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My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

Chapter 114: A Small Incident

{TL: By Creed}

A plaza in the residential area of Leafland.

It’s a place with a lot of greenery and beautiful scenery, usually serving as a spot for the residents to relax.

They bring tea and sweets, and chat together.

Children play with balls in their hands.

It’s usually a place filled with peaceful scenes, but...

This morning, that scene changed completely.

Knights displaying signs of urgency.

Residents watching the plaza from a distance, all showing expressions of anxiety.

And then...

At the center of the plaza lay a lifeless body. 


"A murder case?"

Edward received this report from his butler in the afternoon, several hours after the incident occurred.

He told Sofia to return home, but she refused...

As they were about to have another intense argument like the one they had yesterday, he somehow managed to hold back because he had to work...

While having a simple lunch and going through some documents, he received the report.

"This morning, a body believed to be a clear case of homicide was found in the plaza of the residential area. A resident who was out for a walk discovered it and reported it to the knights. Currently, the scene is being investigated."

"Clearly, you say? Was there a slash wound or something?"

"Yes. The details will be reported later by the knights, but according to witnesses, there were terrible slash wounds that could not have been caused by an accident."

"What kind of wounds were they?"

"While they appeared to be from a sword, the wounds were jagged, as if made with a saw."

"Are you certain it wasn't done by a beast or monster?"

"The wounds were in the shape of a sword cut, so it’s safe to say it was a human act."


Although Edward tends to lose his composure when dealing with Sofia, he is competent as a lord.

With a stern expression, he considered the case.

However, there was not enough information.

At this stage, it was hard to say anything for certain.

"Tell the knights to conduct a thorough investigation. Also, raise the alert level of the town’s security by one level."

"Do you think another incident will occur?"

"I can't say for sure, but it’s better to act with that possibility in mind. Of course, I hope it doesn't come to that."

With a worried expression, Edward looked out the window.

The sky was cloudy, and it looked like it might rain at any moment.



In a room at the inn.

While drinking tea, Sofia's heart seems unsettled, and she has a pouty expression.

A few days have passed since she greeted Edward, and our relationship has yet to be acknowledged.

Naturally, she has no intention of giving up and plans to keep talking about it.

However, it seems Edward has been busy and hasn’t given her a chance to meet with him.

Sofia, frustrated by the lack of progress, is in a bad mood.

“Mom, are you not feeling well…?”

Aisha, misunderstanding, looks at Sofia with concern.

She has made a little child worry.

Sofia quickly forces a smile, hugs Aisha, and picks her up.

“It’s okay. Thank you for worrying. Hehe, Aisha, you’re such a kind child.”


Aisha nuzzles her cheek and looks ticklish.

But she seems very happy, with her tail wagging.

That’s nice.

I also want to have some physical contact with Aisha.

But since Aisha is a girl, she might not like it.


As I was thinking about this, Aisha comes over to me.

She climbs onto my lap and looks at me as if asking for something.



It seems that was the right response.

As I pat her head, Aisha wags her tail vigorously from side to side.

Sofia watches us with a gentle expression.

Good, it seems like her mood has improved.

“You guys are so carefree.”

“But it seems Edward is busy, so there’s nothing we can do right now.”

“I’m doubtful whether he’s truly busy. There’s a possibility he’s lying about being busy just to avoid listening to us.”

“Hmmm, I don’t think that’s the case.”

Though there seems to be a bit of personal emotion involved...

Overall, Edward seems to be a very competent and upright person.

He doesn’t seem like the type to use work as an excuse.

“Well, if that’s the case, maybe we should look for other methods?”

“Other methods?”

“Getting acknowledged isn’t just about talking, right? Like, doing something significant. If we do that, maybe that old man will recognize Fate a bit more.”

“Oh, I see.”

“I’m surprised that such an intellectual suggestion is coming from Licorice.”

“Is Sofia trying to pick a fight with me…?”

Ignoring Licorice’s glaring eyes, Sofia gets motivated.

“Alright! Let’s do our best, Fate! First, let’s go out into the city and gather information on any opportunities to achieve something noteworthy.”

“Yeah. I’ll do my best for Sofia, Aisha, and Licorice.”

“That’s the Fate I love so much♪”

Sofia blushes and smiles brightly.

TL Note: who's the murderer?


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