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My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman.

Chapter 28 Pursuit Battle

{TL: By Creed}

"Ha...! Ha...! Ha...!"

Sigurd and Lector were running through a deserted back alley.

They were out of breath, steadily losing their stamina.

"Sigurd, please stop."

"What's wrong?"

"There's a presence ahead... it seems to be some kind of magical trap. If you intrude into its range, it makes a loud noise."

"Can you disable it?"

"Give me a little time."

Lector attempted to disarm the trap.

While waiting, Sigurd clicked his tongue, scratching his head in frustration.

"Darn it... why did it have to come to this!"

In planning this incident, they had used an informant from the underworld.

They were informed that Mira had failed and been arrested.

But that wasn't the only problem.

Their conspiracy was exposed, and their adventurer qualifications were revoked.

They were now wanted for three murder cases and an attempted assassination of a noble.

"Damn it, it was a perfect plan. No one noticed. We couldn't be captured. All that was left was to pin the blame on that useless... darn, darn, darn, darn it!"

"That useless seems to have contributed to Mira's arrest."

"What? Is that true?"

"I don't know if it's true, but... that informant said something like that in the end."

"Idiot!? How the heck did that useless figure out our crime! Our plan was flawless. Unless it's that Sword Saint, that useless couldn't capture us!"

"Well, I agree with you, but... the informant..."

"Darn it... that brat! Forgetting the favors we did for him and doing this! Ridiculous!!!"

Fate had never thanked Sigurd and his companions.

On the contrary, he resented being forcibly enslaved.

Even though he had made that clear...

Sigurd and his companions could only think of things that suited them.

Therefore, they faced their downfall.

The consequences of their reckless actions had caught up with them.

And Fate was the trigger for it all, an ironic twist of fate.

"For me to endure such miserable feelings...!"

"Now is the time for patience. Let's flee far away, regroup, and plan a comeback. We'll eventually rescue Mira, repay the useless, and retaliate."

"Yeah, that's right. Someday, I'll make him regret it. Remember this, Fate Stuart... I'll definitely pay back this debt."

"Sorry, but it won't be that easy."



Searching the city together with Sofia, for a while...

In the back alley, Sigurd and Lector were spotted.

Drawing their swords, ready for action.

"Sofia, contact the adventurers and the military police."

"Yes, understood."

Sofia blew the whistle.

A piercing sound echoed through the air.

Support should arrive within five minutes.

"Now... would you surrender quietly?"

Sofia also drew her sword.

Just that alone made the air tingle.

It was the result of someone reaching the level of Sword Saint, enveloped in fighting spirit.

An ordinary person would likely faint just from this.

"Don't mess around! Who the hell would surrender to the likes of you!"

"Even if she's a Sword Saint, she shouldn't be able to do much due to the useless one dragging her down. Sigurd, let's go with the combination tatics."

"Yeah, fine."

Sigurd and Lector also entered combat mode.

And then, the battle began... right at that moment.

"Lector, I'm counting on you for the rest!"

"What!? S-Sigurd, wha...!?"

Sigurd kicked Lector away.

Seemingly completely unexpected, Lector was sent flying, coming towards us.

Sigurd's actions were also unexpected for us.

Unable to avoid him, both Sofia and I fell over in a heap.

"I won't forget your dedication!"

"Sigurd, I can't believe you would... betray me, your comrade! Why!?"

Lector let out a painful scream, but Sigurd ignored him, running away.



Not only that, used as a pawn.

It seemed to be quite a shock, as he was bowed down.

"Move aside, you're in the way."


Sofia ruthlessly kicked Lector aside, making him move.

"Sofia, you're merciless..."

"It's worse to be in the way."

Sofia seemed to have a lot of pent-up frustration.

She had quite a frightening smile.

"Can I rely on you to watch over Lector until reinforcements arrive? He seems completely lost... but we can't afford to leave a lookout."

"Fate, are you going after Sigurd?"

"Yeah...What's wrong?"

"I can't put it into words well, but I have a bad feeling about this."

Sofia said with a serious expression.

However, it seemed like she couldn't find specific words and was frustrated.

Ignoring her words would be unthinkable.

"I'll be on maximum alert."

"If possible, I'd like to go myself, but..."

"...Sorry. Just this time, let me handle it. It's entirely for my own convenience... but I'm the only one who can settle things with Sigurd. I want to resolve our past with a proper fight, not a mock battle."

"I understand. I won't try to stop you anymore. Just..."

Tightly, Sofia embraced me.

It was a bit painful.

But she was worrying about me...

I couldn't possibly ask her to let go.

"Please do your best."



Seeming somewhat convinced, Sofia let go.

"I'll hand over this man to the reinforcements and then go after Sigurd immediately. So..."

"Don't push yourself too hard."

"You beat me to saying that."

"Because it's Sofia, I can somewhat understand."

"That's unfair."

"Well then, I'll be going."

"Yes... take care."

Settling things from the past is important, but not making Sofia cry is even more important.

I have to be extremely careful not to let that happen.

With that determination, I set off to pursue Sigurd.

TL Note: Effectiveness aside Team Rocket care for each other and they don't backstab......probably


  1. Didn't Jessie and James get married? Team Rocket is goated.

  2. Not Jesse or James. Giovanni on the other hand...


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