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My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman.

Chapter 17 Date

{TL: By Creed}

Finally, I was able to become an adventurer. My heart is dancing and excited like never before.

I decided to take on a request right away and take the first step as an adventurer, making it a memorable moment.

...Or, at least, that's what I thought.

"Tomorrow, I have a little errand. Meet me at noon in front of the fountain in the center of the town. Punctuality is crucial, okay?"

Sofia told me this, and the adventure was put on hold. It's a bit disappointing, but Sofia's business is more important.

What could it be? Maybe a continuation of our training? Or perhaps she wants to teach me the mindset of an adventurer?

Curious, I head to the fountain for the meeting.

"Um... Oh, there you are. Sofia."

"Fate, hello."

Sofia's smile was shining as brightly as the midday sun. She seemed very happy and in high spirits, but what could be the reason?

"Actually, why meet up? We're staying at the same inn, so we could have just met there."

"That lacks romance, don't you think? It's a special date, so I wanted to have a rendezvous."

"...A date?"

"Yes, a date."

I tilted my head in confusion.

"A date?"

Seemingly confused, I repeated the same words.

"Um... Wait a minute. What does that mean?"

"Just as it sounds."

"You never told me?"

"It's a surprise date!"

If she says it so cutely, I can't possibly complain. A girl's cuteness is a powerful weapon, almost as potent as a girl's tears.

At times, its power may surpass that of a legendary holy sword. Speaking of which, Sofia does have that holy sword. Perfect.

"Wait, wait..."

I'm completely flustered.

"Since we've finally reunited, I don't just want to be an adventurer; I also wanted to have fun together. Um... Was it inconvenient, perhaps?"

"No, not at all. I want to be an adventurer, but I also want to have fun with you, Sofia."

"If you say that, I'm happy."


Look at my outfit. It's just the usual, very ordinary clothes.

On the other hand, Sofia is wearing a different outfit, looking stylish.

"Sorry. If I had known it was a date, I would have worn something more decent... No, my other clothes aren't that great either, so it's difficult."

"Don't worry about it. As long as I'm with Fate, it's fine."

"Well, but..."

"In that case, can I ask one favor today? If you agree, that's good enough."

"Sure, understood. Just tell me anything."

"If you say that, I might ask for something unreasonable."

"It's okay. For Sofia, I'm willing to do anything."



"Those words are cheating... They really resonate in my heart."

Blushing, she said such things.

Why is it considered cheating? I honestly don't understand what I should do.

"Well... For now, shall we wander around the town?"

"Yes, that sounds good."

And so, our date began.

However, since this town isn't particularly large, there aren't any notable date spots. No theaters, no markets. No comedians, no circus. There are only small, privately-owned shops and a park.


"Hehe, this is fun."

"Yeah, it is."

With Sofia, anything becomes enjoyable. Just strolling through the park makes the world sparkle, and my mood dances.

As we continue our date, memories from the past naturally come to mind. Yes, that's right...

"Hey, Sofia. Do you remember the old days?"

"Yes, I remember everything."

"Everything, huh..."


While every memory with Sofia is precious, I do forget some fragmented moments.

"So, do you remember getting lost when we were playing in the park?"

"Uh... Y-yes, of course, I remember that."

It seems to be a dark memory for Sofia, and she seemed a bit embarrassed.

Here's how it happened. We were playing in the park together, but Sofia, in the middle of it, found a beautiful butterfly and wandered off somewhere.

In the past, she used to get lost quite often when I took my eyes off her.

So, in a panic, I searched everywhere...

By the time the sun was setting, I finally found Sofia.

Sofia was in a small forest just outside the town, unable to find her way back, and crying alone. I carried her on my back, and we returned to the town.

"When I'm with Sofia in the park, I remember that incident. Please don't follow butterflies anymore, okay?"

"Don't say mean things... Well, back then, I was a child, so I couldn't help it. Now, I won't do such things."

"Really? Sofia, you seem mature, but there's a quirky side to you. I'm a bit worried."

"Oh... Fate, you're being mean today."

Sofia puffed her cheeks...

But soon after, she smiled and laughed innocently like a child.

"Hehe, it's a very nostalgic memory."

"When I came to the park, it suddenly came to mind. Oh, by the way, something like that happened back then."

"Did you forget?"

"Sorry. I can't remember everything..."

"Don't apologize. I understand it's difficult to remember everything. It's a bit lonely, though."

Sofia's face clouded slightly, though only a little.

But I didn't want to see her with such an expression...

"There are things I remember clearly."

"What is it?"

"Let's get married in the future."


"That promise, I never forgot it no matter what happened. Every day, I thought about it... In tough times, thinking about the promise helped me endure. So, thank you."

"We've just reunited, and Fate has just become an adventurer. So, I won't say right away, but... someday, will you keep the promise? Will you make my wish come true?"

"Of course."

In the park, bathed in warm sunlight, Sofia and I reaffirmed our bond once again.

TL Note: Now with bonds strong start adventuring..............I want to see some actions.


  1. This was too corny and I hate my mind with NTR chilhood friends stories but whatever this was good enough


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