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My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

Chapter 115: One Request

{TL: By Creed}

To gain Edward's approval, I first thought about accomplishing a major feat.

For that purpose, I visited the Adventurers' Guild in Leafland.


Unlike other places, the Adventurers' Guild in Leafland was overflowing with nature. Potted plants decorated every corner, giving it a very stylish appearance. Without the signboard, one might mistake it for a café.

"Hmm, not bad at all. I wouldn't mind making this my villa."
"This is an adventurers' guild, not a house."
"The flowers... they smell so nice."
"Yes, they do. They're very cute, just like Aisha."
"Sofia, your treatment of Aisha and me is drastically different..."

While Licorice stood dumbfounded, they approached the counter.

"Welcome to the Adventurers' Guild. Are you here for a request, or are you an adventurer?"
"I'm an adventurer. I want to register to work here."
"Understood, you'd like to register? May I have your adventurer card, please?"

When starting activities in a new town, you must register at the local Adventurers' Guild. This pre-registration helps eliminate problematic adventurers and ensures smooth resolution of any issues that might arise later.

That's why registration is mandatory.

Incidentally, people with special titles like Sofia are exempt from registration. They're so well-known that there's no need for such formalities.

"...Okay, registration is complete. You're Fate Stuart, correct? Will you be working in Leafland for a while?"
"Yes, that's the plan."
"I see. We look forward to your contributions, Stuart. And your party members are... S-Sofia Ascart!?"

As expected of the Sword Saint, the receptionist was visibly shocked to recognize Sofia.

"Ascart, you've returned to Leafland."
"Yes, due to various circumstances."
"It seems like a lot has happened."

The receptionist glanced at Aisha and Licorice, but didn't probe further and moved on to the next topic.

"Will you start your activities today?"
"Yes. I have a reason to achieve a significant accomplishment as soon as possible. Do you have any good requests?"
"Well, how about investigating a series of murders?"

It felt like déjà vu.

Previously, Sigurd and his group caused an incident out of spite... Could something similar be happening in Leafland?

For now, we decided to listen without jumping to conclusions.

"Recently, there have been multiple murders in Leafland. The autopsy revealed that the attacks weren't caused by monsters, but by a person. There are some witness reports of a figure dressed entirely in black, with a black sword, disappearing into the back alleys."
"This time there are witnesses?"
"This time?"
"Oh, sorry. It's a personal matter, don't worry about it."
"Could you continue, please?"
"Yes. The Knights have established a task force and named the perpetrator the 'Jet-Black Sword Demon,' but they haven't been able to catch them. So far, there have been three victims, and the number is likely to increase if we don't act. That's why the Adventurers' Guild received the request."

"I see."

Though the situation was similar to before, it was unlikely Sigurd's group was involved this time.

"Is the task to capture the Jet-Black Sword Demon?"
"Yes. You may kill them if necessary."
"That's quite extreme..."
"There have already been five victims. We can't afford to respect the perpetrator's rights at this point."

If there have been five victims, it makes sense.

Choosing between the life of the perpetrator and potential future victims, the choice is clear.

"The Jet-Black Sword Demon's identity remains unknown, and they appear and disappear without a trace. Their motives are also unclear. Therefore, we also seek information on the Jet-Black Sword Demon. Any valuable information leading to their capture or elimination will be highly rewarded."
"Are you that desperate? Could the Jet-Black Sword Demon possess some ability to avoid detection?"
"No such rumors have surfaced, but it might just be undiscovered. However, they seem to be extremely skilled."
"Extremely skilled..."
"Among the victims was a B-rank adventurer, who was apparently killed without much resistance."
"If that's true, it is indeed terrifying."

If Sofia were to fight a B-rank adventurer, the overwhelming difference in power would end the battle quickly. Yet, a B-rank adventurer should be able to put up some resistance.

The fact that they couldn't put much resistance suggests the Jet-Black Sword Demon possesses incredible strength.

"Fate, what do you think?"

I was torn.

Although it’s a high-risk request, if we manage to solve it, the accomplishment would be significant. There’s a chance Edward might acknowledge us.

No. At this point, accolades don’t matter.

For now, I’ll put aside my concerns about Edward.

There have already been five victims. One of them was a fellow adventurer. I’ve never met them, but I can imagine how frustrating and sorrowful it must have been.

I want to avenge that injustice.

"I want to take on this request. Leafland isn’t just any town for me. Since it’s Sofia’s hometown, if it’s being ravaged, I want to do something about it."

"Fate... Haha, thank you."

Sofia’s smile boosts my motivation a hundredfold.

"With that said, I’ll accept the request."

"Understood. Some adventurers have already taken on this request, so if the Jet-Black Sword Demon is defeated, it will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Is that acceptable?"

"Yes, that’s fine."

"Then please take this."

The receptionist handed over a file.

"This is a compilation of information regarding the incident. It doesn’t include everything, but it might be helpful."

"Thank you."

"Good luck, and we hope you restore peace to Leafland."

With that, we left the Adventurers' Guild, seeing the receptionist off.

"This request came at a good time. If you solve it, surely Father will acknowledge you."

"Yeah... that’s right."

"What’s wrong? You look so serious..."

"I’m glad there’s a request, but... with so many victims, it’s hard to feel happy about it."

"You’re so kind, Fate... Save that kindness for the victims, and let your anger be directed at the perpetrator."

"Yeah, you’re right! I need to do my best."

I heard Licorice muttering, "They’re being lovey-dovey again..." but chose to ignore it.

"Alright, let’s start by reading through this file..."

"Daddy, Mommy..."

Aisha grabbed the edges of Sofia’s and my clothes.

What’s wrong?

I looked down, puzzled, and saw Aisha with her ears down, looking frightened.

"I feel something scary over that way..."

TL Note: Aisha the Radar?


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