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My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

Chapter 118 Please

{TL: By Creed}

After that, I immediately returned to the Adventurers' Guild and reported my encounter with the Jet-Black Sword Demon.

I wasn't able to subjugate or capture it. It seems I'm the only one who survived a battle with the Jet-Black Sword Demon.

Since I was in danger myself, I didn't gather much information... Still, I managed to observe some of its sword techniques and fighting habits.

I reported these details to help other adventurers... then moved to the inn.

Even though it was still early, given what happened, I decided it was best to rest for the day.

"By the way... why the inn?"

I asked Sofia as we moved to our room after checking in.

"I can't bear the thought of sleeping under the same roof as my father."


Apparently, the father-daughter quarrel was still ongoing.

"Um... would you prefer our house, Fate? It's larger and better equipped..."

"No, that's not it."

"Sofia looked worried, so I gently patted her head.

"As long as I'm with you, Sofia, anywhere is fine. It's not the place; it's being with you that matters."


"Mom, your face is red."

"Shh. It's something called mating season, so let's keep quiet about it."

Oops. I got carried away with Sofia again without thinking about our surroundings...

Wait, mating season? Won't Sofia be mad about that...?



Sofia, with a smile, approached Licorice. Her smile was actually scarier.

"...There won't be a next time, okay?"

"Yes, ma'am!!!"

What won't have a next time? It wasn't clearly stated, but...

Licorice seemed to understand everything, trembling as she saluted crisply.

"For now, let's rest for today."

"We have time, so shouldn't we decide on our future plans and strategies? If you want, the ultra-super-cute Licorice-chan will help too."

"Having Licorice work is already a decided matter."

"I hadn't heard that!"

"It goes without saying."

"That's so black..."

"Mom, I'll do my best too."

"Oh, Aisha, you're so earnest and hardworking, and cute too. Yes, when we need your help, we'll count on you. I'm looking forward to it."


Instead of keeping children out of the conversation because there's nothing they can do, Sofia includes them, asking for their help when needed. 

Sometimes children don't understand logic. They won't be satisfied if you just tell them it's dangerous and keep them away.

Sofia's approach is the right one. Her thoughtfulness shows she'll be a great mother.

In that case, I'd be the father...

Imagining that scene made me a bit embarrassed.

But... this isn't the time to be blushing.

"Sofia, I have a favor to ask."

"A favor?"

Sofia tilted her head curiously,

"Yes, go ahead. If it's something I can do, I'll do anything."

She smiled and agreed without even knowing what the favor was.

"I haven't said anything yet..."

"It's okay. If it's an important request from you, Fate, I'll listen and make it happen! Yes, anything is fine! Even... something naughty, no problem!"

"No, no, that's not it!"

I hurriedly denied it.


"It's too early for Aisha. You have to be an adult like me."

"Too bad..."

Licorice, nice save.

"Um... is that not it? I thought Fate was finally going to make a move on me..."

"I'm not!"

"Really... you won't?"

"No, I mean, I'm interested, but not yet... that's not what I meant!"

I shook my head vigorously to dispel the image of Sofia in a compromising position.

This isn't the time for that. We need to have a serious discussion.

Here's the translation of the additional provided text:


"Could you... train me?"

"Training? You mean with the sword?"

"Yes. I want you to teach me more about the Divine Dragon King Swordsmanship, on a much deeper level."

"But we already train every day, don't we?"

In the morning, before breakfast. In the evening, before taking a bath. We practiced with Sofia every day.

However, that training was more about gaining the ability to handle crises when they arose rather than simply getting stronger... That wasn't enough. With the current training, I wouldn't be able to defeat the Jet-Black Sword Demon.

Today's battle made that painfully clear.

I need to become much stronger. Much more than I am now. Strong enough to stand alongside Sofia... no, even stronger than her.

I want to become stronger!

"So... please, Sofia. I want to get stronger than I am now, so I need you to train me seriously."

Sofia seemed to understand my intention, and her expression turned very serious.

"To fully master the Divine Dragon King Swordsmanship, it would take even you several years. It took me ten years."

"I see..."

"But, if it's just to reach a level higher than now, it could be done in a day if all goes well."

"What, just one day!?"

"But it will be a very rigorous training."

"Do you think I could defeat the Jet-Black Sword Demon with that?"

"You can."

Sofia declared with confidence. She was truly dependable in moments like this.

"But it will be harsh training. You might get seriously injured, and in the worst case, you might die. I will be that serious about it. Even so... will you do it?"

"I will."

I answered without hesitation.

The encounter with the Jet-Black Sword Demon made me realize how weak I still was. So, I have to become much stronger. I need to catch up to Sofia.

"Fate, you're a boy after all..."


"No, it's nothing. I understand. If you're that determined, I'll support you all the way. Tomorrow, we will face the sword with everything we have."


TL Note: That season will also come soon.


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