. I grabbed the shinigami's hand and stopped her here.

"You, let go!"

"No... Sofia!"


With incredible instantaneous power, Sofia had already picked up the kicked-away sword. She took a stance and said,

"Divine Dragon Sword Technique, Third Form... Crimson!"

An acceleration so fast it seemed like teleportation. She thrust the sword, piercing the head of the shinigami.

Not just any sword, but the one and only Holy Sword Excalibur in the world. Its power was overwhelming.


The shinigami, without the ability to resist, perished on the spot.

TL Note: Shinagami here refer to the same Grim Reaper in the previous chapter, idk why the author changed to shinigami from the Grim Reaper but i also followed as they both mean the same thing.


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