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My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

Chapter 130: Absolute Weakness

{TL: By Creed}

I waited until nightfall before making a move.

In reality, I wanted to move as soon as possible...

But I wanted to gather as much information as I could.

And also, I waited for nightfall to blend into the darkness.

“The security seems pretty lax.”

The Needle family's mansion was built a bit away from the city center.

It had a large garden, and there was also a pool at the back of the house.

It was larger and more spacious than the Ascart family’s mansion.

However, according to the reconnaissance that Licorice did, there didn’t seem to be many guards.

It wasn’t a zero-guard situation, but it didn’t seem to be a fortress that wouldn’t let a mouse through.

“With this, do you think we can manage?”

“Leave it to this super ultra hyper miracle wonderful extra beautiful girl thief Licorice-chan to lead the way!”

“That’s a long name...”

“But, are you sure it was okay to leave Aisha behind?”

That’s right.

As Licorice said, Aisha was left at Sofia’s family home.

She seemed eager to come along, but with the uncertainty of what might happen, I couldn’t really bring her.

“Is she going to be bullied by that stubborn old man?”

“Don’t worry.”

Since Emilia is there, it won’t come to that.

“Besides, Edward doesn’t like me, but I think he will like Aisha.”

“Is that so? Well, I do acknowledge that Aisha is cute, but it’s not guaranteed, right? Do you have any evidence?”

“I do.”

“What kind?”

“Grandpa is weak against his grandchildren.”



Aisha sat on the floor in the corner of the room, hugging her knees and looking uneasy.

After Fate and Licorice headed out to rescue Sofia…

Aisha had been left behind to stay in one of the guest rooms of the Ascart family mansion.

But being alone in an unfamiliar place, without anyone she could rely on, made her feel anxious and naturally curl up in the corner of the room.

Her tail swayed restlessly. Her ears drooped.

“Mom… Dad…”

She wished they would come back soon.

As she endured her loneliness and anxiety, there was a knock at the door.


“Good evening.”


The ones who appeared were Emilia and Edward.

A kind-looking person and a frightening one arrived at the same time.

Aisha, unsure of what to do, was so confused that she covered her head with the curtains.

Even though it was meaningless, she couldn’t help but hide.



“We brought some delicious sweets. Would you like to have them with us?”


Aisha’s dog tail twitched slightly.

Tentatively, she peeked out from behind the curtain and looked at Emilia.

“It’s freshly baked apple pie. I made it myself, and I think it’s very delicious.”

Aisha sniffed the air.

The enticing smell of the baked pie and the sweet aroma of apples.


Aisha’s eyes sparkled as she sat on the sofa and picked up a fork and knife.

If Fate and Sofia were here, they would probably be reminded to not be swayed by food.

“It… looks delicious.”

Aisha’s tail wagged vigorously from side to side.

A bit of drool dripped from the corner of her mouth.

Whether Aisha’s appetite was immense or Emilia’s apple pie was extraordinarily powerful, it was a scene that made one wonder.

“Hehe, I’ll cut it up for you right away. Also, it’s even better with some tea, you know? Oh, and please, Mr. Edward, join us too.”


And so, a peculiar tea party with three people began.

Though Aisha was nervous…

She couldn’t resist the temptation of the apple pie and took a bite.

Her eyes sparkled like stars.

“It’s delicious.”

“Hehe, thank you.”

“…It’s okay.”

“Oh dear. Mr. Edward, you always say that. It’s no fun if that’s all you say.”

“I’m just saying it’s not bad.”

“I would like to hear a very honest opinion, like Aisha-chan’s.”



Edward’s gaze was fixed on Aisha.

Not noticing that he was being observed, Aisha continued to devour the apple pie with single-minded focus.

“Speaking of which…”

“What is it?”

“Who is this girl? She was with Sofia and that kid…”


Emilia let out a genuine sigh of exasperation.

“Haven’t those kids mentioned it over and over?”

“What do you mean?”

“Aisha-chan is Sofia and Stuart’s daughter. In other words, she’s our granddaughter.”

TL Note: Aisha is the strongest.


  1. I feel like the whole fiancé BS would have been immediately cancelled if this was revealed, our does grandpa want to bully his granddaughter by separating her parents?


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