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My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

Chapter 109: The Writhing Shadow

{TL: By Creed}

A small house on the outskirts of Leafland.

Inside, there were two figures.

One was an elderly man.

His white hair extended to his shoulders and was neatly groomed.

His beard was also long, but well-maintained, giving him a calm demeanor.

He appeared to be nearly eighty years old, yet there was no sign of physical decline.

His back was straight, and though he had no muscle, his body gave the impression of being as strong as steel.

His physique seemed to assert that now was his prime.

The other was a girl about fifteen years old.

Though fifteen is considered an adult, her young features made her look more like a child.

If she claimed to be an adult, many would say, “No way.”

Her body matched her appearance, still childlike.

Her chest was flat, she was short, and her frame was small.

Though cute, she lacked the charm of a woman.

However, her face was as beautifully arranged as a jewel.

Gentle, sweet, and pretty.

An unmistakable beauty.

"The Doctor seems to have been defeated."

The old man said quietly.

Hearing this, the girl's eyes widened.

"Really? I didn't know why I was called today... Is it because of that?"

"Yes. I thought it would be best to inform you, Lena. Sorry for interrupting your busy schedule."

The girl called Lena waved her hand dismissively.

"No, it's fine. Besides, if anyone’s busy, it’s you, Riken. You're doing so many things."

"Well, someone has to do them. Given my limited abilities, it's my responsibility. You need not concern yourself."

"Is that so?"


"Anyway, back to the topic. Is it true the Doctor was defeated? I thought you gave him Tyrfing. Even though it’s a low-rank magic sword with no special abilities, it’s not something an ordinary person could defeat."

"The opponent was too much."

"The opponent? Did the Sword King or Magic King show up?"

"It was the Sword Saint."


Lena exaggerated her surprise at Riken’s words.

"Do you know who it is?"

"A genius who became the youngest Sword Saint… Sofia Ascart."

"Oh, I see. I've heard the incredible rumors about her, like cutting a mountain or mowing down a horde of ten thousand monsters. Those rumors aren't exaggerated, they're actually understated. Yeah, if the opponent is that Sword Saint, the Doctor wouldn’t stand a chance, even with a magic sword."

Lena nodded in understanding.

Then she tilted her head curiously.

"Wait, but didn’t the Doctor obtain the necessary materials? With that, he should have been able to draw out Tyrfing's true power… Did he still lose?"

"No. Apparently, he failed to draw out its power. It seems he was attacked before he could complete the ritual."

"I see. In that case, he couldn’t handle the Sword Saint. What about Tyrfing?"

"It was destroyed in the battle."

"Oh... That’s a bit of a waste. Even a low-rank magic sword could have become mid-rank with the right materials. Maybe it was a mistake to give it to the Doctor?"

"It couldn’t be helped. He had money. Without money, we can’t operate."

"That’s harsh."

"Besides, it’s not that the Doctor was bad with the sword. The opponent was just too strong."

"The youngest Sword Saint, Sofia Ascart... What kind of person is she?"

As she spoke, Lena had the face of an excited child.

Like she’d been given a new toy, she looked thrilled.

"How strong could she be? Could she surpass my expectations? I want to fight her!"

Lena was a battle maniac.

In combat, she could shine the brightest and find her true value.

A life-and-death fight was even better.

"Hey, Riken. Did you call me just to tell me about the Doctor? Is that all?"

"Good grief… Your intuition is sharp."

"Hehe, I’ll take that as a compliment."

"It seems the Sword Saint, Sofia Ascart, is currently in this city… Leafland."

"Really, why?"

"I hear it’s a family matter, but I don’t know the details."

"So, is this a big chance?"

Lena smiled slyly at the thought of possibly fighting Sofia.

"You know about the plan we're progressing with in this city, right?"

"Using that to mass-produce magic swords. And making improvements, right?"

"Yes. I'd like to think it's a coincidence that the Sword Saint came to the city... but there's a possibility it isn't. If she catches wind of our plan, it could be troublesome, and if she becomes our enemy, it could be even worse."

"You're saying we should take her out before that happens?"

"Don't rush. First, we need to observe. If we assume she's an enemy and make a wrong move, we might give ourselves away. Lena, I want you to keep an eye on the Sword Saint's movements. I'll try to advance our plan as much as possible."


Lena nodded casually.

With that, the conversation ended.

Riken was about to leave when he suddenly stopped, as if he remembered something.

"By the way, I forgot to mention. It might be an over-concern, but there's another person you should be wary of."

"Who? Who's that?"

"A boy named Fate Stuart."

TL Note: I had to take a weekend break but we have our new possible villains with us.


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