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My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

Chapter 136: The Magic Swordsman

{TL: By Creed}

"The Alliance of Dawn...? A magic swordsman...?"

Hearing unfamiliar words, I couldn't help but furrow my brows.

I've been a slave for a time, but...  
I've been an adventurer for a fairly long time.

I've learned all kinds of things, gathered all sorts of information.  
But these are terms I haven't heard before.

"You're making a face like 'What is that?' Yeah, I get it, it's normal not to know. So, I'll give you a little bit of an explanation."

"Huh, you'll tell me?"

That’s unexpected.  
Usually, these kinds of things are kept secret, aren't they?

"Because I'm kind. This is a special service. You can ask me what you want. Well, I can't answer everything, though."

"Then... what is a magic sword?"

"Hmm... how much can I say? Simply put, it’s something that stands opposite to a holy sword. If a holy sword draws its power from people's prayers, a magic sword draws its power from negative emotions."

"Why does something like that exist?"

"It was created by a certain entity... but the details are a secret♪"

With a playful wink, she cutely refused to elaborate.  
How should I put it? She’s a hard-to-pin-down girl.

"A magic swordsman... is that someone who uses a magic sword?"

"Yep, that's right! By the way, I'm ranked third."


"That's my rank within the organization. Hehe, I’m actually pretty important."

So, if she’s ranked third...  
That means at least two more magic swordsmen are above her.

They must be even stronger than Lena.

"And what about the Alliance of Dawn?"

"To put it bluntly, it's a terrorist organization."

"You really did put it bluntly..."

"We do have our own sense of justice or a greater cause, but it’s something that would destroy the current order. So from the outside, we’re nothing but a terrorist organization, ahaha."

The way she laughs so casually while acknowledging they’re a terrorist group is honestly impressive.

"Can you tell me your goal?"

"Hmm, I can't tell you that right now. But as a bonus, I’ll say this: mass production of magic swords, and training more magic swordsmen... all in preparation for an upcoming battle."

Even a single magic sword can give its wielder power comparable to a sword saint.  
If they mass-produce something like that, things will get out of control.

Now I understand what she meant by calling it a terrorist organization.


Suddenly, a thought crosses my mind.

"Could it be... is Aisha involved with the magic swords?"

"Aisha? The beastkin girl?"

"Yeah. She’s small, with dog—no, wolf-like ears and a tail."

"Ah... yeah, she’s deeply involved."

"I knew it..."

"How did you figure that out?"

"Before, someone who wielded a magic sword—Doctor—seemed unusually fixated on Aisha. So I thought there might be a connection."

"I see... that was a slip-up on our part."

Lena’s face twisted with a bitter expression.  
It seems she didn’t want me to find out Aisha was involved.

"Can you tell me more about that...?"

"Hmm... nope. If I told you that, I’d get in trouble."

"I see. That’s fine then."

"You’re backing down pretty easily, huh?"

"Well, you said you can’t tell me. I’d like to force the information out of you, but... I can't beat you."


Lena’s expression shifted into one of amusement.

"Why do you think that?"

"Just a feeling, I guess?"

Standing face-to-face with Lena like this, my whole body feels like it’s trembling.  
She’s not hiding the pressure she usually conceals...  
It’s such a crushing force that I feel like I might faint from fear.

"I see, I see. So you understand you can’t beat me."

"Are you disappointed that I said that without even doing anything?"

"Nope. Actually, my opinion of you just went up. Being able to accurately assess your opponent’s strength is crucial for a warrior. I like you even more, Fate."

Lena smiled as she spoke.

It didn’t seem like flattery or anything like that—it felt like she was being sincere.

“But why are you telling me all this? If you’re part of a terrorist organization, wouldn’t it be quicker to just eliminate me, considering I’m an unnecessary witness?”

“That’s true, but... I’ve come to like you, Fate. You’re honest. Kind. And... strong.”

“Uh... I’m not really that strong, though?”

“For now.”

Lena smiled.
It was a mysterious smile, as if she could see into the future.

“My instincts are telling me. Fate, you’re going to become incredibly strong one day. You might even become the strongest in the world, earning the title of Sword God.”

“No way...”

“My instincts are usually right, you know?”


Even hearing something like that, it didn’t feel real to me.

“That’s why I’m telling you as much as I can. And... if possible, I’d love it if you joined us.”


Her unexpected proposal made me widen my eyes in surprise.

“What do you think? Would you join us?”

“Um... even if you ask me that all of a sudden…”

“If you join, I’ll tell you everything, and there’ll be all sorts of perks too. Right now, you’d get a house with a maid, and a salary raise!”

“What kind of recruitment is that...?”

“And... be my boyfriend.”

I coughed, choking.

“You mentioned that before, but, wh-what, are you serious about that?”

“Of course.”

Lena answered without hesitation.
There was no sign that she was lying.

“I’ve really grown to like you, Fate. There was a time when I was disappointed in you, but that’s in the past. Now, I’m really, really interested in you... Yup, this is love. I’ve fallen for you, Fate.”

“Uh, um...”

It’s the first time a girl, aside from Sophia, has shown me any romantic interest.
I couldn’t help but get flustered.

“Hey, hey, why don’t you go out with me? I’m the kind of girl who’s devoted, you know? I’ll cook delicious meals for you, and I’ll even work hard at cleaning. And of course, I’ll do naughty things for you too♪.”


Her shocking statement made me choke even more.
This is bad.
I was completely falling into Lena’s pace.

“Uh, no, um...”

“No? I really would do anything, you know? Even if you have some unusual tastes, I’d accept them.”

“It’s not that... I mean, no, that’s not the issue.”


“I... I’m sorry. There’s already someone I’m set on.”

Even though Lena was part of a terrorist organization,
the feelings she had for me seemed genuine, so I wanted to answer her honestly.

“I already like someone else.”

TL Note: Sofia's base is going to be taken.



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