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My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

Chapter 124: Power is everything

{TL: By Creed}

"Why would you do something like this!?"

I wasn't sure if I would get an answer, but I couldn't help but ask.

We adventurers exist for the sake of others. Our power is not meant to be used for ourselves but to help those in need.

And yet, becoming a murderer...

"...I am strong."

To my surprise, there was a reply. He spoke quietly, his voice slightly hoarse.

"I've gained power."


"Everything must kneel before me... Yes, that's how it must be. So, those who do not obey must be cut down... Yes, they must be cut down. I can never lose to that man again. I can never bow to anyone again."

Though he kept muttering words, I couldn't understand what he meant.

What is this man trying to say?

Suddenly, the conversation shifted, and his words became disjointed...

It made no sense. I hate to say this, but is he sane?

"That man... I will cut down Edward!"

"What did you say?"

Edward? Is he connected to Edward somehow? If so, then...

I looked into his eyes.

His eyes were clouded, like the sludge at the bottom of a river. Just looking at them gave me the eerie sensation that I might get sucked in.

"Who are you...?"

"Yes... I must become the victor. I have to."

"Ah...!? That sword... could it be...?!"

It was my first time seeing the man's sword, but it looked familiar.

A contradictory thought crossed my mind.

The pitch-black blade was slightly curved. A red gemstone was embedded in it, shining like blood.

A feeling of unease stirred within me.

An instinctive aversion.

There's no doubt about it.

This is... a cursed sword.

"Where did you get that sword...?"


"Could it be that your strange behavior is because of that cursed sword? Cursed swords drive people mad... But, Doctor..."

No, wait.

The Doctor seemed sane at first glance, but...

His actions were nothing short of madness.

Could it be that the Doctor was also driven mad by a cursed sword?

"You are interfering with my justice, aren't you? Then you must be punished. Yes, this is for the sake of the world."

"Drop that sword! That sword... it's dangerous!!!"

I can't just leave him like this. It would be disastrous for him and for everyone else.

I felt a sense of impending doom, alarms going off in my head.

Driven by that instinct, I stepped forward.


I aimed a powerful overhead strike.

But despite my efforts, he skillfully blocked my attack.

I followed up with several more strikes, but he deflected every single one.

Judging by his condition, it's hard to tell if he still has his own will. However, his skills were deeply ingrained in his body; his swordsmanship showed no signs of deterioration. In fact, he seemed even stronger now that he had acquired the cursed sword.

"Now, die!"

The man's counterattack.

He found the slightest opening in my barrage of strikes and closed in, aiming to thrust his sword into my chest.

He's fast!

His attack was like a gust of wind. I twisted my body, barely managing to evade it.

But his assault didn't stop. As if it was now his turn, he continued to swing his sword relentlessly.

From right to left. He then leaped diagonally downward and followed with an upward slash.

His swordsmanship was unpredictable, almost fluid in its form. It wasn't just his incredible speed—his movements were tricky, making it all I could do to avoid them.

"Die! Die! Die!"

"Alright, I'll die... Just kidding! Like I'd say that!"

"Then... die!"

"Ugh, this conversation isn't going anywhere!"

There's no reasoning with him.

I either have to defeat him... or kill him. Those are the only two options.

If possible, I'd prefer the former... but I don't know if I have the luxury to do so.

"Calm down, stay calm," I told myself.

I took a step back, creating some distance, and took a deep breath. I recalled my training with Sofia.

The enemy is strong. Incredibly strong, and on top of that, he's wielding a cursed sword. This situation is beyond anything I anticipated.


I'm not afraid. Compared to this, Sofia is scarier. The training sessions with her were far more terrifying.


I managed to calm my mind. Now, I should be able to handle this, at least to some extent.

"Divine Dragon King's Sword Style: First Strike..."

The man charged at me. His speed was so overwhelming that he was in front of me in an instant.


I'm faster!

"Mountain Breaker!!!"

With all my strength, I unleashed a strike. A colossal slash that felt as if it could split a mountain in two.

At this point, I couldn't afford to worry about whether the man would survive. While I still wished I could, there was no room for hesitation.

But I'm outmatched here. There's no room for holding back, and if I did, I'd be taken down immediately.

Sofia is waiting for me. Aisha is waiting for me. Licorice is waiting for me. To avoid causing sadness to those who are waiting for me, I have no choice but to prioritize my own survival!

TL Note: Will Fate survive? ofc he will, but will he survive on his own?


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