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My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

Chapter 44: The night before the decisive battle

{TL: By Creed}

Finding the prelude to a stampede isn't that difficult.

An unbelievable number of monsters gather, forming massive herds.

Normally, such a sight would be hard to overlook.

However, there are exceptions.

For instance, within dungeons.

For instance, in unexplored territories untouched by humans.

In such places, if monsters form herds, discovery is inevitably delayed.

It seems this time was no exception. By the time they found out, a considerable number of monsters had already gathered, on the verge of exploding.

The stampede was imminent, just a few days away.

Afterward, they hurriedly prepared, and when there was only one day left, we were called upon.

"Humans can be quite troublesome, huh?"


Preparations for interception and evacuation.

In the midst of the chaotic city, Licorice casually spoke.

"If monsters are approaching, why not just run away? Why go through all this trouble?"

"It's not easy to abandon the city. Even if we manage to escape successfully, without a city as the foundation of our lives, we'd still end up dying."

"Hmm, humans really are a hassle. As a fairy like me, I can live anywhere without needing a city."

I wonder what the ecology of fairies is like. I'm suddenly curious, but now is not the time to discuss such matters.


Tomorrow, a sudden decisive battle.

To build up energy, I'm eating a lot at the inn, but Sofia's expression is not great.

"What's wrong?"

"Well... after hearing the plan, I can't help but feel anxious."

"A two-front strategy."

The stampede consists of a horde of miscellaneous monsters and a queen at their center.

Defeating just the horde won't subdue the stampede. It's necessary to defeat the queen.

The task of defeating the queen was given to me.

"Never thought Fate would be chosen to defeat the queen."

Yes, it's me.

Since the queen is accompanied by other monsters, she possesses considerable power. Sofia, the Sword Saint, would be suitable for the task, but due to a lack of preparation time and a shortage of people, she is assigned to handle the other monsters.

And I, recognized for defeating Sigurd, am tasked with the queen's subjugation.

"The queen at the core of the stampede is more powerful than other monsters. However, dealing with the horde of monsters rushing like a tsunami is also dangerous. What should I do?"

Sofia looked extremely troubled.

She must be worried about me.

Honestly, I don't know if I can handle the queen. There seems to be someone more suitable for the job...

But, for now, I'll suppress my uncertainty. If I make negative remarks, it will only add to Sofia's worries.

"It'll be fine."


"I'll properly defeat the queen."

"But the queen is very dangerous..."

"It's okay. After all, Sofia taught me how to use a sword, and I have the snow crystal sword from Licorice. This is like a bond between me, Sofia and Licorice... I won't lose."

"...Right. If it's Fate, it'll be okay."

"Yeah yeah, if things get tough, I'll figure something out."

"Wait a minute. Are you planning to go too, Licorice?"

"Yeah, so what?"

"No, you can't! Even though I want to go together, I've endured it... and now, unfair! It's cheating for Licorice to come along. It's not fair!"

For some reason, Sofia vehemently opposes.

"Cheating, huh..."

Sighing, Licorice showed an exasperated expression.

She spoke as if scolding a child.

"If you're strong, you should know, right? Fairies like me may have low combat abilities, but we excel in support. I'm good at various kinds of assistance, so it's only natural for me to accompany Fate."

"G-g-g... but..."

Sofia looked very frustrated...

After a moment, with a swallowed mix of emotions, she let out a sigh.

"...Please support Fate properly, okay?"

"Hehe, leave it to the perfectly exquisite and adorable fairy, Licorice-chan! No matter who the opponent is, I'll make sure Fate wins. The protection of fairies is not to be taken lightly."

"Yeah, I'm counting on you."

"Leave it to me!"

Smacking her chest proudly...

And seeing Licorice coughing, both I and Sofia started to wonder if everything was really going to be okay.

After that, we decided to rest early for the upcoming day.

We returned to the inn and lay down on the beds.


However, sleep did not come easily.

Thinking about tomorrow made me nervous, and I couldn't fall asleep quickly.

At such a time, there was a knock on the door.


"It's me."


Opening the door, I found Sofia in her pajamas.

A bit... in various ways, I couldn't help but look.

"W-what's wrong?"

"Well... there's just one thing I wanted to convey."

"Something you want to convey?"

"Yes. Um... "

Sofia made a determined expression, tightly hugged me.



"Um, well..."


Gently, Sofia let go.

What was that just now?

"Um... as a kind of charm, or, you could say, as a temptation... um, something like that."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"So, um... were you happy to be held by me just now? How did you feel? Please answer honestly."

"That was... um, yeah. It made me really happy. I was quite excited."

"Then... can I do it again? No in fact, Fate, you can do even more of what you like, you know? But that's after you defeat the queen and come back safely. It's a reward for that. So..."

"Yeah. Don't worry. I'll definitely come back."

Instead of hugging, I gently held Sofia's hand.

TL Note: Sofia raising all the flags.


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