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My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

Chapter 123: Revenge

{TL: By Creed}

The Stage is Night.

I was walking alone through the dimly lit back alleys of the city.

Leafland is a well-maintained city, but there are still areas that remain neglected.

The place where I am now is a symbol of that neglect. There are few streetlights, and trash is scattered around. It’s a place that's lacking both in safety and cleanliness.

From what I’ve lightly researched, it seems that Mr. Edward is trying to do something about the current situation. However, due to budget and scheduling constraints, he can’t address everything at once. It’s a slow process, but he’s working on it steadily.

But this time, I’m grateful that such a place exists. This kind of location is perfect for an ambush.

I chuckled to myself.

Wishing for an ambush is a strange thing. I couldn’t help but smile wryly.

By the way, Sofia and the others aren’t with me. Sofia is staying close to Aisha just in case. Licorice is accompanying her.

So, there’s no backup. I have to handle this on my own.

But I’m not worried. On the contrary, I felt a sense of resolve, and my mind was sharply focused.


Sensing an unusual presence, I stopped walking. When I turned around, there stood a dark swordsman.

“Good evening.”


I greeted him, but there was no response.

Maybe communication is possible. I want a rematch, but if we can avoid fighting, that would be better. Thinking that, I continued to speak.

“It hasn’t been that long since we last met, has it? Have you been well since then?”


“I guess you knew I was calling for you and decided to show up. Yeah, thanks.”


“Both of us want a rematch… but if possible, I’d prefer not to fight. Are you sure you don’t want to surrender?”


I tried various approaches, but there was no reaction. Instead of answering, the man slowly drew his sword. It was a jet-black sword, darker than the night itself.

…Wait a minute? That sword… I think I’ve seen it somewhere before.

“…Could it be a cursed sword?”


For the first time, the man reacted. He glared at me with caution.

“It seems I’m right… but it looks like you’re ready to fight.”


“No way I’m saying that!”

If it comes to this, I’ll settle things with my sword as planned. I drew my sword of snow crystal and took up a stance.

Although Sofia had trained me, there was no way I could become dramatically stronger in just one day. My skills haven’t improved.

But my spirit has been greatly strengthened!


Without hesitation, I launched the first strike against this unknown opponent. I stepped forward and swung my sword down.

Even if I say so myself, my movements were fluid, with no wasted effort. And yet, the blow carried enough force to shatter rock.

To be honest, during our last encounter...

“This time, I won’t lose!!!”


I stepped forward, spinning as I swung my sword horizontally. Then, with a flick, I slashed upward.

But I didn’t stop there. I slashed repeatedly from every possible angle, again and again.

My body felt light. The moves I couldn’t execute last time now came easily. This must all be thanks to the training Sofia put me through.

There was no fear holding my body back. I could move just as I wanted... no, even more freely than I had imagined.

“…Not bad.”

The man muttered quietly. Maybe he was responding not to my words but to the clash of our swords.

“Your movements are completely different from last time.”

“I’ve trained quite a bit.”

“I see…”

The man twisted his lips in displeasure. It was the first time I had seen him show any emotion.

“You’re still the same annoying brat…”

“What did you say?”

“Back then, you had the same cocky mouth… towards me…”


Does he know me? But I don't recall knowing any killers...

Wait a minute... That voice, that build...

“Could you be… the adventurer who had that argument with Lena in the cafeteria…?”

The true identity of the dark swordsman was an adventurer with whom I had a minor quarrel before.

TL Note: Everything was pre-planned?



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