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My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

Chapter 129: Sudden Turn of Events

{TL: By Creed}

"Sofia has been kidnapped!?"

I heard about it at dusk.

While I was curious about Sofia's meeting, I thought I shouldn't interrupt, so I waited in the room with Aisha and Licorice.

Just as I started to think it was taking unusually long, a maid with a pale face came running in.

At the place we were taken to, there were Edward and Emilia, both looking distressed.

Then, from their mouths, we were told that Isaac Needle, a former fiancé candidate, had kidnapped Sofia and disappeared.

"No way, something like that..."

"I mean, is there even anyone who could kidnap that Sofia?"

Licorice's point was valid.

Sofia is a sword saint, possessing strength greater than that of Edward.

To kidnap someone like her...

The maid, looking extremely apologetic, spoke up.

"When we examined the remaining glass, we found traces of drugs..."

"I see. No matter how strong Sofia is, she can't win against drugs."

"...Tell us about Isaac, the culprit."

We have to go rescue Sofia right away!

Although a primal instinct screamed this, rushing in blindly would be pointless.

We must ensure that we can rescue her safely and without fail.

To do so, we first need information about the culprit.

Recognizing that this wasn't the time for quarreling, Edward provided the information honestly.

"Indeed... Isaac Needle was chosen as a candidate for Sofia's fiancé. He is the only son of a noble family residing in this town."

"A noble, huh... Do you know anything about his character?"

"He is somewhat overconfident, but unlike his parents, he is a serious young man. He is also skilled with a sword. As a candidate, he was a perfect match, but..."

"As a candidate?"

I sensed something off about those words.

Wouldn't it normally be phrased as Sofia's husband?

Using the word "candidate" makes it sound as if...

As if it this whole fiancé thing won't end there.

But that's not important right now.

We need to get more information.

"Even though he's serious, he kidnapped Sofia?"

"As unbelievable as it is, that seems to be the case..."

"Do you know his motive? Even if it's just a guess."

"Perhaps Ice has fed him some bad ideas."


"Isaac's father. One of the influential nobles in this town, and perhaps my rival. He is also said to be a candidate for the next lord and is seen as an enemy."


Isaac, was ordered by Ice to kidnap Sofia, who wants to be the next lord.

They likely intended to use Sofia as leverage to demand that the lord step down or surrender the title.

If we think along those lines, it makes sense...

"But isn't this plan a bit too sloppy?"

While it makes sense, it's far from a meticulous plan.

It's the kind of slapdash plan that could fall apart due to a small mistake.

Moreover, I've heard Isaac is of a serious nature...

Even if it was an order from his father, would he cooperate with such a reckless plan?

Something feels off.

It's as if we're dancing in the palm of someone's hand...

Like we've been caught in a spider's web before we knew it.

A sense of unease crept into my heart.

"Fate, what should we do? Should we go storm in?"

"N-no! While it's almost certain that Isaac is the culprit, we don't have any proof. Moreover, there's no solid evidence that Ice is involved. Acting recklessly would only allow him to do as he pleases!"

To safely rescue Sofia, I was carefully organizing my thoughts, but...

No, I can't ignore what was just said.

"Edward, as the lord, I understand you have many things to consider."


"But with what you just said, you aren't thinking about Sofia at all. We don't know what has happened to her, yet you're thinking only about other things... I understand you have a position to uphold, but as a parent, shouldn't you at least think about your daughter a little in a situation like this?"

"Ugh... Nngh..."

Edward seemed like he wanted to say something, but then he closed his mouth.

As the lord, Edward must have many responsibilities...
Still, I wish he would show a little more concern for Sofia.

It seemed my words reached him, as Edward looked down.
It was as if he was ashamed of his own words and actions.

"So, what will you do, Fate?"


I think.

I think.

I think.


I made my decision.

"We won't storm in."


Why does Licorice look so disappointed about that?

"But we'll sneak in quietly."

TL Note: Sneaking will become confrontation soon.


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