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My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

Chapter 107: Childish Adults

{TL: By Creed}


Axel, who had a broken wooden sword pointed at him, bit his lip in frustration... 

Then, after a moment, he softened his expression.

He let go of the broken wooden sword and raised both hands. My name was announced as the winner.

"Alright, I surrender... Damn, you're something else. I'm not the best in the dojo, but I do have some skill, you know? And yet, to be defeated like this... Ah, it's frustrating."

Despite his words, Axel looked somewhat refreshed. I probably had a similar expression.

Clashing swords, connecting hearts. 

Perhaps that's what had happened.


Edward-san, unhappy with how things turned out, groaned in frustration. Sofia spoke to him with a smile.

"Father. You will acknowledge Fate now, won't you?"


"Fate defeated the person you appointed and demonstrated his strength. There was no foul play. Everyone here is a witness. Fate fought fairly, defeated Axel, and showed his strength."


"I want to hear from your mouth that you acknowledge Fate... What's wrong? Don't stay silent, please declare it soon. That you accept my relationship with Fate..."


After a moment of silence, Edward-san, trembling all over, muttered in a small voice.

What is it?

Wondering, I watched as Edward-san slowly stood up.

He was looking down, so I couldn't see his expression. However, he was emanating an incredible pressure, and the intimidation was intense. Several students let out small screams.



"There's no way I can accept such nonsense!"

Edward-san's thunderous shout echoed through the dojo.

Several more students screamed... and some even fainted from Edward-san's intense anger.


Aisha was no exception; she was frightened. However, having lived a tough life, she seemed somewhat resistant, only tearing up a bit.

"You expect me to accept that boy? That's impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

"But, dear? Stuart-kun passed the test splendidly."

"He's only cleared the first test!"

"The first?"

"That's right, I never said there was only one test! Next, he'll face all the students at once! The students will use real swords, and the boy will be unarmed!"


Faced with such an unreasonable demand, I couldn't help but grimace.

Edward-san seemed even more enraged by my reaction.

"Can't do it? Then that's the extent of your ability and worth. How can I entrust Sofia to someone like that?"

"Even so, that's just too unreasonable..."

"Silence! Are you defying me? This isn't over with the current test! Even if you clear it, next you'll be tested on knowledge, etiquette, and all sorts of subjects... And finally, you'll have to defeat me! Only then can you be considered!"


It's utterly unreasonable. Being subjected to such absurd demands makes me doubt he has any intention of accepting me.


Edward-san might indeed have no intention of acknowledging me. He likely expects me to give up after all these challenges.

It's not good to jump to conclusions... but there's no other way to see it.

Emilia-san seemed exasperated by the absurdity and sighed in frustration.

"That old man is incredible. I've never seen such a selfish, overprotective person."


Unable to let go of his child?

What could that mean?

I was about to ask Licorice...


Radiating a fierce aura, Sofia stood up. Her eyes sparkled brilliantly...

And then she drew her sword.

A real sword. And it was the Holy Sword Excalibur.

"I expected Father to throw a tantrum, but..."

Ah, she anticipated this. She has a strange kind of trust in him.

"But to lash out at those around you, is that something an adult should do?"

"Hmph, to cry and tremble at this level, how pathetic. To think there are such weaklings among my disciples. I must train them anew from scratch."

Edward-san seemed completely unrepentant...

No, that’s not it. Sofia wasn't worried about the disciples...

"Oh... is that so? Making a little girl like Aisha cry, and you say such nonsense..."

Yes, that's it. Sofia was angry because Aisha had cried.

No mother doesn't get angry when their child is made to cry.

Yes. Even in a situation like this, I was happy to see Sofia acting like a proper "mother."


It seemed that Edward-san finally realized that Aisha was crying. Even he looked uncomfortable and closed his mouth.

However... it was already too late.

Sofia's anger had reached its peak. It might be worse than when she was angry at me.

Well... yes, it can't be helped. A mother becomes serious when it comes to protecting her child.

"Father needs to reflect a bit... yes, he needs to reflect physically."


Edward-san took a step back. In response, Sofia took a step forward.


Sofia smiled sweetly...

"Please let me hit you a little."


...Thus, another father-daughter quarrel erupted.

TL Note: We have to Protect Aisha.


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