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My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

Chapter 122: Next Time

{TL: By Creed)

"Ugh... This is so embarrassing."

After a while, Sofia finally calmed down... and then turned bright red.

Given that she had regressed into a childlike state and started crying uncontrollably, I could understand how she felt. But honestly, I was happy about it—because it showed just how much she cared about me.

That feeling came through so clearly that, if it weren't for Licorice and Aisha watching, I might have grinned and hugged Sofia right then and there.

... But things like that can wait until later.

First, I need to gain Edward's approval. For that, I have to capture the Jet-Black Sword Demon.

Even if it weren't for Edward's request, I couldn't just leave someone as dangerous as the Jet-Black Sword Demon on the loose. Leafland isn't my hometown, but it is Sofia's, and it's a town that matters a lot to her.

If there's something troubling them, I want to help.

"So... Fate, are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I think I slept for a whole day, so I'm a bit sluggish, but that's all. Once I get moving, it should go away quickly. Honestly, I feel like challenging the Jet-Black Sword Demon to a rematch right now."

"You don't have to fight, Fate. If I assist you, there shouldn't be any problems..."

"No, that'll be the last resort."

After training with Sofia, I feel like I can reach the Jet-Black Sword Demon now. It's not that my skills have improved in such a short time, but my resolve in how to fight has definitely solidified. My mind has been honed as much as it possibly can be.

If I still can't manage, though... it'll be frustrating, but I'll ask Sofia for help. I'd rather handle it myself, but the safety of the townspeople comes before my pride.

"By the way, what time is it now?"

"It's almost sunset."

"Then it's the perfect time."

According to the guild's information, the Jet-Black Sword Demon is most active at night. Last time, we encountered it during the day, but... that was probably just a coincidence.

Rather than relying on the chance of another such coincidence, it's better to follow the information and explore the town at night.

"Well then, shall we eat first?"


"Since when did you become such a foodie, Fate?"

"I haven't eaten anything in a whole day, so I'm starving. You can't fight on an empty stomach, and besides..."


"Aisha seems to be hungry too."

Looking closely, I noticed Aisha's tail wagging restlessly. She was occasionally holding her stomach... she must have been taking care of me the whole time.


Aisha seemed embarrassed, but to me, it was something she should be proud of. She's so cute.

"In that case, let's have a meal first."

"Well, I guess cookies weren't really enough. But are you sure it's okay to take it easy? That killer might start acting sooner than we expect."

"It's fine."

"You're awfully confident. Do you have an idea of what the enemy will do next?"


Recalling the appearance of the Jet-Black Sword Demon, I spoke with certainty.

"The next target is probably me."


The Jet-Black Sword Demon is a man. His weapon is a type of sword I’ve never seen before, and it looks quite formidable.

The fact that he’s attacking people is probably... him testing his sword. He seems to overestimate his own strength, intoxicated by the power of his weapon, and continues to commit atrocities.

I have an idea about this type of person. It reminds me of Sigurd.

I think he's similar to Sigurd. He possesses absolute confidence in himself and has an excessively high pride.

Although he was taciturn, I imagine he's very annoyed that he couldn’t deliver the finishing blow to me because Sofia showed up. After all, I'm the only one who fought the Jet-Black Sword Demon and survived. That must have hurt his pride.

To restore his wounded pride, he needs to defeat me. Therefore, my next target is undoubtedly me.

"...So, that’s the situation."

After eating, I shared my deductions with everyone.

"I see... Even though I only saw him briefly, the Jet-Black Sword Demon did seem to have a high level of pride."

"Just from seeing him? How can you tell that?"

"You can generally gauge a person's character from their presence and movements."

"Sofia, you’re a bit intimidating..."

"By the way, Licorice... well, I’ll keep that to myself for now."

"Please tell us! It's really bothering me when you keep it a secret!"

"Mom, what about me?"

"Aisha is very kind, cute, and like an angel."


It was a heartwarming sight. Even though Licorice was causing a fuss... well, that's just how it is with her.

"So, I think we can lure him out fairly easily by using me as bait."

"I’m not really on board with the idea of using Fate as bait..."

"Sorry, Sofia. I know you're worried, but can you let me have my way this time?"


"I have my own pride... well, it’s basically just stubbornness. But I think it’s important not to back down here."


To become stronger, and to become a man worthy of Sofia, I need to overcome the wall that is the Jet-Black Sword Demon.

"So, please. Let me handle this."



"Ugh... fine, I understand. I get it."

Sofia looked troubled, sighed...

And then she smiled, as if she were a parent.

"I thought I should protect you, but... Fate, you really are a boy."

"Thank you."

And so, I decided once again to fight the Jet-Black Sword Demon.

TL Note: After the training arc, it's time for round 2.


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