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My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

Chapter 133 Now

{TL: By Creed}

Although it was different in shape from what the Doctor owned...

The sword Isaac possessed was indeed a magic sword.

Isaac smirked, a smile full of malice.

"Oh, you know about magic swords. It seems you have some knowledge."

"Where did you...?"

"Are you going to talk easily?"


I tightened my grip on the sword’s hilt once again.

"In that case, I'll make you spill it by force!"

I didn't have much information about the magic sword.

What I knew was only that it had tremendous power.

Logically, I should be extremely cautious and observe the situation first.

That would surely be the best course of action.

But, I decided to take the initiative.

I would strike first and launch an attack.

"Divine King Dragon Sword Technique, First Blade... Mountain Breaker!!!"

I readied my sword as if to pierce the heavens, then swung it down with full force.


Isaac firmly stopped my attack.

And for his counterattack...

"Not yet!"


Without giving him a chance to counterattack, I continued to strike with my sword.

I lifted it from below, then swept diagonally downward, turning my body to strike with the flat of the blade.

I launched a series of thrusts, occasionally mixing in kicks.

"Ugh... You coward! Aren't you going to fight just with the sword?!"

"There’s no such thing as cowardice in a fight!"

Isaac roared, but I ignored it all.

I relentlessly continued my attacks, slashing from every conceivable angle.

Through the ongoing battle, I realized.

Isaac wasn’t scary.

Even though he had a magic sword, he wasn’t particularly strong.

Doctor was a formidable enemy.

As a former adventurer, he had considerable combat skills.

Because of that, he could fully unleash the power of the magic sword, and it took both Sofia and me working together to defeat him.

But Isaac was different.

He seemed to have learned about the sword, but he lacked overwhelming technique.

He had too little practical experience.

He couldn’t fully draw out the power of the magic sword like that.

"As I thought."


"You’re not that scary. Unlike when I faced Doctor, I feel nothing. Yeah... You’re really nothing special."

"Are you mocking me?!"

"I’m just stating the facts."

"I’ll kill you! I’ll be sure to kill you with my own hands!"

Furious, Isaac started to wildly swing the magic sword.

His concentration was diminished by his anger, making his attacks very sloppy.

There was no way I would be hit by such a sword.

To fall for such a simple provocation...


It really doesn’t seem like a big deal.

"I’ll take Sofia back."

"How dare you claim her as your own!"

"I can confidently say that Sofia and I are of the same heart."

It might be a selfish thought...

But, when it comes to Sofia, I can say this.

I’m certain of it.

Because she is...

"Sofia is an important childhood friend!"

"This brat!!!"

"Divine King Dragon Sword Technique, Fourth Blade..."

I returned the sword to its sheath.

However, my hand stayed on the hilt.

I readied myself deeply.

I inhaled deeply.

At the same time, I gathered my strength, gathering, gathering...

And then unleashed it all at once!

"Lotus Flower!"

The ultra-fast sword draw technique.

Though I wasn’t taught it properly and only mimicked it from watching...

Even so, it succeeded.

The blade, unleashed as if gathering the wind, pierced Isaac’s side.

He didn’t react at all.


A small cry of pain.

Along with the sound of air being forcefully expelled from his lungs.

Isaac staggered and...

Fell to the ground, his eyes rolled back. I didn’t want to kill him, so I made sure the blade was sheathed.


After confirming that Isaac was completely unconscious, I sheathed the snow crystal sword.

"Oh, Fate, you’ve gotten really strong. It’s like you’ve grown faster than I expected."

"I think the recent training with Sofia helped."

"I’m not sure what you did, but you pushed yourself until you were completely worn out. I genuinely think it’s impressive that you can work that hard. You’re a genius at effort, Fate."

"Do you really think so?"

"Yes. Since this Licorice is praising you, you should be a bit proud."

"Yeah. Thanks, Licorice."

With that, I had eliminated the obstacle.

Now, I just needed to rescue Sofia, but...

"Before that, I should collect the magic sword."

Doctor’s magic sword was shattered, but fortunately, Isaac’s magic sword was unharmed.

I couldn’t leave something like this behind...

There might be something to gain by appraising it or otherwise.

Thinking this, I reached for the magic sword...

"Um, I’d prefer if you didn’t collect that."

A voice suddenly interrupted.

TL Note: Who said that?


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