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My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

Chapter 105: Test of Strength, Part 1

{TL: By Creed}

First, they wanted to test my abilities.

We changed the location to the dojo for this.

“Now, we will conduct a strength test.”

“The rules are simple. Fight the opponent we designate and win.”

“Hmph... Don't think you can win easily. Also, if you do anything dishonorable for a warrior, you will be disqualified at that moment. Not only will we send you away, but we will throw you in jail.”

“Ah, but you don’t need to fight using only a sword. Since we are simulating actual combat, anything is allowed—martial arts, magic, whatever.”

“Eh... Sofia's Mo-Mother, isn't that...?”

Edward seemed puzzled by the unexpected turn of events.

In contrast, Emilia continued speaking calmly.

“Does the husband have any objections?”

“This is a sword dojo, so shouldn’t we only be fighting with swords?”

“Oh my, that’s an odd thing to say Divine  King Dragon Swordsmanship is designed for real combat, isn't it? Even in matches, using things other than swords is permitted. So, why restrict it to swords only this time?”


“Could it be... you want to have an advantage over Stuart-kun by limiting it to swords? Were you planning such a petty strategy, husband?”

Emilia was smiling, but her eyes were not. If anything, she seemed angry. The intensity of her gaze was almost intimidating, and it felt as if the temperature in the room had dropped a bit.

“Th-there’s no such thing! None at all!”

“I see. Then excluding cowardly acts like using drugs, anything goes, right?”


Edward bowed his head and fully accepted Emilia’s words. For me, it was something to be happy about... but I couldn’t help but feel a bit sorry for Edward.

“By the way...”

I looked around the dojo.

People, people, people.

It seemed a lot of disciples had come to watch after hearing the news.

“With so many people here, it makes me a bit nervous.”

“There’s no need to be nervous. I believe that no matter who the opponent is, you will prevail, Fate.”

“Yeah. Thanks, Sofia.”

“Hehe. It’s natural for me to believe in you as your future partner.”

“Come on... you two, save your flirting for another place.”

“Ah...” “Ah...”

Licorice’s remark made both Sofia and I blush simultaneously. It was a little... no, very embarrassing.

“Ehehe. Daddy and Mommy are so close.”

But well, Aisha seemed happy, so I guess it's fine.

“Now, let's start the test... the match!”

Edward’s voice rang out, and my opponent appeared. It was...


“Hey there.”

He greeted me casually.

“Am I fighting against Axel?”

“Seems like it. Honestly, I’d rather not point my sword at the person my lady has feelings for... but I can’t refuse the master’s orders. Sorry, but I won’t go easy on you.”

“Yes, that’s what I want.”


“I want to win, but it wouldn’t make me happy to win if you went easy on me. I’m a man too, so I have my pride.”

Axel looked at me blankly for a moment, then laughed cheerfully.

“As expected from the one chosen by my lady... you’re interesting. Win or lose, no hard feelings.”

“Yeah. Let’s fight fair and square.”

As I was about to step forward,


Sofia stopped me.

“I don’t know much about the current Axel... but I remember that he is a talented swordsman. Don’t let your guard down just because he seemed flustered when attacked by a monster, alright?”

“I understand. I definitely won’t be careless.”

“That’s the spirit, Fate. Good luck.”


Seeing Sofia’s smile, I faced Axel.

At that moment, I felt piercing gazes from the surrounding disciples.

It seemed like they were feeling jealous...

Was it because of Sofia?

Sofia is beautiful, kind, and a wonderful woman, so it’s natural they wouldn’t think highly of me.

But I have no intention of backing down.

I will give it my all, and earn their recognition.

“Both of you, get ready!”

At Edward’s signal, Axel and I kept a certain distance and readied our swords.

This was just a match.

Since it was a test to measure strength, we used wooden swords with no killing power.

Even so, the pressure emanating from Axel was overwhelming.

It felt as if we were facing each other on a battlefield, with an intense sense of urgency and danger.

Facing him without determination would mean being swallowed up immediately.

That’s the kind of opponent Axel is.


The battle started.

Axel and I simultaneously kicked off the dojo floor...



The clash of our swords rang out with a loud Clang!

TL Note: Who will win, the bets are ON!


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