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My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

Chapter 32: Smash it down

{TL: By Creed}


Sofia expressed no interest in Aizen's actions.

She suggested he could do as he pleased.

In that case, why did she come here?

As Aizen puzzled over this, Sofia walked confidently towards him.

Instinctively, he tensed, but she didn't approach Aizen; instead, she reached for the documents on the desk.

It was evidence exposing Aizen's misconduct.

"So, you intend to accuse me!?"

To prevent that, Aizen unsheathed his sword, pointing the tip at Sofia to restrain her.

However, she seemed unfazed.

As if she couldn't see such a threat, she didn't stop.

"That's why I won't do such a thing. Regarding the Adventurer's Guild, it's not yet a significant threat... you can do as you please for now."

"Then why are you trying to take that with you?"

"It's a warning."

"A warning?"

"If you continue repeating similar actions, I will make this public."

"What... when did...!?"

Even though he had been watching closely, Sofia had somehow moved a few steps away.

In her hand, she held documents proving Aizen's misconduct.

"Give that back to me."

"No way?"

"I can forcefully take it if I want to."

"You think you can beat me?"

"Normally, you wouldn't be able to. However,"

Aizen activated a magical device he had secretly placed under the desk.

A sound echoed, and the atmosphere changed.

Sofia seemed to sense it and showed a slight change in expression.

"This is...?"

"I've deployed a barrier that reduces external forces to one percent. Its effective range is limited to this room, but it's a very powerful barrier."

"I see..."


Aizen pressed another switch he had pre-set on the desk.

With a metallic click, the door locked remotely.

"Now, you can't escape."


"So, if you don't want to suffer, return those documents. You're the Sword Saint. If you disappear, it will cause a commotion, so I won't kill you, but... let's have you behave for a bit."


Sofia laughed genuinely, as if finding the situation amusing.

Her smile was cold, almost freezing.

A chill ran down Aizen's spine.

Despite being in an overwhelmingly advantageous situation, he felt a despair as if he were confronting a predatory bird with his bare hands.

...It's just my imagination.

Aizen told himself that, advancing towards Sofia.

"Give it back. Also, to prevent such things in the future, I'll keep your weakness in check."

"What do you mean by that?"

"You will regret being born a woman. Well, considering your emotions, using Stuart is the only option, maybe he has to wear another collar again."

"I see... That's unfortunate. I truly intended to let it slide. Even if you were to harm me, well, I was prepared to endure that. However... if you're going to use my precious childhood friend, Fate, I cannot forgive you."

"Hmph, what can you do inside this barrier? Now, first, the documents..."

Aizen reached out with his right hand...

That's when he finally noticed.

There was nothing beyond his elbow.


A sound as his arm dropped to the floor.

Followed by a rush of blood.

"Guh, aaaaah!? Wh-what is this!? Guh, uuuuugh!?"

In intense pain, entering a panic, Aizen removed his belt and used it to staunch the blood.

He didn't understand what had happened...

As a former adventurer, he reflexively performed life-saving measures.

"W-what on earth happened?"

"I'm the one who cut it."

Somewhere along the line, Sofia had drawn her sword.

The blade was stained with blood.

Her words were undoubtedly true...

But when?

It seemed invisible.

Or rather, it was impossible to stop it even if it was visible.

"Absurd... There's currently a barrier in this room."

"Yes, that's correct. A troublesome barrier has been deployed. Thanks to it, I can't exert my full power. However..."

Sofia emitted a murderous intent.

"Someone like you, even at one percent of your ability, I can handle more than well enough. Shouldn't you refrain from underestimating the Sword Saint?"


At this moment, Aizen finally understood.

He was currently angering someone he shouldn't have turned into an enemy.

Infuriating them.

Preparing for his impending death.

"Then, I'll be going."

Thinking she was about to kill him, contrary to expectations, Sofia turned on her heel.

As if she had no more interest in Aizen, she held the evidence of his misconduct and tried to leave.

"W-You're not going to kill me...?"

"At first, that was my intention... Well, Fate said something like that, so I can't afford to lose my temper alone, I thought."

"Something like that...?"

"However, don't forget that I can kill you anytime."

"I-if you do such a thing, you'll be the one at fault... No matter how much evidence of misconduct there is, vigilantism is..."

"Can you stop me with the law? Will it stop the Sword Saint?"

In reality, she had come alone and cut off Aizen's arm without hesitation.

If anything happened, she would undoubtedly kill Aizen without hesitation.

Realizing this, Aizen, overwhelmed by fear, couldn't find the words to speak.

"Why did you go this far?"

"Because you hurt Fate."

Once again, he was glared at by Sofia.

Her eyes burned with the flames of fury, and an immense murderous intent was condensed.

Feeling an overwhelming pressure, Aizen's heart felt like it might stop just from that.

"Whatever your intentions may be, involving Fate is absolutely unforgivable. And this time, leaving Sigurd unattended, you indirectly hurt and tormented Fate... To be honest, I want to kill you. Losing one arm isn't enough."

"Huh... ugh...!?"

"However... Fate doesn't seek revenge. He is very kind. So, I'll stop here as well. Be grateful for Fate's kindness, won't you?"


"Goodbye, then."

Sofia bowed once and left the room.

...A few days later.

Aizen, severely injured, suddenly announced his retirement as the guild master, causing chaos. But that's another story.

TL Note: All loose ends have came to an end Fate's past is finally settled.....the hidden boss too...


  1. Nice that Sofia got her time to shine here. Doensn't everyone want to have a slightly yandere childhood friend? Haha


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