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My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

Chapter 111: Meeting at a restaurant

{TL: By Creed}

"Hey, this is a restaurant! If you want to hit on someone, go to a place meant for that! Oh, but with a face like yours, it's probably impossible. Women will only give you attention if you pay them. How sad... Oh no, I'm going to cry. But I won't pity you! Even if your face is hopeless, it's fine. I prioritize personality. But you, you're an absolute no-go. Your heart is horribly ugly! So, go home already!"

Licorice's relentless barrage of insults.

I mean...

Does she really have to go that far? Even I feel a bit taken aback.

Also, it's bad for Aisha's upbringing, so I'd appreciate it if she toned it down a bit.


The large man was dumbfounded.

"What did you say, you bastard!?"

It seemed he only realized he was being insulted a moment later, and he became furious.

Licorice quickly hid behind me.

"Come on, Fate! Deliver justice!"

"This is all so messed up..."

She stirred things up and now she's relying on me to clean up the mess.

Doesn't she have any pride?

Well, if it's Licorice...

"Pride? If I could eat with something like that, life would be easy!"

I could imagine her saying something like that.

"Are you protecting this brat? Then I'll start with you!"


He suddenly came at me with a punch.

What a short fuse.

Since Aisha was here, I couldn't dodge.

I caught his fist in my palm.

"W-what!? You stopped my punch?"

"Uh, you know, I think Licorice was at fault too, so can we call it even? We can't have a fight here..."

"Shut up! I'm not letting this slide after being humiliated!"

"...You leave me no choice."

I'm not saying don't drink, but don't let it control you.


I swept his legs and struck him as he fell.

I held back a bit.

The man let out a pained groan...

And then passed out.

Cheers erupted from inside the restaurant, praising me.

It seemed everyone was fed up with this man's behavior.

The staff thanked me, and we faced no repercussions.

The man, on the other hand, was taken away by knights called in by the staff.

"Phew... Now we can finally eat in peace."

"I'm hungry..."

Aisha said nonchalantly.

She might turn out to be a big deal in the future.

"Hey, hey."

Suddenly, the girl who had been harassed by the man called out to us.

She looked at us with sparkling, curious eyes.

"Thanks for helping me."

"It was nothing special. Besides..."


"I don't think you really needed my help, did you?"


The girl looked impressed.

Given her reaction, it seemed she didn't really need saving.

"Did you know I was strong?"

"No, nothing like that. I've never seen you before. But for a moment, you gave off an intense presence, so I thought you might be."

"Interesting... You're sharp. Hey, can I join you?"


I looked at Licorice and Aisha, who nodded that they didn't mind.

Aisha was a bit shy around new people, but...

She couldn't stay that way forever. This might be a good opportunity for her to practice.

"Sure, you can join us."

"Thanks! Oh, waiter? I'll be moving to this table, so can you bring my order here?"

The girl moved to our table and said,

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Lena. Lena Summerfield. Nice to meet you."

"I'm Fate Stuart. This is Licorice, and this is Aisha."

"Nice to meet you!"

"Nice, to meet... you..."

"Yes, yes. Nice to meet you all!"

Lena seemed to have a very friendly personality. Even though we had just met, she acted as if we had been friends for years.

But it didn't feel unpleasant. In fact, her sense of familiarity felt comfortable. It might be her special talent.

"Fate, you're really strong, aren't you?"

"Not really."

"Oh, come on, you shouldn't be so modest. You took down that big guy with just one hit."

"Well, I guess I've been training quite a bit."

Every day, I still trained with Sofia. So I was gaining some confidence.

But I still had a long way to go. There were strong opponents like Doctor, and surely there were countless formidable adversaries I hadn't encountered yet.

"I don't think I can say I'm strong with confidence just yet."


"There must be countless people stronger than me..."

Above all, the person closest to me, Sofia, was incredibly strong.

"But I want to be able to proudly say I'm strong someday, so I never stop working towards that goal."

"Wow... that's kind of cool."

"Do you think so?"

"Yeah, I think it's really cool. Not many guys can say that. Men tend to have this weird pride, like that guy from earlier, right?"

As a fellow man, that stung a bit.

"But you're not like that, Fate. You acknowledge that you still have a long way to go and strive for greater heights. I think that's really admirable."

"Th-thank you."

Being praised this much, apart from Sofia, was a first. I couldn't help but blush a bit.


Lena stared intently at my face.

"...Okay, I've decided!"

"What is it?"

"Fate, will you be my boyfriend?"

TL Note: Licorice's words were harsh but Fate's fate will be harsher if he makes the wrong decision.


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