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My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

Chapter 112: A Rival is Born

{TL: By Creed}

"...... What did you just say?"

If I didn't mishear, Lena just said...

"Go out with me."

I didn't mishear.

"Um, wait, uh... What!?"

"Haha, you're too surprised."

"Well, even if you say that..."

It’s been over a decade since a girl last confessed to me.

In fact, since Sofia.

It’s no wonder I'm so shocked and flustered.

"Wow... Fate, even though you have Sofia, you were hitting on another girl? The worst."

"Daddy, you're the worst?"

"That's right. Your dad did something he shouldn't have."

"Wait, wait, wait!"

Please, don't misunderstand.

Also, don't tell Aisha such outrageous things.

"I didn't do anything! I only just met Lena."

"Really? There's no twist like you actually met before?"


"That was quick... Well, should I believe you then?"


I sighed in relief as Licorice believed me.

Knowing her, I thought she would make a fuss about it, but it seems she’s considering Aisha's feelings and refraining. That’s a relief.

"Anyway... you"

"Call me Lena♪"

"... Miss Summerfield"


"... Lena-san"

"Just Lena♪ Otherwise, I’ll spread all sorts of rumors."

Is this girl a devil?

"Lena, are you serious?"

"Of course, I'm serious. I really like you, Fate."

"But confessing out of nowhere... Usually, there's more of a process, right?"

"Fate, your values are so old-fashioned. But I like that about you too."

Lena smiled brightly.

With such an innocent smile, she didn't seem like the kind of girl who would lie.

So her confession must be genuine.

But why me?

I'm not a hero from some story, nor am I particularly handsome.

I'm just an ordinary guy...

"It's almost like love at first sight. Being with you seems like it would be a lot of fun! So, go out with me?"

"Even if you say that..."

"I may not look it, but I'm quite devoted, you know? I'd cook delicious meals for you every day, clean the house, take care of any pets we have. And... I'd give you lots of attention at night too."

Lena gave a sultry smile.

Not a devil, but maybe a succubus?

An ordinary man might have been captivated by Lena's charm in an instant.

But unfortunately, I have Sofia.

Lena is charming, but...

More than that, Sofia is more attractive to me.

"Sorry, but I already have..."

"...Fate, what are you doing?"


A chill ran down my spine.

An intense coldness, as if I'd been thrown into an arctic wasteland.

When I turned around fearfully... there was Sofia, smiling beautifully.

"S-Sofia!? Why are you here...?"

"I finished punishing Father, so I came to join you. And what do I find... Who is this little thief? Would you care to introduce her to me?"

The pressure was immense.

Anger and killing intent radiated from her.

Though she was directing it away from Aisha and Licorice skillfully, the other customers and staff were caught in it, trembling violently.

Lena, of course, was also bathed in this aura...

But she seemed unfazed.

"Hey, Fate, who is this woman?"


"That is my line, Fate. Who is this woman?"


Why are both of you asking me?

Can't you ask each other directly?

"I’m having a pleasant conversation with Fate. Can you not interrupt?"

"Shouldn’t you be the one not intruding between me and Fate?"

"Who are you, anyway? What's your relationship with Fate?"

"I am Sofia Ascart. His childhood friend and the one he’s promised his future to."

Sofia said this proudly.

It felt like she was saying, "You’re no match for me."

But Lena didn't back down at all.

She rather gave a defiant smile.

"Does that mean you're not married yet? Then I still have a chance."


"Fate, you're the first guy I've ever been this interested in. So, I won't let you escape. I'll make you mine. You can do whatever you want with me too, okay?"

"Huh? No, that's..."

"Fate! Why are you acting all flustered!?"

"I'm not!?"

"If you really want to do such lewd things, then... w-well, I am here, aren't I? I'll do anything for you, accept any fetish, and devote myself entirely to you!"

"What are you saying in a place like this!?"

"Licorice, what's a fe-tish?"

"It's still too early for you, Aisha."

Oh great, now Aisha is curious.

"Well... I don't want to stand out too much, so I'll back off for now."

At some point, Lena had finished her meal. She placed the payment on the table and stood up.

"See you later, Fate. Next time we meet, let's go on a date. It's a promise, okay?"

"Leave immediately!"

"Scary, scary. See you!"

Lena waved cheerfully and left.

She was like a storm...

She said she was interested in me, but was that really true?


Sofia's voice was as cold as ice.

"I want to hear every, single, detail."

"Yes, ma'am."

I'll spare you the details, but...

Sofia was terrifying.

TL Note- Our first shura field but wasn't it supposed to be a vanilla childhood romance story?


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