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My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

Chapter 88 Miscalculation

{TL: By Creed}

Doctor Brassband didn't doubt his own victory.

His opponent was a novice adventurer and a sword saint.
Fate had surprising abilities, but he wasn't the enemy.

Instead, the threat was the sword saint.

Her power, her holy sword... If they were to fight one-on-one, he might have lost depending on the conditions.

That's how powerful she was.

However, I have a cursed sword.

A counterpart to the holy sword.

Under certain conditions, it can exhibit power surpassing the holy sword.

With a cursed sword, I can't lose to any opponent.

Even if it's a being surpassing the sword saint... perhaps even a sword god.

That's what I thought.

That's how it should have been...


Sofia engaged with Doctor first, exchanging blows repeatedly...

Occasionally, Fate launched supporting slashes.

It was as if the two's intentions were unified into one.

Such exquisite timing.

Do they possess telepathic tools for communication?

Doctor couldn't help but think that, but immediately denied it himself.

He hadn't received any information about possessing such valuable items.

Even if he did, it would be impossible to exchange telepathic messages and coordinate attacks meticulously in such intense combat.

Doing so would disrupt movements and inevitably cause discrepancies.

In that case...

The two didn't communicate telepathically.

They didn't coordinate beforehand.

It's entirely improvised, yet they show such coordination.

Should we call it the bond between Fate and Sofia?

To Doctor's surprise, he was gradually being pushed back...

But the real shock for him was yet to come.


While blocking Fate's slashes, Doctor thought, "What's going on?"

The frequency of Fate's attacks had increased.

Before, it was one attack during the intervals when Sofia launched ten slashes...

But now, it was twice, thrice... As time passed, the frequency of attacks increased.

Initially, Doctor thought Sofia was giving Fate opportunities to attack.

But upon closer examination, it didn't make sense.

This wasn't practice; it was a serious match.

It was a fight to the death.

There's no room for such nonsense, nor are they that foolish.

Then why?

While exchanging swords with the two, Doctor pondered...

And then, he came to a terrifying realization.

(Could it be... They're growing!?)

Fate is growing in the midst of battle.

Not just growing.

With a momentum approaching Sofia and Doctor, rapid growth.

(Ridiculous, impossible!?)

I've heard stories of growing in battle.

But Fate's is abnormal.

To gain such power in such a short time...

If we were to evaluate it as talent, it would be extraordinary.

One in tens of thousands of talents.


One in tens, hundreds...

One in tens of millions of talents, perhaps.

Damn with that kind of talent, I refuse to believe there could be a second monster so perverted like that.

(Gu, to think I would misjudge...!)

Truly, the one to be wary of isn't the sword saint Sofia.

It was Fate, growing at an astonishing speed.

As if to confirm Doctor's thoughts, Fate launched attacks at the same frequency as Sofia.

At first, he could only attack in intervals...

But now, he has the power to attack at the same frequency.

The one who should have been killed first was Fate.

(This is bad, bad, bad...!!!)

Doctor panicked inwardly.

If it were just Sofia, he had confidence he could manage somehow.

Even with the addition of the inexperienced Fate, he had confidence he could handle it somehow.

However, however.

The situation of Fate's rapid growth was completely unexpected.

A total miscalculation.

Unable to withstand the relentless attacks of the two, Doctor gradually began to be pushed back.

The enemy's sword strikes were heavy.

Especially Fate's sword.

Each exchange made his hands go numb.

(For me to... to these brats... I won't accept it, can't accept it!!!)

Doctor roared within his heart.

And then, with all his might...

Drawing out power beyond his limits, he faced the two.

...That was a mistake.

As if absorbing the opponent's power, Fate grew stronger the stronger the opponent.

So, what would happen if Doctor exerted his power beyond his limits?

Of course, Fate would grow accordingly.


TL Note: And.... at that moment he knew that he fked up.


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