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My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

Chapter 54: Alliance concluded

{TL: By Creed}

"First of all, we are cooperating right?"

"Yeah, that's fine."

"Yes, no problem."

Sofia nodded in agreement.

If it's true that the Adventurer's Association is corrupt and causing all this stampede...

Certainly, we can't just ignore it.

If we let this continue, how many victims will there be?

If there's a chance to stop it, I don't want to turn a blind eye.

I may not have much power...

But if there's something I can do, I want to face it head-on with all my strength.

That's what I've always thought since I was little, and what I've always wished for.

"Thank you... yeah. I really appreciate it."

"By the way..."

Sofia shot a sharp look.

"If what you're saying turns out to be nonsense, or if you try to use us or harm Fate... I'll cut you down."

Sofia emitted a frightening killing intent.

Even though it's not aimed at me, it's still so threatening that I tremble.

Receiving such a killing intent, Cliff doesn't flinch.

On the contrary, he seems to be able to tighten his resolve, with a serious expression.

"I'm not thinking about such things. I swear by the goddess."

"...Understood. Let's believe for now."

Seemingly satisfied for the time being, Sofia reined in her killing intent.

"Well then, shall we discuss what's next?"

"To correct the corruption in the Adventurer's Association, but how exactly?"

"Hmm... sorry for returning the question, but how much does Stuart know about the association?"


The organization that operates the Adventurer's Guild is the Adventurer's Association.

If you count all the details, there are as many stakeholders as stars.

However, if you count only those at the top, they can be classified into four.

The Adventurer's Association is run by five executives.

I forgot their names, but...

There are five executives who reign at the top of the association, and they decide the way the Adventurer's Association operates and its policies.

"That means, you probably know about it, but... you might not know the details."

"Yeah, that's fine. Knowing that much is enough. The conversation will proceed smoothly."

"Is that so?"

"The five executives... well, there's no need to list all their names. One of them is a pretty good person. She's called a saint. Thanks to her, the Adventurer's Association is barely holding on. Two of them are a bit rotten, but there's still hope for them. If they want to reform, they might be able to. However, there's Falz from earlier... and the last one is the problem."

"The head of the Brassband family... Dr. Greedy, right?"


"There's an executive with such a nickname. He prioritizes money in everything and only thinks about money in all matters."

"So, that's why he's called greedy."

He seems to be quite a troubled person.

I haven't heard the details yet...

But even without asking, I can imagine that he's done a lot of bad things.

And that imagination is correct.

"Dr. Greedy is a person who symbolizes the corruption of the Adventurer's Association. He's quite a troublesome person. Because of him, so many damages have occurred."

"If we know that person is the problem, why not expel or impeach him?"

"We'd like to do that, but he's cunning. He doesn't let us catch him easily. Thanks to him, we haven't been able to do anything so far, and this situation. It's really troublesome."

"So, you want our help?"

"That's right."

I understand the conversation, but...

But why us?

I understand that there are limited people we can trust.

If he's cunning, he might have subordinates everywhere...

It might not be easy to easily increase allies.

But even taking that problem into account, I felt like there could be other collaborators.

Especially Sofia...

What's the reason for asking for cooperation from a rookie adventurer like me?

Seeming to understand my doubts, Cliff continues speaking.

"I want to ask Stuart-kun and Ascart-san to do two things: to get on Dr. Greedy's good side and get invited into his confidence, and then to gather evidence of his wrongdoing."

"Why us?"

"Ascart-san is a Sword Saint, so she's extremely well-known. If he can have her on his side, there's nothing more reassuring. So, Dr. Greedy will probably try to approach her as a last resort."

"Targeting Sofia?"

"Not just Ascart-san, but I think Stuart-kun will be recruited too."


"After all, Stuart-kun is a promising newcomer who defeated an SS-ranked monster. Like Aizen did, he'll probably try to bring you to his side and make you a valuable pawn."

"I see."

It made sense.

Sofia as a powerful trump card.

And me, as a convenient pawn.

Each of us finds value in being used. It's straightforward.

"So, you two are suitable for the job."

"To be honest, I'm not keen on using Fate as bait..."

"Goodness, Sofia is so overprotective."

I give a firm nod to Sofia as she looks at me.

"Thank you for your concern. But I want to do it."

"It could be dangerous, you know?"

"I'm prepared for that."

"There are plenty of other jobs besides being adventurers, you know?"

"I want to adventure with Sofia."


Sofia seems at a loss for words, unable to think of anything else to say. Seeing her like that, Licorice laughs.

"Sofia loses. You know better than anyone that Fate is stubborn, right?"

"Well, that's true..."

"So, being a good partner means pushing and supporting them from behind."

"...Understood. I'll refrain from saying anything more. But I'd like to confirm a few things... there will be backup and support, of course?"

"Of course. We'll help with gathering information, and we've already organized a rescue team for emergencies. Well, I can't guarantee absolute help or safety, but... that's something we can't help, so I hope you understand."

"Fate, I leave the final decision to you."

Whichever path I choose, she supports me and stands by my side. I felt her strong determination.

Feeling happy about that...

I look at Cliff.

"Once again, to answer... I'll take it. Sofia and I will approach Dr. Greedy and obtain evidence of his wrongdoing."

"Thank you. Stuart-kun, for your courage, I'm extremely grateful."

Cliff and I shake hands...

And we decide to fight to correct the corrupt Adventurer's Guild.

TL Note: I missed the last update due to some personal reasons but we are back with a new chapter.


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