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My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

Chapter 53: It's pretty rotten.

{TL: By Creed}

It seems that a senior member of the Adventurer's Guild caused the Stampede?

What on earth could this mean?

I can't help but think it might be some mistake...

But Cliff seems convinced.

"Could you tell us more about it? You called us here for that reason too, right?"

"Yeah. In summary..."

Cliff has long been at odds with the upper echelons of the Adventurer's Guild.

It's because he doesn't just go along with their wishes but acts on his own judgment.

In fact, Cliff seems to have been involved in Aizen's judgment.

While the higher-ups tried to protect Aizen...

Cliff didn't agree and gathered decisive evidence of his wrongdoing, submitting it to the military police.

Furthermore, there seems to have been other information provided...

As a result, Aizen was brought to justice.

It seems Cliff repeatedly acted against the intentions of the higher-ups.

His reputation within the Guild is terrible.

However, Cliff, who doesn't bow to money and power, seemed like a hero to those on the ground and fellow adventurers.

Therefore, it seems the higher-ups have been scheming in various ways to get rid of the obstructive Cliff.

However, Cliff has managed to evade or counter all their schemes, dealing them significant setbacks.

"...So because of all that, the higher-ups must have finally snapped. They probably devised a plan to involve an entire town in their scheme and put all the blame on me. That's what I think the truth behind this incident is. Well, there's no evidence, though."

"That's... absurd."

"To destroy an entire town just to oust one person, that's outrageous."

"Hmm, I doubt they'd go that far. I think if we failed and caused some damage, Falz's unit would have intervened. They'd claim the glory while branding me as incompetent and exiling me... something like that."

"People can really come up with crazy ideas. In that case, ultimately, the town did suffer some damage."

"That's convenient for them. If there's damage, the townsfolk will be angry and sad. What if the information spreads that it was because I was incompetent?"

"All the anger and sadness of the townsfolk would be directed at Cliff."

"Exactly. And from the perspective of the higher-ups, they can dispose of me without any problem."

"Really, it's just... unbelievable."

The selfishness of the higher-ups is beyond infuriating, leaving one more bewildered than angry.

To cause harm to a town just to exile Cliff...

How selfish.

How tyrannical.

Such injustice cannot be forgiven.

It cannot be overlooked.

"And... because of such higher-ups, until recently, they had ignored Aizen's actions and had even been complicit in his schemes. I truly apologize for that as a representative of the Guild. I'm truly sorry for this." 

Cliff placed both hands on the table and bowed deeply, almost touching his forehead to it.

Seeing his attitude, I couldn't help but exchange glances with Sofia.

His sincerity was undeniable.

He seemed genuinely sorry and was apologizing from the bottom of his heart.

"Fate, what do you think?"

To forgive or not to forgive.

The answer was already clear.

"Raise your head, Cliff. I... forgive you."

If Cliff's story is true, there are many things I think about regarding the Adventurer's Guild.

If the Guild had been more vigilant, maybe I could have been freed from slavery sooner, I sometimes think.

But Cliff didn't mess up.

It wasn't his fault.

Yet, he's apologizing so earnestly. That's not something one can usually do.

Seeing his sincere attitude, I decided not to dwell on it any longer.

"After all, it's not Cliff's fault. Yet, he's apologizing so much for it... I can't keep holding a grudge. Let's just let it go."

"Yeah... thank you so much for saying that."

Cliff laughed, and I smiled too.

Exchanging smiles, it almost felt like we had formed a bond.

"I'm glad things turned out this way, but... actually, there's one more thing I need to talk about."

"Is it about the upper echelons of the Guild?"

"Oh. Ascart-san is sharp."

"Given the flow of this conversation, there's no other possibility."

"Well, that's true."

Cliff grinned wryly...

And then put on a serious expression.

"As I mentioned earlier, the current upper echelons of the Guild are quite corrupt. They would not hesitate to involve an entire town just to oust me."

"They're hopeless people. Are those upper echelons of the Guild like a nest of idiots?"

"Haha, that's hitting the nail on the head. But as the fairy said, it's indeed a nest of idiots. Personally, I want to do something about this situation. However, it's quite difficult. The wall of corruption built up over many years is not easy to break down. It's a difficult problem."

"I don't understand what you want to do... So, you want to enlist our help?"


Cliff nodded, then looked apologetic.

"I feel really sorry for getting Stuart-kun involved again... But there's no one else I trust who has the power. Of course, I won't force you. Even if you refuse, you won't be held responsible. But... please. I'm begging you. Please lend me your strength."

Once again, I found myself bowing my head in confusion.


What to do? I glanced at Sofia, seeking her input.

Although I want to strive as an adventurer alongside Sofia...

Truth be told, I don't have that strong of a commitment to being an adventurer.

For me, being an adventurer is merely a means to do something with Sofia.

It's not a life goal, so it wouldn't be a problem if I stopped being an adventurer.

But still...

"...But I can't just ignore it, can I?"

If I were to ignore the corruption within the Guild, innocent people might suffer.

If I can prevent that by taking action, then I want to do my best.

And besides...

If things continue like this, another person like me might emerge.

I don't want that.

"Sofia, I want to help Cliff, but..."

"I understand. Then I'll join you."

"Um... Are you sure? It might become troublesome."

"If that's the case, then I should definitely be there with you. If it comes to it, I'll protect you, Fate."


"Is something wrong?"

"No, I'm happy. But as a man, I want to say that I'll protect Sofia, at least."

But I'm the weaker one, so I can't say such a thing.

"Just your intention alone makes me very happy. Thank you. And besides, Fate has always been there to protect me."

"Do you really think so? I don't think I've done much."

"Just being together is more than enough. I've wanted to see you for these five years."

"Yeah. I've wanted to see you too, Sofia."


Suddenly, Licorice's disapproving gaze fell upon us.

"You two, choose the time and place for your lovey-dovey moments wisely. Look, that person over there seems troubled about what to do."


Cliff chuckled awkwardly.

"Sorry about that."

Sofia and I blushed and bowed our heads in unison.

TL Note: As said by our reader Alucard the new character was rotten.


  1. Just so you know, the link in Novel Updates for this chapter is dead

    1. have reported the problem to NU along with the working link, Hope they will fix it soon and thanks for notifying us.


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