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My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

Chapter 125: How will the conclusion turn out?

{TL: By Creed}


A high-pitched sound echoed as iron clashed against iron.


The man firmly blocked my full-force strike.

However, unlike earlier, it seemed he had no room to counterattack.

Our blades competed against each other.

We were locked in a contest of strength, each pushing our swords with all our might.



Using all the muscles in my body, I mustered all my strength.

Pushing forward as if I were about to fall over, I thrust my sword.

For a brief moment, the man was pushed back by my force, losing his balance.

I didn't miss this chance.

I kicked off the ground with my feet and charged again.

Putting my entire weight into it, I pushed him back!


Finally, the man completely lost his balance.

Overwhelmed by the force of my sword, he was blown away.

I heard a small cry as he slammed into the wall, hitting his back.

Now, in one swift move...

I was about to end it when...


A sudden chill ran down my spine, and I stopped in my tracks.

Maintaining my distance, I held my sword ready, not letting my guard down.

"Ugh, I... How can this be? I'm right... I'm right... Power is justice!"


That intense killing intent just now... wasn't from the man?

The man was clearly accumulating damage and noticeably slowing down.

It didn't seem possible that someone like him could emit such a cold and sharp killing intent.

If that's the case, then what on earth was that just now...?


I'll think about it later.

For now, I need to settle things with this man.



While I was hesitating, the man had already regained his posture.

However, he appeared significantly weakened.

It seemed that even his enchanted sword was losing its power.

Just one more step, huh?

But, "Mountain Breaker" is a technique that requires close quarters.

It's said that a wounded beast is the most dangerous, so I'd rather avoid close combat if possible.

If I fear the risk, I won't be able to grasp victory.

But reckless bravery is not the same as true courage.


After some thought, I made up my mind.

I returned my sword to its sheath.

Then, I supported the sheath with my left hand and firmly grasped the hilt with my right hand.

I assumed a deep, deep stance.

As I pictured Sofia in my mind...

Recreating her graceful movements...

I drew my sword.

"Divine King Dragon Sword Style, Fourth Strike..."

I ran.

I ran.

I ran.

As high as I could.

Faster than anyone else.

And then... a swift draw.

"...Lotus flower."

The ultra-fast sword-drawing technique that Sofia demonstrated.

Though it was just a poor imitation, and if Sofia saw it, she'd point out all the flaws...

Still, I managed to do it.

And I reached him.


The man's enchanted sword broke in half.

As if synchronized with this, the man let out a small cry and crumbled to the ground.

"Hah, hah, hah..."

I didn't lower my guard, just in case, but there was no sign of the man getting back up.

Judging by the movement of his chest, it seemed he was merely unconscious.

I'm relieved.

Even though I had decided to prioritize myself...

I still thought that, if possible, I didn't want to take a life.

I was able to survive.

And I was able to defeat the man.

I even managed to break his enchanted sword.


This is the best outcome I could have hoped for.


It's all right now.

Making that judgment, I returned my sword to its sheath.

That was when it happened.

Suddenly, I heard clapping coming from somewhere.


There hadn't been any sign of anyone.

There should have been no one here besides the man and me.

And yet, from where...


Who on earth could it be?

"Wow, that was amazing. Yes, truly incredible. Congratulations."

The person who said this, wearing a smile, was... Lena.

TL Note: Is Lena the next Boss?


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