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Showing posts from August, 2024

My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

  Chapter 128: Meeting {TL: By Creed} One week later. Sofia was in her childhood room at her parents' house. She had changed into a dress and was adorned with glamorous accessories. "Wow... Mom, you look so pretty!" Aisha's eyes sparkled with excitement, and her tail wagged energetically from side to side. That feeling was understandable. Right now, Sofia looked like a goddess descended to earth. Her whole body sparkled like a jewel. Yet, there was no sense of gaudiness; she appeared natural. Her charm was multiplied many times over, making it impossible to look away. I wanted to keep gazing at her forever and ever. "Hau..." Sofia blushed up to her ears and covered her face with both hands. Huh? What's wrong? "Fate, you know, you just said all that out loud." "What?" Oh no, what a mistake I made. I panicked and flustered. "Uh, um... Sorry, Sofia." "N-No, I don't mind..." "But, it's not like I was lying

My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

  Chapter 127: Careless {TL: By Creed} After parting ways with Fate, Lena walked down the main street of the town with a nonchalant expression... After entering a few narrow alleys, she moved to the hideout. Entering the house, she let out a sigh. "I'm tired... and it was close..." "You seem unusually tired." Riken was already in the hideout. He was leisurely drinking tea and relaxing. "Did you make some kind of mistake?" "No, it's fine. They asked me a lot of questions, but no one was suspicious of me. It's just... covering things up was tiring." "Are you sure you didn't make any mistakes?" "I'm... pretty sure I didn't?" "So, you did..." Riken let out a sigh of exasperation. Lena was highly skilled, her combat abilities surpassing Riken's. However, when it came to espionage, her abilities were somewhat unreliable, often leading to mistakes like this. "I-it's fine! I did have some

My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

  Chapter 126 {TL: By Creed} "You are..." This girl... I met her in the cafeteria before. "Lena?" "Yay♪ You remembered me properly!" "Well, yeah." She was a girl with a strong impact, in many ways. It wasn't something I could easily forget. And, well... She was also the girl who confessed to me. I'm not heartless enough to forget someone like that right away. "Fate, you're really strong, aren't you?" "Did you see what just happened...?" "Yeah, yeah. I thought something was going on, so I peeked in, and I saw you and that guy fighting, so I couldn't help myself." "That's a pretty dangerous thing to do... You could have gotten caught in the crossfire." "It's fine. You know I'm strong too, right, Fate?" Lena said it nonchalantly. Her words weren't exaggerated or boasting. There was a sense of confidence and strength in them. "Is that guy dead?" "No,

My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

  Chapter 125: How will the conclusion turn out? {TL: By Creed} Clang! A high-pitched sound echoed as iron clashed against iron. "Ugh...!" The man firmly blocked my full-force strike. However, unlike earlier, it seemed he had no room to counterattack. Our blades competed against each other. We were locked in a contest of strength, each pushing our swords with all our might. "You...!" "Urgh!?" Using all the muscles in my body, I mustered all my strength. Pushing forward as if I were about to fall over, I thrust my sword. For a brief moment, the man was pushed back by my force, losing his balance. I didn't miss this chance. I kicked off the ground with my feet and charged again. Putting my entire weight into it, I pushed him back! Thud! Finally, the man completely lost his balance. Overwhelmed by the force of my sword, he was blown away. I heard a small cry as he slammed into the wall, hitting his back. Now, in one swift move... I was about to end it whe

My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

Chapter 124: Power is everything {TL: By Creed} "Why would you do something like this!?" I wasn't sure if I would get an answer, but I couldn't help but ask. We adventurers exist for the sake of others. Our power is not meant to be used for ourselves but to help those in need. And yet, becoming a murderer... "...I am strong." To my surprise, there was a reply. He spoke quietly, his voice slightly hoarse. "I've gained power." "Power...?" "Everything must kneel before me... Yes, that's how it must be. So, those who do not obey must be cut down... Yes, they must be cut down. I can never lose to that man again. I can never bow to anyone again." Though he kept muttering words, I couldn't understand what he meant. What is this man trying to say? Suddenly, the conversation shifted, and his words became disjointed... It made no sense. I hate to say this, but is he sane? "That man... I will cut down Edward!" "W

My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

  Chapter 123: Revenge {TL: By Creed} The Stage is Night. I was walking alone through the dimly lit back alleys of the city. Leafland is a well-maintained city, but there are still areas that remain neglected. The place where I am now is a symbol of that neglect. There are few streetlights, and trash is scattered around. It’s a place that's lacking both in safety and cleanliness. From what I’ve lightly researched, it seems that Mr. Edward is trying to do something about the current situation. However, due to budget and scheduling constraints, he can’t address everything at once. It’s a slow process, but he’s working on it steadily. But this time, I’m grateful that such a place exists. This kind of location is perfect for an ambush. I chuckled to myself. Wishing for an ambush is a strange thing. I couldn’t help but smile wryly. By the way, Sofia and the others aren’t with me. Sofia is staying close to Aisha just in case. Licorice is accompanying her. So, there’s no backup. I have to

My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

  Chapter 122: Next Time {TL: By Creed) "Ugh... This is so embarrassing." After a while, Sofia finally calmed down... and then turned bright red. Given that she had regressed into a childlike state and started crying uncontrollably, I could understand how she felt. But honestly, I was happy about it—because it showed just how much she cared about me. That feeling came through so clearly that, if it weren't for Licorice and Aisha watching, I might have grinned and hugged Sofia right then and there. ... But things like that can wait until later. First, I need to gain Edward's approval. For that, I have to capture the Jet-Black Sword Demon. Even if it weren't for Edward's request, I couldn't just leave someone as dangerous as the Jet-Black Sword Demon on the loose. Leafland isn't my hometown, but it is Sofia's, and it's a town that matters a lot to her. If there's something troubling them, I want to help. "So... Fate, are you feeling okay

My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

  Chapter 121 I'm so sorry!!! {TL: By Creed} "…Huh?" The consciousness that had sunk into the depths of darkness slowly surfaced. When I opened my eyes, I saw the ceiling of the inn where we were staying. Along with that, I also saw Aisha, who was restlessly twitching her dog ears. I was lying in bed… and it seemed Aisha was peering at me intently. "Ah." "…Good morning." "Dad!" Aisha hugged me tightly. She's still small, so she isn't heavy. "Ugh." As I sat up, I noticed Aisha's tail drooping down. Is she feeling anxious? While stroking Aisha's head, I asked her, "What's wrong, Aisha?" "…Dad, you were asleep for so long, I got worried." "So long?" "Fate, you've been asleep for a whole day," a soft voice came from above. When I looked up, I saw Licorice flying while munching on cookies she held in both hands. …What a skillful trick. "A whole day?" "Yeah, th

My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

  Chapter 120: Everything... {TL: By Creed} Just by standing here facing her, my body can't stop trembling. I feel like my heart is about to break from fear. But still... I grit my teeth, grip my sword, and push off the ground. “Yaaaaah!!!” I strike with all my strength and speed. I think I managed to deliver a fairly decent attack, even if I say so myself... However, my sword doesn't reach Sofia. Like an illusion, Sofia’s figure disappears, and my sword cuts through the air. Immediately, I feel an intense pressure from the right side. Reflexively, I forcefully tilt my sword, which I had just swung, to use it as a shield. Clang!!! With a harsh impact, I was sent flying far away. “Ah…” Ignoring the pain all over my body, I get up, only to see my sword broken in the middle. This sword was something I bought today at the weapon shop in town, specifically for this practice session. It wasn't some famous sword, but it was made of a layered alloy, which I was told wouldn't br

My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

  Chapter 119: To reach a higher level {TL: By Creed) The next day. Sofia and I moved to the outskirts of town. At the edge between the town and the outside. There are no buildings in such a place. There’s nothing but a plot of land covered in weeds, maybe earmarked for future development. "This place will allow us to fight to our heart's content," Sofia said. "But if we can't use the dojo at your house, what about the training grounds at the Adventurers' Guild?" The Adventurers' Guild typically has training grounds available. Any adventurer can use them freely, but... "Those are a bit too small. I need to go all out, and if I'm not careful, I might end up bringing the building down with me." "I see..." In other words, I would have to fight Sofia at her full strength. My body trembled. I was honestly scared. But it wasn't just fear—I was excited, too. By fighting Sofia at her full strength, I might be able to become even s

My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

  Chapter 118 Please {TL: By Creed} After that, I immediately returned to the Adventurers' Guild and reported my encounter with the Jet-Black Sword Demon. I wasn't able to subjugate or capture it. It seems I'm the only one who survived a battle with the Jet-Black Sword Demon. Since I was in danger myself, I didn't gather much information... Still, I managed to observe some of its sword techniques and fighting habits. I reported these details to help other adventurers... then moved to the inn. Even though it was still early, given what happened, I decided it was best to rest for the day. "By the way... why the inn?" I asked Sofia as we moved to our room after checking in. "I can't bear the thought of sleeping under the same roof as my father." "Haha..." Apparently, the father-daughter quarrel was still ongoing. "Um... would you prefer our house, Fate? It's larger and better equipped..." "No, that's not it." &q

My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

  Chapter 117: Disappointing {TL: By Creed} The clock tower in the square. At its peak was Lena. No one had noticed her yet because it’s unusual to think that someone would be on top of the clock tower. Lena looked down at the city... She focused on one particular spot... Sigh She let out a disappointed sigh. "Fate is struggling with such a pawn... Even though I gave him the magic sword, I'm a bit disappointed. I thought he would be stronger." The reason Lena climbed the clock tower was very simple: to observe Fate's actions. From the highest point in the city, it was easy to see where he was, and her surveillance would likely go unnoticed. However, ordinarily, no one would actually do such a thing. Climbing the clock tower would give a clear view, but her eyesight would be insufficient. Even though it should be insufficient... Lena's physical abilities, including her eyesight, far exceeded those of a normal person, so she could carry out her surveillance without

My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

Chapter 116: The Black Sword Demon {TL: By Creed} Aisha clung to Sofia, looking frightened. Sensing her daughter's distress, Sofia picked up Aisha and gently patted her back, reassuring her that there was nothing to fear. "It's okay, Aisha. I'm here with you." "Mm..." Aisha seemed to calm down a bit, and her trembling ceased. However, her fear had not completely vanished, as her tail remained curled up. "What's wrong with Aisha? Did she eat something strange?" "Well, she's not like Licorice... but still." Aisha is a beastman. She might be sensing something that we cannot perceive. "Hey, Aisha. You said you felt something scary over there. What kind of feeling is it?" "Um... it's like I can hear angry voices and the sound of swords..." "Sofia." "Yes." We can't hear anything... but Aisha, being a beastman, has incredibly sharp hearing. If she says something is wrong, it must be tru