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My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

Chapter 121 I'm so sorry!!!

{TL: By Creed}


The consciousness that had sunk into the depths of darkness slowly surfaced.

When I opened my eyes, I saw the ceiling of the inn where we were staying. Along with that, I also saw Aisha, who was restlessly twitching her dog ears.

I was lying in bed… and it seemed Aisha was peering at me intently.


"…Good morning."


Aisha hugged me tightly. She's still small, so she isn't heavy.


As I sat up, I noticed Aisha's tail drooping down. Is she feeling anxious?

While stroking Aisha's head, I asked her, "What's wrong, Aisha?"

"…Dad, you were asleep for so long, I got worried."

"So long?"

"Fate, you've been asleep for a whole day," a soft voice came from above. When I looked up, I saw Licorice flying while munching on cookies she held in both hands.

…What a skillful trick.

"A whole day?"

"Yeah, that's why she was worried."

"I see… I'm sorry, Aisha. It looks like I made you worry."

"Dad, are you okay…?"


I asked Aisha to let go for a moment and moved my body lightly. Everything moved fine, and there was no pain.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Maybe just a little sluggish from sleeping so long."

"I'm glad…"

I hugged Aisha again and patted her head. As I did so, she seemed to calm down, and her tail, which had been drooping, stood up and began wagging side to side.

So cute. Isn't our daughter the best in the world?

"By the way… where’s Sofia?"

Aisha and Licorice were here. But I couldn't see Sofia anywhere.

"If you're looking for Sofia, she's over there."

"Over there?"

I looked in the direction Licorice pointed…


There was Sofia, turned away from us, curled up in a small ball in the corner of the room.



When I called out to her, her back twitched. But she didn't turn around.

"Hey, Sofia?"


"Um… what's wrong? You're curled up like a bug over there… You seem down, did something happen?"


After calling out to her several times, Sofia slowly looked my way. Her eyes were filled with tears, and her expression was unbearably anxious.

And then…



"I'm so sorryyyyy!!!"

She suddenly bowed her head with tremendous force.

"I'm sorry, I’m so sorry! I really, really apologize!"

"Huh? Huh? Why is Sofia apologizing to me? Hey, what’s wrong?"

"Because… it's my fault that Fate slept for a whole day."


"Don’t you remember? We had a serious training session…"

"Oh, yeah. I remember that."

It was an intense training session that felt like it could kill me. So, I must have been completely exhausted both physically and mentally, which is why I slept for a whole day.

"It’s my fault that Fate ended up like this… ugh… I’m truly sorry."

"Oh, I see."

She must think she overdid it. That’s why she’s so upset.

"I’m sorry, Fate… I know it sounds like an excuse, but when I get serious about sword training, I can’t control myself… and, I thought it wouldn’t be beneficial for you if I didn’t get serious… ugh, please don’t hate me, Fate…"

Sofia started crying like a child. She looked very anxious and was sobbing.


I gave Aisha a signal with my eyes to get off me.

I got out of bed and went over to Sofia. Then, I held her tightly.


"I could never hate you."

"But, but I did this to you…"

"This is what I wanted. I wanted to become stronger and to stand beside you, Sofia… That’s why I wanted serious training. In fact, I’m grateful that you took it seriously."



"Really really?"

"Really really."

"Really really really?"

What’s going on? It’s like Sofia has regressed to a child.

Even so, it’s kind of cute to see her like this. It feels refreshing, like I’m being pampered, and I’m happy with her warmth.

"Do you… not hate me?"

"Of course not. I love you, Sofia, always and no matter what."


Tears welled up in Sofia’s eyes and spilled over. She wrapped her arms around my back and hugged me tightly.

"Fate, Fate! Ugh, I love you too! You’re the best!"

"Yeah, I love you too, Sofia."

I patted Sofia’s back gently and expressed my feelings honestly…

"Look, Aisha. That’s what they call a lovey-dovey couple."

"Oh. Dad and Mom are lovey-dovey."

"Don’t teach her weird things."

TL Note: Lovey-Dovey?


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