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My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

Chapter 106: Test of Strength, Part 2

{TL: By Creed}

Engaging in a test of strength, we clash our swords in a fierce struggle.

Gripping my sword's hilt firmly with both hands, I step forward with my right foot and push with all my might. Sofia had told me that I possessed the physical abilities of an S-rank. If that’s the case, a bit of brute force shouldn’t be a problem.

However, Axel isn't giving in easily. He counters my strength with technique, skillfully deflecting my force.

I feel no resistance. It’s as if my sword slips through the air effortlessly.

Not missing this opening, Axel strikes. But I see it coming. I raise my wooden sword horizontally, using it as a shield.

After blocking Axel's strike, I attempt a sweeping kick. He’s not easily toppled, but it forces him to retreat momentarily.

"Is that all you've got, kid? Relying on brute strength without technique is a disgrace to any swordsman! I don't know who taught you, but both you and your master are hopeless!"

Edward sees through my shortcomings and says this, but…

"…Father. I taught Fate how to wield a sword. So, are you saying I’m hopeless? Am I a hopeless daughter?"


It was Sofia who taught me how to use a sword, so naturally, she becomes incredibly angry…more like radiating murderous intent.

"Edward, my sword master is Sofia, but I’m still in training. If you're going to blame someone, blame only me."


Edward, drenched in sweat, seems to be overwhelmed by Sofia's killing intent. Not to mention, Emilia also seems to be directing some hostility towards him. It’s like they’re silently threatening him, saying, "Say something foolish and we’ll kill you." Poor guy.

"Where are you looking!"

"I'm not off guard, don't worry!"

Axel strikes again, but I block it firmly.

I can’t afford to be careless. My future with Sofia depends on this.

"Tch, you're good. Your sword skills are still lacking, but your physical abilities are insanely high."

"Thanks. Your swordsmanship is impressive too, Axel."

"Well, yeah. I've been training at the dojo for years. I can’t lose to an amateur."

"Did I mention I’ve only been holding a sword for a short time?"

"You can tell when you cross swords with someone. The way they wield their sword shows their character."

"I see."

Even in the midst of the match…

Talking with Axel like this is enjoyable.

Come to think of it, I’ve never had a friend my age. Axel would be a perfect friend. I wonder if he’ll be my friend after this match?

"Alright, let's do our best."

First, I have to win.



We shout our battle cries and clash our swords repeatedly, exchanging blows over and over.

I excel in strength. Axel excels in technique. It’s a balanced fight with no clear winner in sight.

He's a tough opponent. If this had been right after I met Sofia, I would have likely lost quickly.

But now, I take pride in having survived several tough battles. This has made me grow stronger.

"Divine King Dragon Swordsmanship…"

I step back and raise my sword above my head.

This will decide the match. I grip the sword's hilt tightly with determination and focus.

Seeing this, Axel grins.

"Nice… yeah, you're a real challenge. It's a shame to crush you here, but as a swordsman, I can’t afford to lose either!"

Axel also raised his sword above his head.

It seemed he, too, intended to end the match with this.

Just as I expected.

"First Strike..."

A strange sense of mutual understanding, as if only between men. We both smiled slightly,

"Mountain Breaker!!!"

Simultaneously, we unleashed our ultimate techniques.

Our massive strikes collided head-on.


Being mere wooden swords, they couldn't withstand the force of our techniques and broke in half.

Axel clicked his tongue in frustration...

Meanwhile, I took another step forward.


I had anticipated this outcome if our techniques clashed. So, without hesitation, I moved immediately.

I slipped into Axel's guard and delivered an elbow strike. As his body staggered, I thrust the broken wooden sword before his eyes.

"The match is over... right?"

TL Note: Sofia 1 : Edward 0


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