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My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

Chapter 75: I don't think it'll be free, is this line?

{TL: By Creed}

"Oh? It's you..."

The host noticed me, wearing a puzzled expression.

Probably, he should have heard about me from Doctor.

Seems like he consider me an ally, as he looks curious but not panicked.


He's wide open, so I'll take advantage without hesitation.

"Eek!? Wh-what's..."

I slashed at his legs, then followed with his arms.

It's not a complete severance, so there won't be severe bleeding, and he won't die.

But he shouldn't be able to move immediately.

"Ah... uwaah!?"

"Screams... wh-what's happening!?"

A sudden incident, and the guests started to panic.

Some were quick to react, heading towards the exit, attempting to flee.

However, futile.

To ensure none escape, I've sealed the exits with Licorice's magic.

For ordinary people without abilities, escaping is impossible.

Now's the time to do what needs to be done.

"You are..."

"I've come to help. Please stay still."

Even the captured ones were surprised and frightened.

To prove we're not enemies, I speak to them in the gentlest voice possible, cutting off the shackles one by one.

If it were slave collars, I wouldn't be able to cut them...

Since they haven't been sold as slaves yet, the contracts aren't finalized.

What binds them are ordinary iron restraints, so I'll gradually cut them off and set them free.

"Are you... really going to help us?"

"Can I... go home?"

"Yes. Everything will be okay now."

"Th-thank you... thank you so much!"

The women wept tears of joy, and the children began crying too.

They must have been so scared, suffering, and wounded.

Once again, I feel strong anger towards Doctor and Falz for plotting such things.

"Licorice, these people..."

"Got it, leave it to me!"

Licorice floats up lightly and mutters something.

Then, curtains of light appear, enveloping the captured people.

This must be a barrier.

When I lightly touch it, I feel strong resistance.

It's like being in water, unable to move my hands as I wish.

Eventually, I come to a halt, unable to proceed further.

"This barrier is incredible. I can't move forward."

"Hehe, isn't it? Impressive, right? It's the special barrier of the genius beauty fairy, Licorice-chan. Others can't break through it."

That's reassuring.

Next is Aisha, but...

"You... planning to betray us!?"

"You ruined everything... I'll kill you!"

Doctor's enraged soldiers appeared.

Each wielding weapons, they charge towards us, but...

"Don't forget about me, okay?"

A gust of wind blew.




Sofia intercepted the three in an instant, slamming them to the ground.

Judging from their groans, she seemed to have shown some restraint.

However, their limbs were bent in odd directions...

They probably won't be able to engage in rough activities ever again.

"Now, let me take care of them. Come at me from anywhere, anytime. But..."

Sofia readied her sword.

And she glared sharply.

"As I'm in quite a bad mood right now, be prepared for appropriate injuries, okay?"

At Sofia's chilling aura, the private soldiers paled.

If they behave like that, there shouldn't be any problems, right?

Though I'm worried about going too far...

Well, if it comes to that, so be it.

There's zero sympathy for these guys.

"Now, I'll leave the rest to you. I'll go search for Aisha."

"Yes, leave it to me."

"Do it properly!"

Encouraged by the two, I felt as if I'd gained strength from them.

I feel like I can do anything right now.

"How... dare you think you can get away with something like this for free!?"

The host raised his body and glared at us.


As much as I'd like to just cut him off...

Such rough thoughts are to be suppressed.

It's not right to attack an unarmed opponent.

"Being foolish enough to defy Doctor-sama...! Let me make it clear, you will be crushed like ants underfoot!"

"...Thinking you'll get away with it for free, that's my line."

I should just ignore them, but I can't let that slide, glaring back.

"You've done terrible things to many people, even to Aisha... By doing whatever you please, you think you'll get away with it? I'll make sure you answer for it!"" 


The host trembled and fell silent.

"Hmm... Fate gets scary when he's angry."

I heard Licorice say something like that, but I decided not to pay it any mind.

More importantly, it's about Aisha now.

I need to hurry and rescue her, reassure her!

TL Note: Aisha should be in trouble....right?


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