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My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

Chapter 110: A Certain Trouble

{TL: By Creed}

Leafland is a town full of greenery.

Not only are there several parks, but trees and flowers grow everywhere in the town.

Individual houses are adorned with numerous flowerbeds...

It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that the entire town is enveloped in green.

The pleasant scent of nature.

The sound of insects and the fragrance of flowers.

Sensing these things brings a great sense of peace to the heart.

After about thirty minutes of strolling around the town...

I quickly grew fond of this place.


"Is it really okay to just leisurely take a walk like this?"

Sofia is currently in the middle of a big argument with Edward. Emilia suggested that the fight wouldn’t end until evening and recommended that I take a walk.

Sofia may seem graceful, but when she gets truly angry, there's no stopping her. Not even I can calm her down.

Knowing this well, I decided that staying at the mansion was pointless, so I took Aisha and Licorice for a walk... But I still couldn't help worrying. Is Sofia doing anything reckless?



Licorice, who was sitting on my head, suddenly smacked me.

"What are you doing?"

"Don't make such a face in front of the kid. You're the parent, right? You need to stay calm and composed at all times, or Aisha will get anxious."


She was absolutely right.

Apparently, my anxiety had affected Aisha, who kept looking up at me uneasily.


I smiled gently and patted her head. She seemed to like it, as her tail wagged happily.

"Sorry for making you worry."

"Is Mom... okay?"

"Yeah, she's fine. After all, Sofia is the strongest person in the world."


"By the way, are you hungry?"

As I asked this, a cute growling sound echoed.

Aisha's face turned red as she held her stomach.


"Just snacks aren't enough, huh? We haven't had lunch yet... I feel bad for Sofia, but shall we go eat?"


"I want meat! Juicy meat with lots of fat!"

"Even though you're a fairy, you have quite the appetite for meat, Licorice."

I chuckled as I looked for a suitable place to eat.

Before long, we found a restaurant decorated with many flowers at the entrance. From inside, a delicious, savory smell wafted out, stimulating our appetites.

Even though the lunch rush was over, there were still a decent number of people. It must be a popular spot in this town.

"How about here?"


"Meat is calling to me!"

With both of them agreeing, we headed inside.

After we moved to our seats, the waiter brought a high chair for the child and even a small cup for the fairy.

Excellent service. A place like this is bound to have delicious food.

Feeling excited, I looked at the menu.

"Um... I'll have the lemon sauce steak set and an omelet. Have you two decided?"

"I'll take the extra-large steak!"

"Um, um... the fish looks good. But the hamburger looks good too."

"If you can't decide, how about you get the fish, and I'll get the hamburger? Then we can split them."


It was decided.

We placed our order and waited for the food to be ready.


Aisha seemed fidgety. She was probably looking forward to the meal.

"I'm sure it will be delicious. Just the smell is enough to make me hungry."

"Does Dad's stomach go growl too?"

Grrr, went Licorice’s stomach.

"...Sorry, it was me!"

Seeing Licorice embarrassed, Aisha and I chuckled softly.

"Hey, come on, why don’t you come with me?"

As we were enjoying our meal...

Suddenly, I heard a slimy voice.

Turning around, I saw a large man harassing a girl who looked about my age or slightly younger.

The large man seemed to be drunk, his cheeks flushed red.

He casually wrapped an arm around the girl’s shoulder, reeking of alcohol, and tried to coax her.

"I promise you won’t regret it. I’ll make you feel amazing. I’ll show you the joy of being a woman."

"Sir, behavior like that is not allowed in our establishment..."

"Shut up! You trying to get in my way? Huh? I’m Gil, an A-rank adventurer! If you don’t want to get hurt, back off!"

The large man... Gil’s words likely weren’t lies.

He radiated the intimidating presence befitting an A-rank adventurer.

The staff couldn't do anything against someone like him.

The waiter withdrew to the back of the store.

They probably went to report this to the knights, as they couldn’t leave it like this.

But it would take time for the knights to arrive.

In the meantime, the girl...

"...Oh, come on. I was looking forward to the food here since it has such a good reputation."

The girl muttered quietly.

In an instant, a shiver ran down my spine.

What was that?

What just happened?

I felt an incredible killing intent emanating from the girl...

But now, it’s gone.

Was it just my imagination...?

No, this isn’t the time to be idly watching.

"That's enough..."

"That's enough, you scoundrel!"

Before I could intervene, Licorice firmly declared.

TL Note: New heroine? Will Sofia kill her?


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