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My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

Chapter 74 Sorry

{TL: By Creed}

"At the back of the spacious room, there was a platform, illuminated by concentrated light.

The ones illuminated were women and young children dressed only in rags.

They were lined up with collars around their necks, handcuffs on their hands, and shackles on their feet.

In front of them were people sitting on chairs, smirking and laughing.

They all wore jewels, seemingly flaunting their wealth.

"Twenty thousand!"

"Twenty-five thousand!"

"No, I bid fifty thousand!"

There was no mistaking this for anything other than an auction venue.

It was enveloped in a distorted fervor, swirling with desires...

It felt nauseatingly repulsive.

The people on the platform were human beings like us...

Yet they were being treated like objects, trampled upon.

Remembering my own past circumstances, something hot surged from deep within my chest.


The woman who seemed like a slave cried silently without making a sound.

The children were frightened, their eyes filled with tears.

Seeing that, something snapped within me.

"...Sofia, Licorice."


"Have you contacted Cliff?"

"I've already done that."

"Right, it was said that it would take about thirty minutes until the breach due to the preparations, wasn't it?"

"Yes, that's what I've heard."

In the preliminary meeting...

We were supposed to initiate our attack from the inside in conjunction with Cliff's breach.

The plan was to secure Aisha and the others' safety while capturing Doctor and Falz.

That was the plan, but...

"...Sorry. I might not be able to endure for thirty minutes."

I couldn't just stand here and watch this scene.

I wanted to help those people as soon as possible, every minute, every second mattered.

I had to set them free.

Such a sense of duty and...

The anger towards Doctor and those participating clients who organized such things...

Various 'fires' surged within me, pushing my heart strongly.

I grasped the hilt of the Snow Crystal Sword.

"I'm going to help those people right now."

"Is that alright?"

Licorice asked with a stern expression.

"If we disrupt the plan, Doctor might escape, you know? And then the same thing might happen elsewhere. Even so, is it alright?"

"...Licorice is right."

I thought and thought and thought...

And then, I came up with an answer.

My answer remained unchanged.

"But, women are crying. Children are crying. I can't just overlook that. I can't say I want them to endure a little longer, suffer a little more for the sake of justice. No way I can say that."


As if waiting for that answer, Licorice smirked.

"Good answer. I don't dislike that kind of response."


"I'm in favor of Fate. I'll cooperate. I don't really care about humans, but even I find this scene disgusting."

"And Sofia..."

"My answer has been clear from the beginning."

Sofia also reached for the hilt of the sword.

"I'll lend my strength to what Fate wishes and make everything come true. That's what I want to do. You could call it my duty. And besides..."

The corner of Sofia's eye lifted, radiating hostility.

"We absolutely cannot overlook such inhumane acts. We must crush them immediately. I want to crush them all."

"Hey, calm down. I agree it's unforgivable, but wiping them all out is a bit... too much."

Caught off guard by the killing intent emitted by Sofia, Licorice took a step back.

"Just kidding. We'll need testimony, so we won't kill them."


"Half a year, in the inpatient ward."

"Is that really appropriate...?"

She was a violent childhood friend.

Well, I understand the feeling, or rather, I don't say anything because I feel the same way.

I don't stop it either.

Rather, I feel like just go for it.

"Licorice, can you assist me? After we rescue those people, can you protect them?"

"Hmm... probably, I'm fine. I'm Licorice, the all-powerful miracle idol who can do anything. I can even put up a barrier. But if someone like Fate or Sofia shows up, I probably won't be able to hold out."

"You can leave that to me. I'll handle everything like security and bodyguard."

"...As I said earlier, don't go too hard, okay?"

"If I feel like it."

Let's pray that Sofia's mood improves even a little.

"First, we'll immediately take control of this situation. Then we'll rescue Aisha. If there's time, we'll secure Doctor and Falz. Is that okay?"


"Sounds good."

"Alright, then..."

We exchanged glances.

Then, we started the countdown in our minds.





While signaling, I dashed through the passage and stormed onto the platform.

TL Note: Fate has a heart of gold but Sofia has?


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