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My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

Chapter  135: Be mine?

{TL: By Creed}

"Who’s there!?"

At the sudden voice, I hurriedly turned around.


It was Lena, greeting in an overly carefree manner, completely out of place for the situation.

A girl I met at the town’s diner. I’ve only seen her once… but I remember her well because she suddenly confessed to me.

"Why are you here?"

I asked while keeping my sword ready.

Pointing a sword at a girl… well, it’s not like I wouldn’t feel bad about it, but Lena is different.

Just standing face-to-face with her makes me break out in a cold sweat. It feels like I’m standing in front of a ferocious beast.

No, is “ferocious beast” even enough to describe it? It’s something more. It felt like facing a demon or a dark lord straight out of a story.

Lena, noticing my reaction, frowned in dissatisfaction.

"Hmph. Even though I’m in the mood for some action right now, that reaction still hurts, you know."

"Huh? Ah… um, sorry."


When I bowed my head, Lena looked dumbfounded.

Then, she burst out laughing loudly.

"Aha, ahaha! You seriously apologized? Wow, you really are a softie, aren’t you? Ahaha!"

"Even if you laugh at me for it..."

"Sorry, sorry. But you know, Fate, you just do the most unexpected things. It’s your fault, okay? Yeah, this is all your fault, Fate."


"Mm, Fate really is interesting. I’m starting to want to make you mine, but… first things first."


Lena vanished like a mirage.

Was I talking to an illusion? No, that can’t be… Where did she go?

"Alright, retrieval complete."


Before I realized it, Lena had circled around behind me. In her hand was the magic sword.

"What are you planning to do with that!?"

"I’m just retrieving it for now."


"Yeah, this magic sword was something we provided, you see. Since it’s a rental, it’s only natural we take it back later, right? I gave him a pretty decent one, and it seemed like it would help him kidnap the Sword Saint, so I thought he would get the Holy Sword… but I guess not. The sword messed with his rationality, made him act completely different from his usual self. Yeah, that’s no good. If someone without compatibility uses it, they’ll end up going mad."

So, Isaac's true target isn’t Sofia but the Holy Sword?

"Lena, just who are you…?"

Who is she?

When I met her before, I thought she was a high-ranking adventurer. She looks like a cute girl... but sometimes there are people with incredible strength hiding behind that appearance.

I've seen examples like that around me.

But she's not just an adventurer. She’s something beyond that... a type of person I've never encountered before.

"Oh, come on. I’m just an ordinary adventurer you could find anywhere."


"You're giving me that 'there's no way that's true' look, huh. Yeah, at this point, I guess that excuse won’t work."

She made a thoughtful gesture. After a brief moment, Lena smiled slyly.

"Hmm… well, since we're here, how about I introduce myself properly?"

With a light wave of her hand, the magic sword she had been holding disappeared. Where did it go…?

Without paying any attention to my surprise, Lena gracefully bowed.

And then, she revealed her true identity.

"I am Lena Summerfield, a magic swordswoman affiliated with the 'Dawn Alliance.'"

TL Note: New Force the 'Dawn Alliance' emerges from the shadows.


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