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Showing posts from September, 2024

My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

  Chapter 136: The Magic Swordsman {TL: By Creed} "The Alliance of Dawn...? A magic swordsman...?" Hearing unfamiliar words, I couldn't help but furrow my brows. I've been a slave for a time, but...   I've been an adventurer for a fairly long time. I've learned all kinds of things, gathered all sorts of information.   But these are terms I haven't heard before. "You're making a face like 'What is that?' Yeah, I get it, it's normal not to know. So, I'll give you a little bit of an explanation." "Huh, you'll tell me?" That’s unexpected.   Usually, these kinds of things are kept secret, aren't they? "Because I'm kind. This is a special service. You can ask me what you want. Well, I can't answer everything, though." "Then... what is a magic sword?" "Hmm... how much can I say? Simply put, it’s something that stands opposite to a holy sword. If a holy sword draws its power from peop

My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

  Chapter  135: Be mine? {TL: By Creed} "Who’s there!?" At the sudden voice, I hurriedly turned around. "Yoo-hoo." "...Lena?" It was Lena, greeting in an overly carefree manner, completely out of place for the situation. A girl I met at the town’s diner. I’ve only seen her once… but I remember her well because she suddenly confessed to me. "Why are you here?" I asked while keeping my sword ready. Pointing a sword at a girl… well, it’s not like I wouldn’t feel bad about it, but Lena is different. Just standing face-to-face with her makes me break out in a cold sweat. It feels like I’m standing in front of a ferocious beast. No, is “ferocious beast” even enough to describe it? It’s something more. It felt like facing a demon or a dark lord straight out of a story. Lena, noticing my reaction, frowned in dissatisfaction. "Hmph. Even though I’m in the mood for some action right now, that reaction still hurts, you know." "Huh? Ah… um, so

My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

  Chapter 134: The Attacker {TL: By Creed} "Amu, amu, ham!" Aisha opened her small mouth wide, grasping her fork with her fist, and eagerly gobbled up the pancakes. Honey smeared around her mouth, and pieces of pancake crumbled and fell as she ate. But that didn't stop her. Her tail wagged vigorously back and forth as she devoured the pancakes with excitement. That's how delicious the pancakes Emilia made were. "Aisha-chan, is it good?" "Yes, it's delicious!" Aisha nodded with her eyes sparkling. Seeing her granddaughter like that, Emilia smiled with joy. Hearing someone say the sweets you made are delicious is always gratifying. And if it's your granddaughter, even more so. "Aisha, would you like seconds? Grandpa can slice you another piece." "I think I might want a little more." "Alright then. How about half...? Here we go!" Edward, not hesitating to use his well-honed sword skills, effortlessly sliced the pa

My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

  Chapter 133 Now {TL: By Creed} Although it was different in shape from what the Doctor owned... The sword Isaac possessed was indeed a magic sword. Isaac smirked, a smile full of malice. "Oh, you know about magic swords. It seems you have some knowledge." "Where did you...?" "Are you going to talk easily?" "Yeah." I tightened my grip on the sword’s hilt once again. "In that case, I'll make you spill it by force!" I didn't have much information about the magic sword. What I knew was only that it had tremendous power. Logically, I should be extremely cautious and observe the situation first. That would surely be the best course of action. But, I decided to take the initiative. I would strike first and launch an attack. "Divine King Dragon Sword Technique, First Blade... Mountain Breaker!!!" I readied my sword as if to pierce the heavens, then swung it down with full force. Clang!!! Isaac firmly stopped my attack. And f

My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

  Chapter 132: I won't give it to you {TL: By Creed} With Licorice navigating, I infiltrated the mansion. When Licorice gets serious, she's amazing, and so far, no one has spotted us. We continue deeper and deeper into the mansion. Then... partway through, I suddenly realized something. "Hey, Licorice." "What?" Licorice, leading the way, stopped flapping her wings. "We’re on the right path, right?" "Of course. According to the genius, hyper-cute navigator Licorice, I can sense Sofia’s presence coming from this direction." "Hmm." "What?" "I feel like we're being lured in." We’ve come quite deep into the mansion, but we haven’t encountered anyone. I haven’t even seen any guards. It feels a bit too convenient. When I voiced my concern... "Fate, you worry too much. Nothing’s happened, so isn’t that a good thing?" "Do you think so?" "Of course! I bet the goddess is on our side. After a

My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

  Chapter 131: Granddaughter {TL: By Creed} "What... did you say!?" Upon hearing the shocking news, Edward's eyes widened. No, it wasn’t exactly shocking. Fate and Sofia hadn't been hiding anything, and Edward was the only one completely oblivious to it. His obsession with Fate had blinded him to everything else. "That brat... you're telling me he laid his hands on my Sofia!?" "They're in love, so it wouldn't be surprising if that were the case. Besides, they’re not children anymore." "G-Guhhh!" Edward's anger was about to explode when— "However, it seems they haven’t progressed to that stage yet." Emilia's comment put a hold on his rage. "What do you mean?" "Sofia, despite how she looks, is quite shy when it comes to matters like that. Even if the mood were right, I doubt she could take the initiative due to embarrassment. As for Stuart, he’s a very sincere boy. He’s probably waiting until mar

My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

  Chapter 130: Absolute Weakness {TL: By Creed} I waited until nightfall before making a move. In reality, I wanted to move as soon as possible... But I wanted to gather as much information as I could. And also, I waited for nightfall to blend into the darkness. “The security seems pretty lax.” The Needle family's mansion was built a bit away from the city center. It had a large garden, and there was also a pool at the back of the house. It was larger and more spacious than the Ascart family’s mansion. However, according to the reconnaissance that Licorice did, there didn’t seem to be many guards. It wasn’t a zero-guard situation, but it didn’t seem to be a fortress that wouldn’t let a mouse through. “With this, do you think we can manage?” “Leave it to this super ultra hyper miracle wonderful extra beautiful girl thief Licorice-chan to lead the way!” “That’s a long name...” “But, are you sure it was okay to leave Aisha behind?” That’s right. As Licorice said, Aisha was left at Sof

My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

  Chapter 129: Sudden Turn of Events {TL: By Creed} "Sofia has been kidnapped!?" I heard about it at dusk. While I was curious about Sofia's meeting, I thought I shouldn't interrupt, so I waited in the room with Aisha and Licorice. Just as I started to think it was taking unusually long, a maid with a pale face came running in. At the place we were taken to, there were Edward and Emilia, both looking distressed. Then, from their mouths, we were told that Isaac Needle, a former fiancĂ© candidate, had kidnapped Sofia and disappeared. "No way, something like that..." "I mean, is there even anyone who could kidnap that Sofia?" Licorice's point was valid. Sofia is a sword saint, possessing strength greater than that of Edward. To kidnap someone like her... The maid, looking extremely apologetic, spoke up. "When we examined the remaining glass, we found traces of drugs..." "I see. No matter how strong Sofia is, she can't win against