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My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

Chapter 131: Granddaughter

{TL: By Creed}

"What... did you say!?"

Upon hearing the shocking news, Edward's eyes widened.

No, it wasn’t exactly shocking. Fate and Sofia hadn't been hiding anything, and Edward was the only one completely oblivious to it. His obsession with Fate had blinded him to everything else.

"That brat... you're telling me he laid his hands on my Sofia!?"

"They're in love, so it wouldn't be surprising if that were the case. Besides, they’re not children anymore."


Edward's anger was about to explode when—

"However, it seems they haven’t progressed to that stage yet."

Emilia's comment put a hold on his rage.

"What do you mean?"

"Sofia, despite how she looks, is quite shy when it comes to matters like that. Even if the mood were right, I doubt she could take the initiative due to embarrassment. As for Stuart, he’s a very sincere boy. He’s probably waiting until marriage... or something like that."

"And if that’s true... then what about this child? She’s their... daughter, right?"

"I haven't heard the full details yet, but perhaps she’s adopted?"


"Besides, they're of different races. There’s clearly no blood relation."


Now that she mentioned it, Edward realized this as if for the first time and his eyes widened again.

"Still, it seems blood ties don’t matter to them. Just look at how loved Aisha is."

Emilia said this with a very gentle expression as she looked at Aisha. Sensing the warmth in her gaze, Aisha recognized Emilia as a kind person.

"Come here."


When Emilia spread her arms, Aisha slipped right into her embrace. Though a bit hesitant—

"There, there."


Aisha seemed to quickly relax as her head was gently patted, happily wagging her tail. She even let out a soft, occasional bark.

Edward watched the two with a tinge of envy. He then realized, much to his shock:

Was I really feeling jealous watching my wife and this little girl? Did I want to do the same?

An odd inner conflict stirred within Edward... and noticing this, Emilia gently nudged Aisha toward him.

"It seems my husband wants to bond with Aisha, so why don’t you call out to him?"


Aisha, looking uncertain, drooped her tail slightly.

Seeing this reaction, Edward felt as if an arrow had struck his heart. The emotion that welled up was... sadness. Pure, overwhelming sadness.

Why? Why am I so upset just because a little girl rejected me?

Confused by this inexplicable feeling, Edward was deeply shaken.

"Aisha, it’s okay. Despite how he looks, my husband is quite fond of children."


"And you, husband, stop making such a stern face. I understand you’re nervous, but remember, this is your granddaughter."


The word was sweet and soothing. His body relaxed, and his heart was filled with warmth.


Aisha tilted her head slightly as she asked for confirmation.


Edward clutched his chest and staggered back.

What incredible power those words held.

With just that one word, a master of the swordsmanship dojo was almost brought to his knees.

"Are you okay?"

Seeing Edward wobble, Aisha toddled over to him, concerned. Her movements were irresistibly cute, like a small animal, and he felt as though he could watch her forever.

"Y-yes... I am fine."


Aisha still looked worried.

She seemed to ponder for a moment... then, after a brief pause, her face lit up with an idea.

Stretching her little arms as far as she could, she reached out toward Edward's chest. And then...

"Pain, pain, go away!"

She performed a little magic spell that her parents sometimes did for her.

"Are you feeling better now?"

Aisha looked proud of herself. She clearly believed this would make everything better.

Watching his granddaughter, Edward...

"…So precious..."


"Yes, yes. Thank you, Aisha. You've saved me. To think you could do something like that—you're not only adorable but truly amazing!"

Edward was utterly defeated. No matter how stubborn a man is, no grandfather can win against his granddaughter.

Completely charmed by Aisha's cuteness, Edward’s face turned into a helpless grin—one he would never show his disciples.

The current Edward wasn’t intimidating at all. In fact, he seemed incredibly kind.

Why had he changed like that? Aisha had no idea, but she decided it didn’t matter as long as he was nice, and stopped trying to figure it out.


"Ah, there, there."

Aisha snuggled up to her grandfather, while Edward, now fully aware he had a granddaughter, resolved to spoil her more than ever.

Watching the two, Emilia gave a gentle, amused sigh.

TL Note: Aisha 1 & Edward 0


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