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My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

Chapter 128: Meeting

{TL: By Creed}

One week later.

Sofia was in her childhood room at her parents' house.
She had changed into a dress and was adorned with glamorous accessories.

"Wow... Mom, you look so pretty!"

Aisha's eyes sparkled with excitement, and her tail wagged energetically from side to side.
That feeling was understandable.

Right now, Sofia looked like a goddess descended to earth.
Her whole body sparkled like a jewel.
Yet, there was no sense of gaudiness; she appeared natural.
Her charm was multiplied many times over, making it impossible to look away.
I wanted to keep gazing at her forever and ever.


Sofia blushed up to her ears and covered her face with both hands.
Huh? What's wrong?

"Fate, you know, you just said all that out loud."

Oh no, what a mistake I made.
I panicked and flustered.

"Uh, um... Sorry, Sofia."
"N-No, I don't mind..."
"But, it's not like I was lying or flattering you! I meant every word! It's just that you're so beautiful that my honest thoughts slipped out..."
"Ugh... Are you trying to kill me with embarrassment, Fate? Or are you trying to make me so happy that I ascend to heaven?"

Even though I was trying to apologize and calm her down, Sofia turned even redder.

"Listen, Aisha. Your father and mother, they're what you call a 'baka couple' (silly couple). Okay, repeat after me."
"Baka couple?"
"Yup, that's right."
"Don't teach her strange things!!"


Sofia, wrapped in a glamorous dress, moved to the most luxurious guest room in the mansion.

And then, she sighed.

"Even if it's just to meet, having to dress up like this isn't exactly something I'm excited about."

For Fate, she would gladly dress up as much as she needed.
She would put on the most makeup possible.
She would push her limits to become even more beautiful.

But this time was different.
She had to show herself in this dress to a complete stranger.
This thought significantly lowered Sofia's spirits.

"Come to think of it..."

She realized she had forgotten to ask the name of her betrothed.
Who on earth could it be?
Would it be okay to vent her frustrations on them, even a little?

As she was contemplating such dangerous thoughts, there was a knock on the door.

"Excuse me."

The person who appeared was a man in his mid-twenties.
He was dressed in fine clothing, but his well-groomed face was just as striking.

Perhaps it was because he wore glasses, but his smile appeared very gentle.
Indeed, the man bowed slowly and with a calm demeanor.

"You must be Lady Sofia Ascart? Nice to meet you. I am Isaac Needle. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."
"I am Sofia Ascart."

Sofia stood up and returned the bow.
Then, they both took their seats, facing each other.

For now, they exchanged light conversation with smiles.
The topics were all harmless, but it was as if they were both feeling each other out.

First, she needed to gauge his personality.
She planned to decline the engagement, but...

If he had a good personality and remarkable abilities, it might be wise to form a connection here.
That was her assessment.

Even so...?

Sofia tilted her head slightly in thought.
The surname "Needle" sounded familiar to her.
Where had she heard it before?
Though she tried to recall the vague memory...

"By the way,"

Before she could remember, Isaac changed the topic, drawing her attention.

"Lady Sofia, you are quite an astute woman, aren't you?"
"Oh, I'm flattered by your words, but what makes you say that?"

If he was just saying something offhand, she'd reprimand him.
Hiding such thoughts in her heart, Sofia asked with a smile.

"Right now, you're trying to gauge what kind of person I am, aren't you?"
"...What do you mean?"
"You don't need to hide it. Your eyes, and the pace of our conversation... It can only mean you're assessing me."
"You have quite an observant eye."
"Thank you. I help my father with his work, and because of its nature, I've naturally trained my eyes."

"I see..."

He's not a man to be underestimated.
Thinking this, Sofia revised her opinion of Isaac upward.
He was quicker-witted than she had anticipated.


If Isaac was as sharp as he seemed, he must have already realized that Sofia had no interest in him.
So why continue the conversation?

Is he just humoring Sofia, knowing they'll have to talk for a while?
Or is he, in turn, trying to assess her?
Or, perhaps—though it's the worst-case scenario—has he taken a liking to her and is looking for an opportunity to win her over at any cost?

Unable to reach a conclusion, Sofia let out a small sigh.

"By the way, Lady Sofia, do you like wine?"
"Wine, you say?"
"I recently acquired a very fine wine, and I would love to share it with you."

"Well... sure. Just a little."

Thinking it would be rude to refuse, Sofia accepted the offer.

Isaac gave a signal, and what appeared to be a servant brought over the wine and poured it into glasses.
Seeing that it was already chilled, it seemed they hadn't considered the possibility of her refusal.

"Well then... to our meeting, cheers."

Isaac drank his wine first, and then Sofia took a sip as well.
And then...


Sofia's body swayed unsteadily.

"I will take you and your sword."

TL Note: Needle, where  have I heard it before?


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