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My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

Chapter 117: Disappointing

{TL: By Creed}

The clock tower in the square.

At its peak was Lena.

No one had noticed her yet because it’s unusual to think that someone would be on top of the clock tower.

Lena looked down at the city...

She focused on one particular spot...


She let out a disappointed sigh.

"Fate is struggling with such a pawn... Even though I gave him the magic sword, I'm a bit disappointed. I thought he would be stronger."

The reason Lena climbed the clock tower was very simple: to observe Fate's actions.

From the highest point in the city, it was easy to see where he was, and her surveillance would likely go unnoticed.

However, ordinarily, no one would actually do such a thing.

Climbing the clock tower would give a clear view, but her eyesight would be insufficient.

Even though it should be insufficient...

Lena's physical abilities, including her eyesight, far exceeded those of a normal person, so she could carry out her surveillance without any problems.

Sigh "What a letdown."

She sighed again.


For some reason, her gaze kept following Fate.

He wasn't strong.

He was so weak that he was nearly killed by the pawn they had prepared.

She had no interest in weak opponents.

And yet, for some reason, she was still concerned about Fate.

"Hmm... I wonder why?"

Lena thought.

She forgot she was on the clock tower and thought deeply.

"He’s weak now, but... will he become incredibly strong in the future? Is that why I'm interested in him? Yeah, that makes sense."

"What are you doing in a place like this?"

"Oh, Riken. Hey there!"

When she turned around, Riken was there without her noticing.

How did he climb up?

When did he find her?

There were many unknowns, but Lena didn’t care.

Riken was originally elusive, and...

Even if Riken had some mischievous plan, it wouldn’t be a problem.

After all, she was stronger.

"I'm watching the Sword Saint."

"Yet, you seemed to be watching another youngster."

"Ugh, you caught me?"

"I may be old, but I’m not senile."

"Sorry, I didn’t mean to mock you."

"I know. You were just trying to cover it up."


Lena sulked like a scolded child.

Even though she had overwhelming power...

However, she was still young in many ways.

She couldn't match Riken, who had lived for a long time.

"...I'm sorry."

"It's fine. After all, the Sword Saint is nearby. And... that person must be very intriguing to you, right?"

"Yeah, that's right. I think he's a bit of a letdown, but he might just be in the process of growing... It's a bit of a dilemma."

"Do you think he might become an obstacle to our plan?"

"He's with the Sword Saint, so I think he will. He won't be a threat to me or you, Riken, but our underlings might have a hard time. The person with the magic sword is a good match."

"I see."

"If there's even a slight chance he could become an obstacle, should we eliminate him now? ...No, that's not right?"

Lena's eyes sharpened.

Suddenly, it felt as if the season had turned to winter, with a chill in the air.

Lena's fighting spirit was so intense that it made nature itself cower.

However, Riken did not flinch.

He handled it calmly, as if it were a routine occurrence.

"Don't be hasty. I have no foolish intentions of stealing your prey."


"However, the Sword Saint is a different matter. Her sword has a high chance of reaching us. If an opportunity arises, I will eliminate her. Is that acceptable?"

"Yes, that's fine. The only one I'm concerned about is Fate."

"Knowing that puts me at ease. Now we can proceed with our plan."

"Is it going well? Giving the magic sword to some random guy to disrupt the peace, fulfilling Ice's request... while looking for a suitable candidate or retrieving one, right?"

"It's going well, but... we haven't found a new candidate. Maybe it would be quicker to retrieve Aisha."

"Well, in that case, the Sword Saint would become our enemy, so I’d rather avoid that."

Even as she said this, Lena was smiling.

If possible, she wanted to fight the Sword Saint.

She wanted to battle from morning till night.

These were the dangerous thoughts she harbored.

"Let's observe a little longer. Suitable candidates tend to be drawn to the magic sword."

"It's troublesome. It would be quicker to just cut them down."

"Even though we have power, we are few in number. First, we need to find suitable candidates, mass-produce magic swords, and increase our allies... That's the best way."

"I know, but it's still troublesome."

"You find many things troublesome."

"Well, whatever. I'll keep an eye on the Sword Saint and occasionally guide them. In the meantime, you find the candidates, and if possible, destroy Leafland."

"You don't need to tell me. I understand my role well."

The conversation ended there.



A silence followed.

The two of them looked up at the distant sky.

In the clear blue sky, white clouds slowly drifted by.

It was a very peaceful scene...

And they both deeply desired to attain that peace.

"Alright, I'll go back to my surveillance. It looks like Fate and the others are moving somewhere."

"Don't let your guard down."

"Roger. I'll be careful."

Lena smiled brightly and saluted.

"Riken, take care too."

"I know. I won't make any clumsy mistakes, and I'll skillfully use the fools."

"Yes, I'm counting on you."

"That's my line."

Lena and Riken extended their fists towards each other...

As if to say 'let's do our best,' they bumped fists.

"See you."


And then...

As if they had never been there, the two disappeared from the clock tower.

TL Note: Will Fate become Evil?


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