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Showing posts from July, 2024

My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

  Chapter 115: One Request {TL: By Creed} To gain Edward's approval, I first thought about accomplishing a major feat. For that purpose, I visited the Adventurers' Guild in Leafland. "Wow..." Unlike other places, the Adventurers' Guild in Leafland was overflowing with nature. Potted plants decorated every corner, giving it a very stylish appearance. Without the signboard, one might mistake it for a café. "Hmm, not bad at all. I wouldn't mind making this my villa." "This is an adventurers' guild, not a house." "The flowers... they smell so nice." "Yes, they do. They're very cute, just like Aisha." "Sofia, your treatment of Aisha and me is drastically different..." While Licorice stood dumbfounded, they approached the counter. "Welcome to the Adventurers' Guild. Are you here for a request, or are you an adventurer?" "I'm an adventurer. I want to register to work here." "Un

My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

Chapter 114: A Small Incident {TL: By Creed} A plaza in the residential area of Leafland. It’s a place with a lot of greenery and beautiful scenery, usually serving as a spot for the residents to relax. They bring tea and sweets, and chat together. Children play with balls in their hands. It’s usually a place filled with peaceful scenes, but... This morning, that scene changed completely. Knights displaying signs of urgency. Residents watching the plaza from a distance, all showing expressions of anxiety. And then... At the center of the plaza lay a lifeless body.  ―――――――――― "A murder case?" Edward received this report from his butler in the afternoon, several hours after the incident occurred. He told Sofia to return home, but she refused... As they were about to have another intense argument like the one they had yesterday, he somehow managed to hold back because he had to work... While having a simple lunch and going through some documents, he received the report. "T

My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

  Chapter 113: The Man in the Shadows {TL: By Creed} The lord of Leafland is not appointed from above but is chosen through an election. It is an unusual system, but... Previously, a lord appointed by the state used his power to commit various atrocities, worsening public safety. The situation nearly escalated to the brink of rebellion, leaving a blemish on the record. Reflecting on that experience, it was decided that the lord would be chosen by the people's vote. Even if a foolish lord is elected, it’s the people who voted for them, right? The authorities can use that as an excuse. Plus, the citizens are not fools. Since the lord affects their lives, they choose carefully. In fact, Edward Ascart, who was elected in the last election, implemented good governance. He strictly adhered to the law and did what was expected. It may seem like a small thing, but it is the most important aspect of being human. Such qualities were appreciated... It was said that Edward would be re-elected

My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

  Chapter 112: A Rival is Born {TL: By Creed} "...... What did you just say?" If I didn't mishear, Lena just said... "Go out with me." I didn't mishear. "Um, wait, uh... What!?" "Haha, you're too surprised." "Well, even if you say that..." It’s been over a decade since a girl last confessed to me. In fact, since Sofia. It’s no wonder I'm so shocked and flustered. "Wow... Fate, even though you have Sofia, you were hitting on another girl? The worst." "Daddy, you're the worst?" "That's right. Your dad did something he shouldn't have." "Wait, wait, wait!" Please, don't misunderstand. Also, don't tell Aisha such outrageous things. "I didn't do anything! I only just met Lena." "Really? There's no twist like you actually met before?" "None!" "That was quick... Well, should I believe you then?" "Whew..." I sighe

My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

  Chapter 111: Meeting at a restaurant {TL: By Creed} "Hey, this is a restaurant! If you want to hit on someone, go to a place meant for that! Oh, but with a face like yours, it's probably impossible. Women will only give you attention if you pay them. How sad... Oh no, I'm going to cry. But I won't pity you! Even if your face is hopeless, it's fine. I prioritize personality. But you, you're an absolute no-go. Your heart is horribly ugly! So, go home already!" Licorice's relentless barrage of insults. I mean... Does she really have to go that far? Even I feel a bit taken aback. Also, it's bad for Aisha's upbringing, so I'd appreciate it if she toned it down a bit. "......" The large man was dumbfounded. "What did you say, you bastard!?" It seemed he only realized he was being insulted a moment later, and he became furious. Licorice quickly hid behind me. "Come on, Fate! Deliver justice!" "This is all so me

My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

  Chapter 110: A Certain Trouble {TL: By Creed} Leafland is a town full of greenery. Not only are there several parks, but trees and flowers grow everywhere in the town. Individual houses are adorned with numerous flowerbeds... It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that the entire town is enveloped in green. The pleasant scent of nature. The sound of insects and the fragrance of flowers. Sensing these things brings a great sense of peace to the heart. After about thirty minutes of strolling around the town... I quickly grew fond of this place. However... "Is it really okay to just leisurely take a walk like this?" Sofia is currently in the middle of a big argument with Edward. Emilia suggested that the fight wouldn’t end until evening and recommended that I take a walk. Sofia may seem graceful, but when she gets truly angry, there's no stopping her. Not even I can calm her down. Knowing this well, I decided that staying at the mansion was pointless, so I took Aisha an

My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

  Chapter 109: The Writhing Shadow {TL: By Creed} A small house on the outskirts of Leafland. Inside, there were two figures. One was an elderly man. His white hair extended to his shoulders and was neatly groomed. His beard was also long, but well-maintained, giving him a calm demeanor. He appeared to be nearly eighty years old, yet there was no sign of physical decline. His back was straight, and though he had no muscle, his body gave the impression of being as strong as steel. His physique seemed to assert that now was his prime. The other was a girl about fifteen years old. Though fifteen is considered an adult, her young features made her look more like a child. If she claimed to be an adult, many would say, “No way.” Her body matched her appearance, still childlike. Her chest was flat, she was short, and her frame was small. Though cute, she lacked the charm of a woman. However, her face was as beautifully arranged as a jewel. Gentle, sweet, and pretty. An unmistakable beauty. &q

My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

  Chapter 108: I want you to acknowledge me {TL: By Creed} Because the family quarrel flared up again, the test was postponed indefinitely. "I'm sorry. I'll go sort things out, so please wait here, Stuart." With that said by Emilia, Licorice, Aisha, and I returned to the guest room. We sat on the sofa, leisurely eating cookies and enjoying the tea the maid had prepared for us... BOOM! RATATATATATA! KABOOM!!! From time to time, thunderous sounds echoed through the room. Each time, the floor shook as if an earthquake had occurred. Since it was a fight between a sword master and a dojo master, it was quite intense. However, being the second time, we were already used to it. Aisha wasn't scared either; she was eating cookies with a smile. "Aisha, you're dropping cookie crumbs." "Huh...?" "Stay still... there, all clean." "Thanks, Daddy." "You're welcome." "You two are so calm even at a time like this...&qu

My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

  Chapter 107: Childish Adults {TL: By Creed} "Ugh..." Axel, who had a broken wooden sword pointed at him, bit his lip in frustration...  Then, after a moment, he softened his expression. He let go of the broken wooden sword and raised both hands. My name was announced as the winner. "Alright, I surrender... Damn, you're something else. I'm not the best in the dojo, but I do have some skill, you know? And yet, to be defeated like this... Ah, it's frustrating." Despite his words, Axel looked somewhat refreshed. I probably had a similar expression. Clashing swords, connecting hearts.  Perhaps that's what had happened. "Ugh..." Edward-san, unhappy with how things turned out, groaned in frustration. Sofia spoke to him with a smile. "Father. You will acknowledge Fate now, won't you?" "......" "Fate defeated the person you appointed and demonstrated his strength. There was no foul play. Everyone here is a witness. Fat

My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

  Chapter 106: Test of Strength, Part 2 {TL: By Creed} Engaging in a test of strength, we clash our swords in a fierce struggle. Gripping my sword's hilt firmly with both hands, I step forward with my right foot and push with all my might. Sofia had told me that I possessed the physical abilities of an S-rank. If that’s the case, a bit of brute force shouldn’t be a problem. However, Axel isn't giving in easily. He counters my strength with technique, skillfully deflecting my force. I feel no resistance. It’s as if my sword slips through the air effortlessly. Not missing this opening, Axel strikes. But I see it coming. I raise my wooden sword horizontally, using it as a shield. After blocking Axel's strike, I attempt a sweeping kick. He’s not easily toppled, but it forces him to retreat momentarily. "Is that all you've got, kid? Relying on brute strength without technique is a disgrace to any swordsman! I don't know who taught you, but both you and your master a

My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

  Chapter 105: Test of Strength, Part 1 {TL: By Creed} First, they wanted to test my abilities. We changed the location to the dojo for this. “Now, we will conduct a strength test.” “The rules are simple. Fight the opponent we designate and win.” “Hmph... Don't think you can win easily. Also, if you do anything dishonorable for a warrior, you will be disqualified at that moment. Not only will we send you away, but we will throw you in jail.” “Ah, but you don’t need to fight using only a sword. Since we are simulating actual combat, anything is allowed—martial arts, magic, whatever.” “Eh... Sofia's Mo-Mother, isn't that...?” Edward seemed puzzled by the unexpected turn of events. In contrast, Emilia continued speaking calmly. “Does the husband have any objections?” “This is a sword dojo, so shouldn’t we only be fighting with swords?” “Oh my, that’s an odd thing to say Divine  King Dragon Swordsmanship is designed for real combat, isn't it? Even in matches, using things o

My childhood friend, who I promised to marry in the future, came back as a swordsman

  Chapter 104: Mothers are strong {TL: By Creed} "Emilia! Why have you come here? I said I would handle this brat!" "I was worried about how things were progressing, so I came to check. And, as I expected, it seems necessary... so I'll join you from here on." "No! It is unbecoming of the Ascart family to sit with such a nobody..." "I will join, won't I?" "No, but I said that's not..." "I will join, won't I?" "...U-uhm." Edward-san was overwhelmed by Emilia-san's smiling pressure. Could it be that he can't stand up to his wife? If that's the case, I feel a bit of kinship with him. Though it's slightly different... I can't stand up to Sofia either. "It's been a while, Stuart-kun. Do you remember me?" "Ah, yes. It's been a while, Aunt Emilia... you are Aunt Emilia, right?" "Yes, that's right. Have you forgotten my face? Well, it has been over ten y